The Lion King
Why is everyone enthralled when certain individuals speak and when others say the exact same things the people are not interested? Why are dictators and politicians able to wield awe-inspiring influence even with all their faults? Are you unable to change the minds of people to your way of thinking? You can classify yourself. What is this secret power that can change the hearts and minds of their listeners? The spiritual master tells us that everyone is divinely endowed with this power. Then how is it that some have it and some don’t? This is because most of the faculties God has given us stay completely dormant from non use.
This inherent power comes from the soul. It is called magnetism and it is the power to create and attract whatever one needs for well being and happiness. Unfortunately most people’s magnetism is unevolved with few being highly evolved enough with this power to influence and attract. Most people are on the same plane with either physical or animal magnetism which dictators have and primarily functions materialistically. This is a lesser form of magnetism carried over from past incarnations. There are many different labels given to this power but the highest form is spiritual magnetism whereas wealth magnetism is wrongly desired by most people who have no clue about spiritual magnetism.
Some types of magnetism such as wealth magnetism, mental magnetism, bodily magnetism, are very desirable to have. There is also Spiritual magnetism the grandest of them all. Those who are spiritually magnetized have it all. And the reason for this is that when every cell of your body is spiritually magnetized you attract the One that gives all. Amplifying the force of your spiritual magnetism will help you in every way possible. Again we see the universal laws to attract and repulse working here. Powerful magnets attract from greater distances than magnets that are smaller and weaker. A powerful mental magnet can attract a human being from a great distance, regardless of the barriers and boundaries. When you have mental magnetism connected to the heart, borders mean nothing. In order to clothe yourself in garments of magnetism, learn to control yourself, have kind words, positive actions and deeds.
How would you like to develop your own spiritual magnetism and attract not only what you need but to be able to wield this power at will? All positive efforts you make will be imprinted in your subconscious mind as a habit groove from incarnation to incarnation if reinforced often. The development of this power starts with your dietary habits. I will make it very simple to understand. No 1. Consider the quantity and kind of foods you are putting into your body.
There are many elements that wrongly influence the development of magnetism like wrong eating. This means not just overeating but stuffing yourself or overloading your system with red meat. You will see the dullness in people’s eyes as they diminish their own magnetism by draining the life force from adverse effects. Plenty of foods are not suited for our bodies and are consumed daily. Eat more foods that are pure like veggies, grains and fruit and moderate your intake of meat.
Over eating is a form of greed and those who partake in it consistently have no magnetism while people who fast on a regular basis amplify their magnetism. Fasting is beneficial in many ways. Revitalized forces in the body increase magnetism. When you fast your mind is clear. Think to yourself that you are being sustained with cosmic energy and not starving yourself.
The exchange of magnetism between people and their surroundings is constant. What does that really mean? Be cautious in who you shake hands with for when you do a magnet is formed and magnetism is exchanged where the stronger person will absorb vibrations and the weaker will be the recipient of good or bad vibrations. This is why on an unconscious level people love to shake hands with famous people.
We are told to avoid the company of the sick minded, alcoholics, drug users and so on. Being is the same environment with wrongdoers you will feel and absorb their bad magnetic vibrations. We are all connected with fibers of energy and you are taking to yourself the very bad qualities of that person. You have no idea how you are being connected. We have all heard that the mind is like a radio but that basic knowledge is for the uniformed. We are all connected with our brain with fibers of energy and we are one with this creation and we share the good and the bad no matter how you try to avoid it. This is the law.
Weak minded people must avoid the company of individuals with bad habits. Now if you are strong minded you can mingle with them without harm if your intention is to help them change. Of course there are protections from negative vibration and one is calmness. If you are uptight and nervous you will be receptive to all kinds of vibrations; however, if you become calm those harmful vibrations cannot unsettle you.
Those in the spiritual inner circle are very aware and “steal” magnetism from saints. To get into their company is not so easy. Renowned and celebrate saints never waste their time and have to be convinced of your urgency and your heart. Then their vibrations will automatically be freely given if you are near them, however their vibrations can still be felt thousands of miles away because their vibrations being spiritual in nature are limitless. Still, you have to be receptive in order to absorb and feel their vibrations. The best time to feel that they are with you is when you are praying and meditating.
Watch your thoughts and use your time wisely and don’t be a chatterbox. Excessive talking dissipates your magnetism. If you suffer from talkativeness or are a gossiper bite your tongue and heed these words. Small minds talk about people all the time, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas, and the wise man doesn’t talk. The wise man learns and does not talk because he knows he will not be understood. The wise man becomes quiet and silent while becoming acutely aware of all motions of life and he never complains. He realizes that all things in life sub serve a divine purpose and wisdom begins to percolate into your being and you begin to understand everything. From the spiritual teachings of PY.