Spiritual Crimes The River of No Return
What is a spiritual offense? When someone ridicules your spiritual beliefs or uses them to make you fell inferior, you are experiencing spiritual abuse. To call forth God’s judgment is to revel over the faults of one’s fellow beings and criticizing them in a spirit of intolerance. Some overly liberal websites and social media are delving in unscrupulous sensationalism with an uncharitable agenda becoming scandalmongers not the healers of immorality.
The lowest hell is reserved for those who mislead others on the spiritual path. There is no higher treachery then to use God to mislead people. Those people are going to the lowest possible hell and believe me hell exists. Nevertheless any one of them who uses holiness or religion for individual attainments, to put up their own agenda for political gain, business or financial largess creates unto themselves a heavy judgment of misery and baneful bad karma.
$5 Billion in Columbia Grants Under Review for Jew-Hatred
“Antisemitism — like racism — is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the U.S. secretary of Health and Human Services, said.
Institutions that receive federal funds have a responsibility to protect all students from discrimination,” she added. “Columbia’s apparent failure to uphold their end of this basic agreement raises very serious questions about the institution’s fitness to continue doing business with the United States government.”
The karmic consequences start here. Be careful now because you are your own judge and you will punish yourself through evil or good actions for your next incarnation. To free yourself think before you act if you are a liberal hater. By defaming others, and by interfering with spiritual or religious beliefs. To destroy or harm the soul of others is an extremely grave and fateful karmic spiritual crime.
Worst of all are those who mock and criticize Christianity are actually mocking God. The Olympics opening ceremony mocking Last Supper. The opening ceremony was criticized for making a mockery of “The Last Supper” – one of the most revered moments in Christianity. If you are about to do something wrong remember the 11th commandment. Thou shall not get away with it. This is in stone.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had to apologized for a social media video in which she wore a Harris-Walz campaign hat and fed Doritos to a kneeling podcast host in what some critics said made a mockery of a sacred Christian rite. The karmic consequences are mounting up.
The Democrat was seen in the clip taking a Doritos chip out of a bag and placing it into the mouth of a kneeling liberal podcaster Liz Plank, before the video panned to the governor wearing a camouflage Harris-Walz hat. While Whitmer said the video was intended to spotlight. Religious leaders saw it as a spoof of the sacrament of Holy Communion.
We have a political party which is pushing every day for the right to kill whoever they think is inconvenient. These people who revel and celebrate the right to kill little babies/children, they’re gonna do it one way or the other. They’re gonna do it with law or they’re gonna do it with healthcare. If a man kills an unborn child its homicide but if a woman does it it’s just her choice.
I was recently reading how some of the devotees defend abortion not considering it killing a human. In the latest talk distributed by SRF Daya Mata ONCE AGAIN reminded us to NOT KILL other humans. THOU SHALT NOT KILL!!!! It Went in one ear and out another for many who call themselves devotees. How many times does she have to say this? Br. Anandamoy too.
He repeated it many times. I’m disgusted to no end today. Ugh! Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!!!!!! And we as a Nation and world head for destruction because of immorality and unrighteousness. I am happy for the old-timer disciples who left before it got really bad. I’m wondering if I will be so lucky as to leave before I have to see this world get even darker. This is the karmic law. Erase from your dictionary the word innocent if a cosmic law is violated out of ignorance, fear, or any other possible motive.
Katherine Hamilton23 Apr 2024
President Joe Biden took the opportunity during a speech promoting ending the lives of unborn babies via abortion to mock former President Donald Trump for promoting Bibles.
Now it is necessary to understand when an abortion takes place, the mother is interfering with the progress or spiritual evolution of that soul. By killing it you are inhibiting the development of the ego of that entity. By thwarting this process of growth this living entity must again wait in the astral world for its chance to complete its designated karma in another body. One of the consequences for having an abortion is in future incarnations the mother in question will have to suffer the same sorrow of being aborted to experience the same loss of spiritual evolution.
Dim minded people who foolishly hope by ending their life to get away from the miserable burdens of their bad karma have another thing coming; suicide multiplies their karmic burdens by fueling it instead of removing it. Those individuals who have left their bodies in a state of sin as with those who foolishly and ruthlessly committed suicide are thought of as tainted souls in the astral spheres.
When Is Love Going To Succeed In This Planet
First you must learn this: Do you know when love is going to succeed in this planet? In a higher age in Treta Yuga, in Setya Yuga, in about two to four thousand years when the savages and barbarians are all gone, when they are not allowed to be reborn in such a planet because the vibrations are too high. In the meantime, the good, the bad and the ugly will all be here with you.
Did Jesus succeed with his infinite love to convert the Romans, did Mahatma Gandhi convert the Muslims and Hindus not to kill each other, did Martin Luther succeed with his love? The master tells us there will be at least two thousand more years of wars on this earth.
‘Blasphemy’: Democrats Don Lemon Suggests the Virgin Mary’s Husband, Joseph, Was a ‘Gay Guy’
Former CNN host Don Lemon suggested that Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary, was a “sort of gay guy” who smuggled her to Bethlehem to avoid persecution for being pregnant and unmarried.
Lemon made the comments on a recent episode of the Micahel Steele Podcast, in which he cast the Biblical Nativity Story as a gay man’s attempt to save himself and the pregnant Virgin Mary from rigid, fundamentalist persecution.