To Avoid:
It is when prescribing drugs like Statins, daily Aspirin (stomach and brain bleeding) Giving Vaccines (Countless Side Effects) Root Canal (They deteriorate after a few yrs and cause sever inflammation all over the body, remove them) Fluoride Toothpaste, Flu Shots, Mammograms (now being banned in many states) Chemotherapy (Doesn’t Work) etc— that doctors do the most harm. Any drug you are offered make sure you quietly check the side-effects before you take any drugs as most are worse than the illness. If more people understood that medicine and drugs is not healthcare, prevention is. Natural treatments are harmless and cause no dangerous side effects. Do you think a drug with 32 pages of side effects is health care? Think again!___
Everything negative written about Natural Healing on the internet is written by Big Pharma and their surrogates. They use scare tactics to brainwash the masses.
For example, if you have a doctor who tells you to get vaccinated for Covid 19, you have a horse doctor. Oh, but he is so nice and has been my doctor for years. Don’t go back to him or her, for they all new the dangers. One in three who have been vaccinated get blood clots, neurological damage and other numerous side effects. The other two will still have medical problems down the road and need to be detoxed. The same with Statins never take them or daily aspirin.
Some of these doctors will scare you to take these drugs, don’t argue with them just drop them. The food your eating is being tampered with by Monsanto chemicals, Bill Gates and others. Save your money and only buy organic foods. Eating out, and eating fast foods can be very bad for you health, You have no idea, the cancerous additives they use are to make food taste delicious.
Drugs do not heal they help to relieve symptoms but have serious side effects and if taken prolonged they can damage or even kill. If you are healed from natural remedies Big Pharma losses sales and money. That’s why they want you on Meds for life not to cure to make money.
There is new data that millions of people have died world wide not from Covid 19 but from the vaccine.
Hospital staff faced threats for reporting adverse events and deaths related to the vaccines, Macrae revealed. She also stated that medical professionals were met with retaliation for objecting to protocols for isolating patients and denying families access and input over their treatments. acording to Macrae, in the first months of the pandemic hospitals were nearly empty as elective procedures halted — a scene that contrasted with media claims of overwhelmed capacity.
It is now widely accepted that at least 40 per cent of all the people who are given prescription medicines to take will suffer uncomfortable, hazardous or potentially lethal side effects. I say ‘at least’ because, for a variety of reasons, the vast majority of doctors never admit that their patients ever suffer any side effects. In Britain, for example, five out of six doctors have never reported any drug side effects to the Authorities — authorities who admit that they receive information on no more than 10-15 per cent of even the most serious adverse drug reactions occurring in patients. In other words they admit that they never hear about at least 85-90 per cent of all dangerous drug reactions!
If drugs were only ever prescribed sensibly, and when they were likely to interfere with a potentially life-threatening disease, then the risks associated with their use would be acceptable. But all the evidence shows that doctors do not understand the hazards associated with the drugs they use and frequently prescribe inappropriately and excessively. Many of the deaths associated with drug use are caused by drugs which did not need to be taken.
Because the real figures about drug hazards are hidden most patients assume that all prescribed drugs are safe to take, will act in a predictable, effective way and are of recognized quality and standard. None of these assumptions is correct. Patients who take drugs are taking a risk; they are often taking part in a massive experiment and by taking a medicine may become worse off than if they had done nothing. To make things worse no one knows exactly how big the risks are when a particular drug is taken. Drugs are potential poisons that may heal or may kill.
In an average sort of year in a developed country at least 1 in 250 people will be admitted to hospital because of a drug overdose. One in 50 of them will die. That’s bad. But even more worrying is the fact that every day thousands of people are admitted to hospital not because of an overdose but because a drug taken at prescribed levels has caused serious and possibly life-threatening symptoms.
Doctors and drug companies are, it seems, using the public in a constant, ongoing, mass testing programme. And the frightening truth is that far more people are killed as a result of prescription drugs than are killed as a result of using illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine.
The treatments for many common diseases such as arthritis, backache and allergies such as hay fever and eczema frequently provide inadequate relief and often cause adverse effects which are far worse than the original complaint. Although the drug industry can be blamed for failing to perform adequate tests on the drugs which they put on the market it is only doctors who can be blamed for overprescribing and for the inappropriate prescribing of drugs. Doctors are now a public menace of phenomenal proportions. A study in Australia showed that 470,000 Australian men, women and children are admitted to hospital every year because they have been made ill by doctors. The figures also show that every year 280,000 patients who are admitted to hospital suffer a temporary disability as a result of their health care. Around 50,000 of these suffer permanent disabilities.
A staggering 18,000 Australians die annually as a result of medical errors, drug toxicity, surgical errors and general medical mismanagement. What a terrible indictment of the medical profession. In America the death rate from medical ‘accidents’ is running at around 200,000 a year. Figures in Europe are no better. Doctors kill far, far more people than breast cancer or, indeed, most other types of cancer. When I mentioned in a radio broadcast that one in six patients in hospital are there because they have been made ill by a doctor, a representative of the medical establishment did not try to argue the point but merely pointed out, with apparently genuine pride and absolutely no sense of the absurd, that this at least meant that five out six patients in hospital were NOT there because they had been made ill by a doctor. (No, I could hardly believe it either. But I listened to a tape of the programme afterwards, and that is exactly what he said.) Not even members of the medical establishment can deny that doctors are a major cause of illness and death — well above all other forms of accidents combined, and ranking alongside cancer and heart disease.
It is perhaps not surprising that it is now reliably estimated that at least 12 per cent of scientific research is fraudulent. * The tests and investigations which doctors use to help them make diagnoses are also unreliable and the likelihood of a doctor accurately predicting the outcome of a disease is often no more than 50:50. Two pathologists carried out 400 post-mortem examinations and found that in more than half the patients the wrong diagnosis had been made. This presumably also means that in more than half the Patients the wrong treatment had been given. And since modern treatments are undeniably powerful it also presumably means that a large proportion of those patients may have died not because of their disease but because of their treatment. The two pathologists reported that potentially treatable disease was missed in one in seven patients. They found that 65 out of 134 cases of pneumonia had gone unrecognised while out of 51 patients who had suffered heart attacks doctors had failed to diagnose the problem in 18 cases.
Here, just for the record, are some of the specific errors modern doctors make. These are the modern equivalents of putting the mentally ill on the tranquillising wheel; the modern equivalents of bleeding the sick and the restless in order to mask their symptoms and drown their complaints.
1. Doctors rely too much on high-tech equipment for making diagnoses. They forget that high-tech testing and diagnostic equipment can often be fallible and that common sense is a grossly underestimated weapon in a physician’s diagnostic armoury. Too often it is the test result which is treated, rather than the patient.
2. Modern doctors are addicted to prescribing. They forget (if they ever knew) that the basic needs of the human body are fresh air, fresh drinking water, good food, regular exercise, plenty of sunshine, a little peace occasionally, and an acceptable environmental temperature. Instead, doctors rely heavily (almost totally) on drugs which are often ineffective and frequently dangerous. Doctors (led by the drug industry) like to believe that they have been responsible for improving the quality of our health — and life expectation. They’re wrong. Clean water supplies, efficient sewage disposal, the telephone and central heating have all had a greater impact on our health than the entire medical establishment. Penicillin and X-rays, arguably the two most dramatic and significant medical discoveries of all time, were both discovered by accident. Neither of those discoveries were made by medical practitioners.
3. The medical establishment says that vaccines are good. And so doctors jab away, encouraged by the fact that they get paid well for every vaccination they give and (in the UK at least) have to pay a financial forfeit if they fail to vaccinate a high enough percentage of their patients. (I wonder how many patients know that when doctors recommend vaccination they do so because the more they vaccinate the bigger their annual bonus will be.).
4. Doctors constantly fail to assess new technologies and drugs before making them widely available. New surgical techniques are often put into practice without there being any evidence to show that they are safe or effective. And many drugs are put on the market — and made available to millions of patients — before they have been proved to be effective and safe. It is constantly surprising to find out just how little research is done into fundamental medical practices. For example, the other day I tried, unsuccessfully, to find evidence showing that dental flossing is safe and effective. Doctors and dentists recommend flossing but no one, it seems, has bothered to do any research to find out whether flossing damages the gums (causing bleeding and then forcing bacteria into the tiny cuts) or helps remove debris and keep gums healthy.
5. Because the medical establishment is owned by the pharmaceutical industry doctors steadfastly refuse to acknowledge alternative remedies which can often be safer and more effective than orthodox remedies. 6. Doctors remain woefully ignorant about the principles of healthy eating. Most doctors give little or no advice on food. When they do give advice it is often terrible. To give just one example, most doctors still don’t realise that meat and fatty food are major causes of cancer. (When you realise that, just a few years ago, most doctors surveyed didn’t know that tobacco was a major cause of cancer this is not quite such a surprise.)
Doctors kill patients (and make them ill) for two main reasons. The first is that many are, generally speaking, professionally incompetent. Never take Statins or aspirins.
If more people understood that medicine and drugs is not healthcare, prevention is. Do you think a drug with 32 pages of side effects is health care? Think again!
Your best chance now of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Here is why: HERE
The commonly prescribed painkiller and anti-inflammatory, ibuprofen, has been linked to shrinking testicles, lowered testosterone levels and infertility issue in a shocking study.
With plummeting testosterone levels and skyrocketing infertility levels, the revelation adds fuel to the fire, as fitness coaches and health gurus scramble to draw attention to the looming disaster.
In 2018, it was estimated that 15% of Americans take too much Ibuprofen — with the recommended daily limit being 3200mg per day. Additionally, Americans take an estimated 30 billion doses of painkillers similar to and including Ibuprofen which totals 16.5 million prescriptions.
Researchers from Denmark and France found in the paper Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that prolonged use of the commonly consumed painkiller could have some nasty side effects.
Net Doctor reported: “The small study, made up of just 31 male participants aged 18 to 35 years old, showed that taking ibuprofen increased the risk of compensated hypogonadism – a hormone imbalance whereby an individual has higher levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) than testosterone.
“For the research, participants were split into two groups. one group received 600mg or ibuprofen twice a day two weeks before and 30 days after an exercise session while the other acted as a control group. For the ibuprofen group, blood tests showed an 18% decrease in testosterone after 14 days, rising to a 23% decrease after 44 days.”
What is particularly alarming about the study is the participants were consuming around a third of what is considered a safe daily dose.
According to the study:
Concern has been raised over increased male reproductive disorders in the Western world, and the disruption of male endocrinology has been suggested to play a central role.
Several studies have shown that mild analgesics exposure during fetal life is associated with antiandrogenic effects and congenital malformations, but the effects on the adult man remain largely unknown. Through a clinical trial with young men exposed to ibuprofen, we show that the analgesic resulted in the clinical condition named “compensated hypogonadism,” a condition prevalent among elderly men and associated with reproductive and physical disorders.
In the men, luteinizing hormone (LH) and ibuprofen plasma levels were positively correlated, and the testosterone/LH ratio decreased. Using adult testis explants exposed or not exposed to ibuprofen, we demonstrate that the endocrine capabilities from testicular Leydig and Sertoli cells, including testosterone production, were suppressed through transcriptional repression. This effect was also observed in a human steroidogenic cell line.
Our data demonstrate that ibuprofen alters the endocrine system via selective transcriptional repression in the human testes, thereby inducing compensated hypogonadism.
Taking Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) before or after training can interfere with recovery.
Acute inflammation is a necessary part of recovery.
Excessive Ibuprofen consumption has been linked with stomach bleeding, heart attacks and death.
Referring to the study, Dr David Kristensen, of Copenhagen University, said:
“Through a clinical trial with young men exposed to ibuprofen, we show that the analgesic resulted in the clinical condition named ‘compensated hypogonadism’ – a condition prevalent among elderly men and associated with reproductive and physical disorders. In the men, luteinizing hormone (LH) and ibuprofen plasma levels were positively correlated, and the testosterone/LH ratio decreased. Concern has been raised over increased male reproductive disorders in the Western world and the disruption of male hormones has been suggested to play a central role.”
He added:
“Several studies have shown mild analgesics exposure during foetal life is associated with anti-androgenic effects and congenital malformations. But the effects on the adult man remain largely unknown. Ibuprofen appears to be the preferred pharmaceutical analgesic for long-term chronic pain and arthritis. Therefore, it is also of concern that men with compensated hypogonadism may eventually progress to overt primary hypogonadism, which is characterised by low circulating testosterone and prevalent symptoms including reduced libido, reduced muscle mass and strength, and depressed mood and fatigue.”
Medical Xpress also added: “They further report that the change caused the pituitary gland to respond by producing more of another hormone, which forced the body to produce more testosterone. The net result was that overall testosterone levels remained constant, but the body was overstressing to compensate for the detrimental impact of the Ibuprofen—a state called compensated hypogonadism.”
Low testosterone levels have been connected to a myriad of health issues in men from infertility to depression and early death.