Each time you interfere with your conscience by not listening you are back into ego consciousness, ignorance and duality. You have your mind with your human intelligence which endlessly lies to you then you have divine intelligence and your Conscience.
You cannot have cosmic intelligence until you work one hundred percent with your conscience to open up the gate to that intelligence. The key is your conscience. Your conscience is God’s cosmic intelligence vibrating through you.
As men progress life after life, they become aware of a constant increasing demand of perfection imposed by their own conscience. He then becomes aware of a gigantic battle within himself of two powers, one destructive, leading him toward increasing misery, and one power leading him toward everything which is noble, beautiful, uplifting and an inner awareness of a faint remembrance of a lost paradise where he knew nothing but joy and bliss. There are some who have momentarily expressed the beauty they had within their soul. That is, as you begin to strive to live and walk in beauty, therein gradually within you comes some remembrance of who you were, because right now we are in a state of cosmic amnesia; we don’t know where we come from.
But this intuitive inner call to regain our inner perfection is the cause of all our suffering we face in life, and it means that it creates in us a choice we have to make between good and evil, which is the architect of our character. If you are going to be in tune how much will you listen to the inner voice of your conscience when you have the choice between right or wrong, good or evil which will determine what kind of character and architect you are to build your destiny.
This wisdom which we are seeking can only be reawakened through meditation to motivate you and to finally reawaken your conscience. That’s why for so long meditation has been left aside, because meditation forces you to face yourself. When you begin to face yourself in meditation; you begin to realize what you are doing to yourself. That’s why so few want to meditate. They choose to keep restless all the time, so they are not aware of themselves.
For that reason, the Master says, “You must analyze everything which happens to you in your life with the mind firmly anchored in God’s intuitive wisdom, which alone gives undistorted answers to all the ‘why’ of our lives.” And as long as you have to question another individual to guide your life, you have distorted perceptions. The moment you deeply think, you are going to find a way out of your problem. So you go to somebody else; you want somebody else to think for you and tell you “How am I going to get rid of my problem?” when actually you are just a plain lazy thinker; you refuse to think for yourself. It’s simple. The Master says, “Remember, you have a quality within yourself which is called initiative, which can,” he said, “remove a great many crippling barriers in your life, our lack of imagination, our lack of initiative, our unwillingness to think.”
This life is a constant imposition on us to regain our inner cosmic perception as divine beings with all the suffering we experience, all the present and drastic situations we find ourselves in and with the vast intelligence of nature, this planet is going to teach us some very humbling lessons.