Target FORCED to Cut Grocery Prices After Trump’s Victory—Deep State’s Inflation Scam Is FALLING APART! They thought they had TOTAL control—over the economy, the markets, even your ability to put food on the table. The Deep State, the globalist elite, the corporate overlords—ALL of them meticulously planned to CRUSH the American middle class. Then TRUMP ..
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If you don’t know read on. It is common knowledge among the spiritual masters and sages that heaven has many mansions. The astral world or what many call the astral heaven is where many go because of their righteous life during their stay here on earth. In the astral world there is a tremendous evil ..
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You can not drink twice from the same running water and you can not watch the same live event twice. The events change; the water passes by; you are not the same person as you were a second ago. Your thoughts have now changed, your sum total is in a different proportion. Take life simply ..
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Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations. The future: new potential/new target diseases Today, inexpensive Ivermectin remains a relatively unknown drug, although few, if any, other drugs can rival Ivermectin for its beneficial impact on human health and welfare. Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic agent, primarily ..
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According to the report, people who use black plastic kitchen utensils like spatulas or slotted spoons can be exposed to an average of 34.7 parts per million of decabromodiphenyl ether, or decaBDE, each day. This chemical is part of the polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDE, family of flame retardants. A study found that people with ..
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Why going into the second part of your life is the most important part of your life. Who new? As a person enters their 60s, it’s common for them to start really feeling the health effects of aging. Many people might need glasses or hearing aids, or their doctors may warn them about a sharply ..
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Is the enemy our corrupt politicians in our government, fake news or keeping the wolf away from the door with the high cost of living, no it’s not. Your real enemy is right within you. The subconscious mind that operates without your permission is the enemy within. You have three minds, two of them constantly ..
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Do you think this world will be responsible for your actions or have your back when you are in trouble or overindulge? Don’t give all your energy and time to this world and earthly pursuits. There are various states of consciousness acquired during your life on earth which will be your passport to where you ..
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Need a cost effective writer that haunts your mind to enjoyment, to deep thoughts, to understanding? There is beauty in creating something that did not exist before. Thus, like a different thought, words written in shades of different tones that invite the awakening of understanding, wisdom, and imagination. There is beauty in creating something that did ..
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Be wary in the study of fake news and the self-confidence of your intellect. Why does the spiritual master also say “ordinary people are ill-equipped in their receiving to comprehend the truth of deeper wisdom of spiritual writings?” Here is a perfect example of what could happen if there is a liar or an error ..
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The use of mental pictures is a basic tool used by thousands of successful people. Here is a simple way to make this use of mental pictures effective with a minimal investment of time. I consider this to be the most important use of mental energy there is for a sales person. I learned early ..
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In order to, safely, go through this jungle of life, you must equip yourself with the proper weapons. There is resistance the moment you try to accomplish something. There is resistance from the earth when a plant emerges from a seed, the insects and bugs go after it, and the weeds choke it and compete ..
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When karmic disease is imposed upon those who have dragged their feet long enough away from spiritual laws, some from previous incarnations, finally, as a karmic accelerator cancer comes into their life so that they can destroy a karmic bill of many incarnations to come in one single lifetime; therefore, even cancer is a blessing ..
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Do You Have Multiple Personalities From Past Incarnations Where Foul and Negative Thoughts Come Up In Meditation? Why does this happen when someone would sit to do a noble thing like meditate? There are some who when they sit to meditate obscene, negative and disgusting thoughts stream into their minds. People on the spiritual path ..
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Truth Be Known. A reminder to those who are devotees or students of the Divine. We are told by the great ones and spiritual masters that a human being has been endowed with only twenty-five percent of free will. Where is the remaining seventy-five percent? It is broken up between pre-natal and post-natal instincts, habits ..
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Do you want to be like the salivating dog harnessed to a cart with a sausage dangling out in front on a pole, pulling progressively more and more a tormenting life as a slave to his desires, forever thinking, “when I get her or him I will be happy.” What if that day never comes? ..
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Now is the time to change your place in your karmic fate. The spiritual master explains that many samskaras (dormant seeds of bad karma) from past incarnations also reside and wait in the spinal region ready to spring forth when karmic conditions are right, ready to germinate in a karmically defined time either physically or ..
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If you encountered a large crowd of ordinary people, physically healthy and well dressed, and if you had the gift of sight and power to observe their mental bodies, what a heartache and surprise you would have. You would see their mental forms with senses and feeling as the trunk, reason as the head and ..
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Daya Ma said “America has been flushed down the toilet” The US is no longer floating downstream. It has gone over the falls – in free fall. Just a matter of when it will hit bottom. World Crisis Pages 1 To 18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What should we do? Earth is an awful place and there is ..
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As men progress life after life, they become aware of a constant increasing demand of perfection imposed by their own conscience. He then becomes aware of a gigantic battle within himself of two powers, one destructive, leading him toward increasing misery, and one power leading him toward everything which is noble, beautiful, uplifting and an ..
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Part 1 and 2 Part 1. In the organs of man we find so much perversion of the organs due to unnatural living starting in babyhood it is almost impossible for man to rely on their own judgment when choosing what is right to eat. Natural organic foods consist of fruits and vegetables, a variety ..
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Wicked people who seek low company in their earthly existence are therefore reborn into a sinful family. Habitually sick people are reincarnated in families prone to illness as the miserly rich ones are reborn into poor homes. When you strap a heavy bag of gold on the back of a mule it does not profit ..
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In A World of Relativity Is This Possible? Can the fanciful efforts of an under developed spiritually retarded individual jump-start to a higher state of realization with intense meditations? As inevitable as it is in a world of relativity; good and evil, darkness and light it seems as you try to expand yourself it holds ..
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Anybody we hurt on the other side of the earth affects us all physically. It is like hitting your foot with a hammer and oh! my head hurts. Everything happening on this globe today affects our daily life in thoughts, words, feeling and actions. We have cosmic love and cosmic hate and these forces keep ..
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Do you want death to surprise you? No, I don’t mean to frighten you; down the road life will take care of that. This is just a humble warning to save yourself much pain and disappointment. We are all guests of this world but you have made yourself an unsuitable guest by possessing a tiny ..
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Listen Closely As Our Menue Options Have Changed Please Continue To Hold….. How would you like it if your prayers were put on hold because you could not get through? Maybe you should call God’s Complaint Department for Unanswered Prayers. Everybody thinks their problems are the worst. Are You Sabotaging Your Own Prayers Find Out. ..
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The Master was giving a Satsang. For those of you in `Rio Linda` a Satsang by definition means listening to spiritual discourses from learned and holy people. This is Satsang. Years ago the Master was chuckling as he gave an analogy and said “In old India donkeys are used for carrying laundry. In seeing a ..
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Who is going to be your judge at deaths gate? Who is going to judge you? Is God judging you, is God a tyrant as the old prophets has shown in the bible, a wrathful God, a God who destroys cities and worlds? It is God’s Sole Impartiality in judging with absolute fairness with no ..
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Remember this to those who want to end the countless cycles of rebirth, the love of your body is nothing but the love of your own jail. Not that we should reject it but do not be attached to your body. You do your part in this creation as more of an observer and are ..
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If you are here on this planet now, you have failed your earthly school of evolving in your last life to reincarnate to a higher planet. Then what is the cause of your failure? Are you on your way to do the same thing with your diet to end up sick as you age? Don’t ..
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Opulence necessitates advantage, and requires a circumstanced environment. If you are not in an auspicious encouraging environment there can be a thousand mentally superior minds, but if they are not in that karmic induced surroundings they will have to labor hard for many incarnations to come before the rule of economic development that allow them ..
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The Voice of God Some Who Say They Know Don’t Know. What is it that we do not realize? That is what the mind does not accept, due to delusion, due to the power of Maya to keep us deluded into believing that this Cosmic Dream is the reality. And so, “The Voice of God” ..
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The importance of changing your karma is as follows: Seventy five percent of your freewill is taken away by your karma. You have a bare twenty five percent and with it be sure to choose God. When you develop your spiritual consciousness you are free. Most are not free; most men and women are the ..
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If you yearn, want or wish for something badly you must have the ability to acquire it or it goes into the subconscious burial ground of unfulfilled desires corroding the heart. There is no similarity between wishing for something and willing it. In wishing yourself to be a millionaire or the president of a country ..
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What You Don’t Know….. The Expert’s Opinion Versus the Spiritual Master. Those who are called experts share some of their revelations about gossip in the workplace in the next four paragraphs and after that follows the judgment of the spiritual master. A professor of communication says “lets foster an ethical environment that encourages positive forms ..
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For those who are seeking prosperity or even a better job and those who are trying to negotiate something important, strong faith can work wonders. 1. Just by imposing supportive thoughts in the minds of others you can work miracles and by concentrating your thoughts and prayers in a strong and positive way you will ..
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Much To Avoid: It is when prescribing drugs like Statins, daily Aspirin (stomach and brain bleeding) Giving Vaccines (Countless Side Effects) Root Canal never never get them. (They deteriorate after a few yrs and cause sever inflammation all over the body, including heart damage, remove them if you have any) The dentists are no different. ..
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Our Universities Are The Wuhan Lab of Woke-ism, Marxism and Antisemitism. It’s where the virus was created, it’s where it mutated and where it spread. Markist took over our collage faculties and administrations. There is a special warning here for anyone, especially parents and would be parents Part I and part II what you will ..
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What Is Satan…….. The good and evil in this world are nothing but shadows of light that shape the contrasts essential to create God’s universal cosmic movie. On the dark backdrop of evil you see the white purity of righteousness demonstrating its virtue. All children of God must go through testing by cosmic delusion in ..
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Here is a perfect example of the climate hoax. If you were watching TV tonight and your official weather expert told you what the weather was going to be in 25 to 40 years from today would you believe it? No, then why in the world you believe these global warning scare mongers that in ..
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Most of the info on this is blocked by Big Pharma and BigTech. While the world is on a vaccine frenzy, The dangerous vaccine changes your DNA: Warning to watch this: Just say No and never take booster shots if you were vaxed. Continue. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If You Have Been Vaccinated There is A Good Chance ..
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The Lion King Why is everyone enthralled when certain individuals speak and when others say the exact same things the people are not interested? Why are dictators and politicians able to wield awe-inspiring influence even with all their faults? Are you unable to change the minds of people to your way of thinking? You can ..
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The cosmic IRS will find you in any disguise you are wearing. If the mafia has a contract on you and you take refuge in the monastic order they can’t touch you, but they will wait. The mafia in New York waited seven years for this man to come out and that is when they ..
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Updated 2 weeks ago PREPARE FOR COMMS DOWN/LIGHTS OUT… Within the short term, we face a very high possibility of an intentional “comms down” scenario where all communications in the US -No Power, No cell service, no internet, no land lines. A comms blackout. This could also include a take-down of electrical power. Just in ..
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Better Not. The masters say there is a penalty for those who refuse to allow their lives to be guided by divine laws. There are universal and cosmic laws that compel man to be active in creation. Everyone in this creation has obligations and responsibilities toward this creation. All the sacred writings are full of ..
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He said America is going to go from “so much” to “so little” and that there will be a severe depression much worse and longer than the first one in the 1930’s. He said in that first depression hundreds of people jumped out of wall street buildings; in the coming depression there will be thousands. ..
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Yogananda was explaining in his lecture in 1946 at the San Diego Temple in California that perfection can never be found in this world. If perfection existed here in this world no one would ever want to leave it of their own accord and go back to God, here is why; as you clearly see ..
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The Karmic Fate For Those Who Don’t Meditate and The Karmic Fate For The Ones That Do. There are many different kinds of yoga, there is Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyana Yoga. And taking the best of all these things constitutes Raja Yoga (Kriya Yoga), which in Self-Realization Fellowship, you receive Raja Yoga. ..
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If you are Pro-Choice you are in for a karmic fall. True or false? If you don’t know read on. Yama and Niyama is the very basic fundamental belief system of Yoga. Understanding when Yama and Niyama conservative laws are broken by supporting abortion and other “liberal” agendas the karmic cycle begins . Therefore, there ..
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In the science of understanding karma you very quickly realize you are not dealing with ethics, moral codes, or constitutional rights; but you are dealing with cosmic laws and magnetic forces few people are aware of therefore you become more intelligent and you do not fight anymore with anyone; you begin to study your own ..
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Guru Yogananda said…”Dear Durga, I know not when I have been pleased with anyone next to Saint Lynn. Among my men disciples Mr. Lynn has the first seat in Heaven and in my heart and among my lady disciples you will have the first seat with Sister in heaven and in my consciousness. Your behavior ..
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Bodily Freedom is Not Real Freedom. It is truly rare to see a “free” man or woman. Most men and women think they are free while their consciousness is completely shackled in psychological chains. These are not like ordinary chains for in their subtlety they are even harder to get rid off because of the ..
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Lets clear up some misconceptions about meditation. There has to be clarification between what real meditation is and all sorts of misconceptions like visualization, contemplation, reflection, introspection, deep thought, pondering, daydreaming, musing, self-absorption, self-examination, self-observation, self-questioning, soul-searching, reasoning, speculation, analyzing, doing any of these is not doing true meditation. There are many paths and scores ..
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11 Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food? November UPDATES.. We Have A Right To Know What Were Eating and Not Frankenfoods That Frankenstein Would Run From Fake Food Updated GMO Foods. If It’s Not Organic Don’t Eat It. If you don’t buy organic vegetables: Watch out for corn, soybeans, sugar beets, squash, potatoes, papaya, ..
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Every thought, every action is based upon a burst of energy which directs the neuron biochemistry into our brain and unless we get in tune with love, it is impossible to understand each other except through that love. Love embraces, love understands all things, and it becomes intuitive. Many people have so many prejudices in ..
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Paramahansa Yogananda has said any drastic or sudden bad actions you are witnessing now of any coalition in America or in the politics of the world should not alarm the people in the United States too greatly nor incite in them unwarranted anxiety or fear for the security of their hard-won freedom and their countries ..
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Most people believe that karmic seeds from the past remain buried in the superconsciousness and subconscious mind which consists of three brains, physical, astral and ideational. Dormant traces of bad karma and bad habits are very well implanted there and they are known as samskaras. These traces of bad karma and bad habits remain inside ..
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The mistake made by novices is that the moment they feel inspired they try to change the whole work place with an all out revolution to convert everyone, but this type of eagerness arouses antagonism in the work place. No one wants to be told what to do when they are not seeking guidance; you ..
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Based on reason man is a logical spiritual animal and like animals early in life are generally absorbed in inherent animal cravings. This is why when restless children dig in dirt, eat, and move around for no apparent reason in passing their time are animal-like. Some older people behave immaturely like robot zombies who have ..
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If you are here on this planet now, you have failed your earthly school of evolving in your last life to reincarnate to a higher planet. Then what is the cause of your failure? You are binding your soul with Samskaras. What does that really mean? Any deep-seated desires in earthly life linked with attachments, ..
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1 THROUGH 8.….One thing is for sure, no one in this world deals with so many failures as a meditator. Even the weakest football team in the world will score a goal sometime and even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while. A meditator has to face constant failures. When we ..
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Can You Increase Your Wealth? This is for people at all levels. What is magnetism and how can I get it to work for me? There is wealth magnetism, mental magnetism, bodily magnetism, and spiritual magnetism. Spiritual magnetism is the grandest of them all. Those who are spiritually magnetized have it all. Again we see ..
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SIMPLICITY IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS. what does that mean?…Simplicity is not grinding poverty: It is not the polar opposite of wealth. To live simply is to pursue a quiet path of moderation. In a life of balance between opposite extremes lies inner happiness. People everywhere, in their quest for happiness outside themselves, discover in ..
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Do you know what is coming tomorrow or the next day? The likelihood of suffering is nearby. The average person is not free from this possibility. So what can we do to start learning all of this. First start reading the right books, here are three written by the great master Paramahansa Yogananda that reveal ..
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Also How To Clear Up Misunderstandings of Direct Bible Quotes From So-Called Experts and Writers. Why do you think Jesus spoke in parables? His disciples asked him why and he said, “You are advanced in spiritual thought and receptive and the enlarged cup of your comprehension can grasp the oceanic expositions of truth from my ..
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They are evil beings or falling angels who dwell in gloomed drenched regions of the lower astral cosmos working out their evil karma in the nether regions of dark astral worlds in base natures in vile conditions that are primarily dominated by manifestations of evil and they appear from time to time on our earth ..
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Do you declare to yourself: I am a Hindu, I am an American, I am a Muslim, I am African American? That is the same as wearing a badge stating what you are. What if you as a Frenchman hate the Hindus, Moslems or the Pakistanis? If you do racial prejudice restricts you. With the ..
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How would you like to find out who have you been and who you have turned out to be now and what your current karmic conditions are? A warning to those who want to retrace their past lives out of curiosity. Some of you who may have seen fragments of their past lives in dreams ..
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If you want to become like steel and refuse to be affected by negative emotions continue reading and you will learn one of the main foundations of yoga, even-mindedness. In yoga you are never taught not to feel but are asked to shield yourself completely from destructive emotions and from certain programming from your computer, ..
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_______________________________________________________________________________________________ People who wallow deeply in worldly gunk are insensitive to the understanding gems of wisdom of the sages who talk about invaluable happiness of keeping the “self” under total control. As it is said never cast your pearls before swine nor give that which is holy unto the dogs, they would doltishly trample on ..
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My personal life is private and none of anyone’s business. If you suffer from talkativeness or are a gossiper bite your tongue and heed these words. Small minds talk about people all the time, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas, and the wise man doesn’t talk. The wise man learns and ..
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You can now learn how to visualize success and learn spiritual concentration at the same time. A small number of people understand completely the meaning of concentration; still less men and women actually know how to concentrate. The true meaning of concentration is to collect all of your attention at one point, but if your ..
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What is your karmic destiny from the world today? For those of you who have had enough of the endless cycles of reincarnation here is the knowledge for you to apply. The Master tells us to disassociate the mind from the mass media and think independently free from the limitations imposed by this present age. ..
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Unfortunately the real meaning of truth is not plainly understood by most of us. The real meaning of truth is its exact correspondence with reality. The opposite effect happens when people develop the bad habit of telling little white lies all the time. If you travel this road you will find it difficult to ever ..
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Which Is Stronger Willpower or Environment? She says my will is stronger then my environment. Is she right? If you are not sure read on. All dormant seeds of karma in your subconscious mind can find expression in your environment when appropriate magnetism re-energizes and reactivates it. What does that mean? There are samskaras, seeds ..
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If you don’t know or your not sure read on. In old India’s ancient times where the holy ritual of Baptism originated a Hindu saint sitting by the holy waters of the Ganges said to his would be chela, “bathe in the holy waters if you must but know this; you might temporarily wash away ..
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If you still want to remember continue. There is after-death oblivion of consciousness, identity and previous memory. If you don’t know what that means continue reading. While our souls are still closeted in a powerless body in the womb, memories of the past cause the baby to move around with activity; it incessantly tries to ..
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There are those RARE devotees who surrenders and makes Master’s life choices their life choices in all things including political party. These days, many devotees claim loyalty to Master but reject any notion to change their voting. To join to the party of Yama and Niyama the very basic, fundamental belief system of Yoga. Yama ..
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Sexual immorality frequently controls otherwise ethical and moral persons despite their eagerness and purpose to pursue the acceptance of moral correctness. As soon as one is stimulated by act or thought, the sexual force is the most compelling sense desire to be controlled and the most enslaving mortal habit there is to bring into line ..
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The laws of karma govern out what is measured in the degree of prosperity one has been dealt with in life. Your past karmic actions will determine your financial success not your happiness. In spite of that there are outer circumstances that cause happiness or joy to temporarily express itself from within but to the ..
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Well, while egg is arguing with chicken about evolution, let me explain. Then you ask which was first the seed or the tree, the chicken or the egg? Isn’t it true that trees come from seeds, but it’s also true that the seeds fall from the trees? Well which was first? All these kinds of ..
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The Anatomy of Charisma How To Attract Wealth. There is one type of magnetism that attracts all. I will explain. For example Charisma magnetism gives some the ability to hypnotize nearly anyone into doing almost anything, as one of its by-products will make you more convincing and gives you the ability to influence people to ..
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Are you eating red meat even once in a while? Learn the dangers now. And there is underdeveloped memory. What is the real meaning of undeveloped memory? Yogananda tells us memory gives us the power to recollect our past experiences and we were given memory so as not to forget specific experiences and consequently neglect ..
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As the falcon of death swoops down onto the bird (man) to release him from his bodily cage the bird screeches in sheer terror mentally as he is paralyzed by the grip of impending death. Wait, is this how it is supposed to be when the bird feeling at ease in never-ending space. Unfortunately when ..
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There are four stages of life that begins at conception. The first stage is the very second the spermatozoon of the father fuses with the ovum of the mother. The second is a large flash of light in the astral plane. The third stage is where the soul enters into that vehicle of light and ..
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This will take you to a wonderful place.
Turiyananda says there is physical disease, mental disease, emotional disease, spiritual disease and karmic disease. Now let me reveal to you a side which the science of our days, the medical science has not acknowledged, “evil disease” an insidious disease resistant to medical treatment. Our health is not only biological but it is controlled by ..
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Is there a test to determine which friends are true friends from the past? Yes, I will explain. What a wonderful experience it is to recognize and meet somebody you knew before, a person with whom you have journeyed the same roadmap of life within previous incarnations. So, in one way we are all strangers ..
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For Advance Thinkers. The sages have taught through the millenniums the structure of the laws of harmony. They revealed to those who could understand there is a play of unseen forces and unseen controllers of everything living and moving in this universe. The very foundation of the universe and everything in it rests upon the ..
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How To Spot A Classic Fake Propped Up Intellectual. Have You Been Misled By The Pundits and The Intellectuals. Are you sick of getting economic, social and political advice that ends up not working or making any sense and things keep getting worse? Then pay attention, you’re watching the mainstream media, MSMBC, CSPAN or CNN ..
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_ These websites, and mainstream TV stations with their editors, journalists, and reporters who peddle leaks, fake news and gossip are around like vultures that soar high in the sky but are always keeping their minds eye circling on the carrion on the ground below awaiting their chances to swoop in to pick at the ..
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Slick, silken-tongued, prospective employees are easy to find and abundant and could easily cause your company ruin. With careful observation, using your own intuition and judgment, you can learn to pick employees with superior qualities. Looking within yourself do you really feel qualified to hire or reject the best or worst applicant? You can classify ..
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Do not discuss anything personal with your co-workers, especially about your income, home life and personal beliefs (religion, politics, etc.) It is okay to discuss general things, such as current events. You will see that when disputes arise your co-workers are not your friends. When you are working with your co-workers be aloof and cautious; ..
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