Do You Have Multiple Personalities From Past Incarnations Where Foul and Negative Thoughts Come Up In Meditation?
Why does this happen when someone would sit to do a noble thing like meditate? There are some who when they sit to meditate obscene, negative and disgusting thoughts stream into their minds. People on the spiritual path do not to want indulge deliberately in degenerate, filthy and sensual thinking but deeply buried within the subconscious mind are multiple personalities from past incarnations. That is why most people are laden with thoughts and moods which are remnants of past personalities. These annoying thoughts sporadically arise from the subconscious mind.
The simple answer is that person is not yet actually meditating because the meditation efforts are to shallow. You must go deeper. For you in this world with so short of time to meditate put intensity, develop intensity, if you have fifteen minutes put in everything you’ve got and then you will find that patience will not be necessary.
What is happening is for the first time in their life, possibly many other lives’, they are beginning to know themselves by going within. When the mind in the past has dwelt on degrading, worldly and negative things, the subconscious mind is full of those thoughts therefore when you first start to look within naturally this is what comes into sight. The most responsible cause for this is the company you keep but mostly the mental company you entertain in your own thoughts and feelings from the sensational programming steaming from the violence in movies and television and you are not aware of what takes place in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not realize or know the difference that what you see in a movie is not real.
Any negative qualities you have, know that you have implanted them within yourself. As long as you feel drawn to that kind of entertainment, you are manipulated by a force in your subconscious mind you have no control of and if you are not automatically repulsed by anything violent, vile and foul to the point of dragging you down, these evil thoughts, actions or feelings will begin to magnetize the cells in your subconscious mind with destructive thoughts. All things in this universe are interlocked by the laws of magnetism through which you may draw all the misery you fear the most into your life. One must not only resist violence but one must not want anything to do with it.
If you try to follow every natural health law, what do you have in your mind that sees and loves violence? Your daily mental habits have a sphere of influence over your daily life. Habits are like glue that attaches everything to your person, good or bad. Good habits attract advantages while bad habits attract disadvantages.
Television, movies and computers conditions ones level of consciousness. We must protect our subconscious mind from our mental environment. The majority of people are totally unprepared for what is coming to them in life. The minds of negative people are constantly discouraged and restless when positive thinking makes the difference between the divine man and the ordinary man. There are two ways of looking at every situation, positive and negative. Make sure you look on the positive side and never wallow in negation otherwise you will never have inner peace and meditation can be very challenging.
The nature of man’s consciousness is pure as the wind driven snow but all this negativity obscures its purity. You must rid your subconscious of all taint to gain the ability to meditate and if possible learn the meditation technique of Kriya Yoga to purify your consciousness. The dark thoughts start to vanish or settle as you still the mind and discipline yourself.
As those who become more advanced in meditation learn only by pratyahara where the mind goes within is it possible to completely concentrate in meditation otherwise the mind will experience sensations and thoughts arising from them. To control the breath is to control the mind. The mind cannot control the mind. We are trying to teach through meditation about the periods of time where you are not breathing. When doing the breathing technique of Hong-Sau you systematically begin to slow down the breath and it becomes shorter, gradually shorter and then periods of where there is no breathing at all. That is the breathless state. That is when the things you need to know will vividly appear in front of you on the screen of your mind as the soul is reawakened.