Astrologers take notice. There are several ways of divining the future with variable dependability. You may foretell a person’s future by astrology, by observing his character, the tarot, palm readings or by retracing his past lives. Individuals with ordinary insight may only partly foretell the actions of a person by using the inferential and observational abilities of the intellect. But by using this method there are many inherent defects for if there is the slightest error in discerning the individuals motives or behavior the conclusion could be completely wrong. All the prophecies of the happenings on earth as well as human earthy affairs are not necessarily predestined.
Previous events that have taken place in an earlier time period have left vibratory images in the ether and there are some who possess a slight amount of psychic ability or power who have sensitivity and may occasionally tune in and see visual images or mental visions but not as a science or art that can be reliably practiced.
Doing this would require the power of omniscience used mostly by prophets in telling future events. Likewise, according to the heavenly ordinance of karmic law of cause and effect vibratory potentials are thrust into the ether of future events and have a likely consequence of causes or effects that were previously initiated. However causes that were originated from human actions and forming as future events are not necessarily inevitable, they change and can evolve drastically according to the actions of man’s free choice by transmuting energy and integrating into those cause and effect vibrations. Those who have the ability to link the future and past according to existing conditions can predict a certain outcome. Alter those conditions and the result may cancel out the prediction. By misreading the heavenly scriptural signs and duped by their mind’s eye they find themselves embarrassed as doomsday prophets.
Turiyananda was asked is “Astrology A True Science?” Yes, but very rare and in tune with the divine will, only a real prophet can make accurate and true predictions. When the prophets make known some fortuitous divine plan, years ahead at times, it is a definitive testimony. This is not a simple business, so if you consider yourself to be an astrologer, start considering what you are saying as one astrologer told a friend, “you will be dead in ten years.” Can you imagine a mistake like that? If you tell people that all kinds of terrible things are going to happen to them, it will happen because none of us are positive enough or fearless enough to reject negative ideas or suggestions. We are afraid of the unknown and when someone begins talking about the unknown cautioning us, we are afraid.
You must understand that our whole galaxy or present universe is moving at incredible speeds. Therefore, how are you going to find out the exact planetary conjunctions of a child at birth? Only a master can through his intuition. You see if you are off more than a few seconds you cannot have an absolute exact condition. Masters use their intuition and wisdom to recapture the moment.
The true master does not depend upon the testimony of clocks and calendars; for him there is a deeper astrology. Not with one-dimensional sensory eyes, but like a bolt of light on a photosensitive film, the master shoots an intuitive photograph of the person’s soul and is able to intuitively film his whole life. The physical form is seen by the human eye but the third eye penetrates even more profoundly down to the universal pattern where all men have an individual and integral part wherein the birthday and hour are not necessary for an astrological analysis. Here is a deeper explanation of the above.
The true spiritual masters bypass the unresolved messages of the stars and go directly to the guidance of the Divine Intelligence that rules the set of laws that controls the heavens, the stars and all human actions and their lives.With today’s science a doctor may predict by careful examination whether a small child will grow up to be vigorous and healthy or will grow to be vulnerable to disease by the age of thirty and so by their inner Christ-like vision, masters can determine the precise consequences from the results already carried out by actions performed by men through many of their past lives.
Certain circumstances are conditional and by the power of yoga concentration and free will it is possible to change karmic outcomes subjected to the strong influences of the stars. The Christ-like master has the power to scan the inner nature of the individual through his omniscient knowledge and give the individual a chance to change his malicious karmic pattern and avoid the predictable outcome thus outwitting the stars that were charted at his birth.
Learning your horoscope can have a tendency to freeze or weaken your willpower and paralyze you with its inaccurate messages. Karma rules the brainless stars and your fate. We are not made in the image of astrology. You have to be a highly advanced being to be able to tell the karma of a person and his future and you can make tremendous karma when you influence a person to believe things that you believe to be true, for if you are an astrologer, for every mistake you have made in your astrological chart you are going to take a portion of that karma of the individual. This subject is much too vast to be grasped philosophically and mathematically except by wise men with profound understanding. When ignoramuses misinterpret the stars and see a scribble in place of a script that can be predictable in such an imperfect world. Is astrology a true science? Yes it is, but there are few scientists who understand it.
The real astrologers make a scientific study of the law of causation governing human actions and they are not satisfied with telling you the past or predicting your future only. They teach you the art of averting an unwelcome event or stimulating the fruition of a desirable event coming to you as a result of your past evil or good actions. Good astrologers tell their students only what will benefit them, and do not like to satisfy idle curiosity. They say there is no use in telling you what is coming to you anyway unless one can also show you the way to control or regulate your self-created destiny. Otherwise ignorance is bliss.”
Now our greatest minds of the day can still not understand what the masters are telling us, when is a human being a human being. At one second the moment the spermatozoon fuses with the ovum of the mother there is a huge flash of light in the astral world and the soul goes into that vehicle of light and enters at the base of the spine into the body of the mother. And it is only because the soul is there that the body can develop. It is the intelligence of the soul that develops the body. If only people would listen to the masters and remove their pride there would be less confusion.
Spiritualizing astrology is a very complex subject. If your body is very strong and your mind is powerful, and certain destructive vibrations radiate from the stars due to past karmic blueprints in your subconscious mind, and they begin to shed their rays upon you, there will be no reaction at all because you will be impervious to their rays, your shield is strong. How do you develop this shield? Suppose your body and mind are weak at that particular moment and your biorhythms are low and your immunity is weak due to certain transgressions such as wrong eating, lack of exercise and sexual abuse. What will happen? The cosmic rays will have great power to affect you.
There are certain outward protections, such as astrological bangles that have a specific weight, consisting of three metals combined in a pure form of silver, gold and copper. Certain sizes of diamonds can also be effective. Unfortunately, if you are not spiritually strong the radiation will start affecting you in a destructive way when using large stones as a shield. A perfect example of being exposed to large diamonds was Elizabeth Taylor. This famous actress was known for wearing some of the largest diamonds in the world. She became ill for many years and very few understood about her exposure to wearing large diamonds. However if you are highly spiritual, you will absorb the radiation and the magnetic shield will protect you.

An airplane or a house can be fitted with a lightning rod to attract the stun of the lightning and be protected. Just the same way a human temple can be protected from ceaseless magnetic and electrical radiations emanating from the heavens. It was discovered by the sages that when metals are pure in form they transmit an astral light which is a powerful counter measure against the negative pull of the stars and planets. When wearing an astrological bangle, you never remove it even for cleaning. They are made by the monks of the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles California or their counterpart in India. They may now not be available to the general public. But their lesson students may have access to them. Unfortunately because of the cost of gold they are very expensive.
When the planets decide to take an unfriendly interest in you, worry not as you can protect yourself with an astrological armlet. For more information see chapter 16, “Outwitting the Stars” in the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual classic, which explains this in detail.
The whole idea is that if you do not protect yourself constantly when you are healthy those karmic laws begin to come to collect bills. Children should learn these laws to be able to take care of themselves. You must reprogram the computer of your subconscious mind with strong positive affirmations. Astrology is a scientific study of the astronomical influences which comes at certain periods of your life according to the planetary conjunctions of certain planets and time specific magnetic fields, attraction and repulsion. And you are born at the very specific time where specific conjunctions are there and which guide your entire life if you do not control your destiny by willpower.
How can you control your destiny? Take Nostradamus, who with great accuracy could see four hundred years into the future happenings of the world. He predicted the colossal drought which is happening in parts of the world today and all the starvation in Africa. You see, the future is already made, the movie is finished. It is all there on the big screen of this cosmic drama. But you can change your destiny. Fate means that you make absolutely no effort to stop all kinds of things from happening to you. You let yourself sink into the misery of the experiences of life because the moment you suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you start fighting like a wild animal; then you begin to remember who you are. The soul does not evolve, it must be reawakened.
The quicker you learn how to control your destiny the less suffering you will have.When looking within your inner mirror through meditation you attain intuition. Then it will not be necessary to depend upon the limited knowledge of predictive sciences like astrology. You will then have your decoding machine through which you will be able to see the future not from astrological, palm readings or the tarot. You are going to see directly everything concerning you what is coming in the future and therefore you can begin to change. The calm neutralized mind sees all events of the future that appears vividly.This is the reason astrological analysis when practiced by astrologers with unawakened intuition is inexact. The predictive science of astrology when derived through the all-knowing attunement of God’s divine consciousness becomes eternally true.
Therefore these illuminated seers can perceive directly the mathematical effects from a person’s past-life actions and the accompanying details of forthcoming events.Once in a while, veiled in complete mystery definite prophecies are hidden in complex languages and are offered to mankind to reawaken faith and hope of the subtle presence of the hand of God in creation. The same as the movie-director plans out the various scenes in his filming to be projected at the correct and proper time likewise God with His angelic helpers arrange the moment in time for the projection and manifestation of certain magnificent events in the universe. As there is a proper time for all things, the universe runs like a clock mathematically adjusted by the fingers of God and His angelical assistants. When the minds of mundane people are encircled with the inky-mist of ignorance, God sends his prophets and saviors at certain periods in time to redeem the souls that are sunken in darkness.
These great ones frequently decide the hour of their birth within favorable astrological configurations of the celestial bodies, which radiate their particular individual vibrations that interrelate with each other for good outcomes or disorder. These heavenly symbols can only be interpreted by Christ-like prophets with their intuitive perceptiveness. Recognition and discovery are not even vaguely conceivable by the complex charts undertaken by modern day astrologers. Even the unbelievers are convinced when enlightened seers make prophecies of fourth coming events.
There are vibratory pictures of distant or future events that are now passing through the ether. The vibratory thought patterns of an event that is to occur in the upcoming future is there in the ether now according to the laws and action of cause and effect. You can develop the power of protecting your family from future accidents which are waiting for you according to cosmic laws as the solar system moves, we are moving in to space time continuum where everything is waiting for you as the solar system moves into the news of tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. Everything is already written about your ego, but you are not the ego, you are not made in the image of the stars. Therefore in the degree you change your status as a spiritual being you can change the future; that is, you can change what is going to happen to you. When the future is there waiting for you, you won’t be there.
How can you start right now protecting yourself from future accidents? Here is the key. When you get into your car say these words, “my Lord I have not forgotten you.” Just one word of God may save your life, remember that. Just by saying these words you may be saved from a fatal car accident waiting to happen to you.
As long as you question whether or not you will win or lose your battles in life, you will keep on losing. Don’t stand still and don’t go backward. Most people are engaged in a tug of war or are stationary. Your will power will determine what you are going to do, not your karma, not your horoscope, not your bad habits. When predictive sciences are practiced with unawakened intuition the analysis is inexact. Part II continues.
Is Astrology A True Science Part II. Out Witting The Stars
Part II continues. All things in the universe attract one another either by strong or weak gravitational electromagnetic impulses. Thus the influences of the planets are nothing but ones environment which is dependent upon your own karma. It is you who attracts such influences as a certain husband, wife, friend or family. You draw a specific person born to a specific sign. There are planetary influences where you have a hard time getting along with specific people who are there to teach you specific attitudes. You must understand that anything that happens to you in life sub serves a divine purpose. You may say “oh I have the wrong wife; oh I have the wrong husband.” They are there attracted by your own inner environmental magnetic field which I will further explain. When you let yourself be governed by the environment to which your karma has magnetically drawn you, you are ruled by the vibrations of that particular planet.
Astrology is the mathematics of our life and the mathematics of our actions. So how are we going to disconnect ourselves from the stars which have great power to affect us? Well actually it is quite difficult to do so especially if we do not meditate, here is why, according to the masters in the science of astrology you very quickly realize you are not dealing with ethics, moral codes or constitutional rights, but with cosmic laws and magnetic forces few people are aware of and we find the relation of the stars to the body and mind are very subtle.
Putting aside the mundane type of astrology of charting horoscopes from the testimony of clocks and calendars, let me tell you about a deeper science. Spiritualizing the twelve signs of the zodiac is a science so advanced it speeds up man’s evolution. It is a true science practiced by great masters and their disciples using two special techniques, known to the practitioners as Hong-Sau and Kriya Yoga.
The Kriya Yoga technique is always preceded by a special breathing technique called Hong-Sau. These are powerful techniques. One hour of Hong-Sau is equal to going into a Trappist monastery, entering into a cell and remaining there for twelve hours praying unceasingly. Now, one hour of Kriya Yoga is equivalent to twelve hours of Hong-Sau. Why? The master explains that the natural evolution of mankind, the unenlightened masses will be enlightened through thousands and thousands of incarnations automatically as the earth rotates around the sun in three hundred and sixty five days going around the twelve signs of the zodiac. A similar occurrence takes place in your body. Your spiritual eye is the sun and the twelve signs of the zodiac are your six chakras, six up and six down and by polarity that makes twelve. It will require one million revolutions of the current going up and down the spine until every cell of your body has the proper frequency to receive the final charge of cosmic consciousness for enlightenment to come to you as a cosmic flash of light.
The masters devised a technique duplicating the cosmic motion of nature in exactly thirty one seconds causing a motion of current going up and down the spine giving you one year of evolution each time you do one Kriya technique, like the time machine of H.G. Wells, and if you can do one million Kriyas in one lifetime you can attain cosmic consciousness. There are thousands of people quietly practicing these sacred techniques all over the world and only those with good karma end up actually getting Kriya as you must practice the technique of Hong-Sau for several months to condition your body before you can practice Kriya Yoga.
A full explanation may not be given to the general public because of certain yogic injunctions, but it can be given from an authorized instructor of Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles or Yogoda Satsanga Society of India. However a broad explanation must be sufficient. For more information see chapter 26, “The Science of Kriya Yoga” in the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. This book has transformed the lives of thousands seeking the spiritual path.
There is a relation of our spinal plexus to the signs of the zodiac. We have an outer and an inner universe working together. We have the sun and the earth rotating around the signs of the zodiac. Attraction and repulsion causes these currents in the spine to move up and down the same way the earth rotates around the sun in twelve months. These currents, at the same time, are moving through our spine every year charging our thirty thousand billion cells with higher frequencies. However, we immediately waste them away with either too much sex, disease, over eating, drinking or smoking; we overdo everything except when we meditate. The coexistence of a loose emotional life and the great science of yoga will never work. Instead we are constantly depleting ourselves of properly charging our chakras with energy by putting it into our five senses. The repulsive cosmic illusion (maya) brings our consciousness downward from the heart-center to the sub-conscious.
Most people don’t meditate so when we allow our feelings to reside in the three lower chakras of the spine it causes forty two physiological and emotional imbalances such as suspicion, criticism, gossip, resentment, worry and everything else that hurts is all located in these lower chakras. The energy located in the lower chakras is weak because it is not yet awakened to help us when our consciousness is there. The great magnet called kundalini or coiled-energy has not being properly distributed in every chakra to harmonize itself; the energy is all locked up at the base of the spine ceaselessly dragging us downward like a gravitational wave hence here is the power of repulsion which brings us into the five senses of maya, the cosmic illusion, the great power of attraction.
The masters tell us and emphasizes to those in the inner circle there are two sets of powers we have to face. All parts of creation are linked together in interchanging influences. The balance and rhythms of the universe are rooted in reciprocity that is as long as our consciousness is in our lower chakras; we must go through that balance, the dual scale of maya where every pleasure is balanced with a pain. Now if we can lift that great cosmic energy in the spine to the spiritual eye and we function in the higher chakras, we can be in the world with every sphere of consciousness and still be uninfluenced by the world. The first force we must deal with is the tumult within our being caused by the mixture of earth, water, air, fire and ethereal elements.
These elements are uncontrollable inharmonious stirred forces of the lower chakras and are the ones constantly affecting us. These magnets draw upon us positive and negative attraction so each time we feel worried, anxious or fearful we are living in these lower chakras which gradually impregnate our subconscious mind with negative magnets and every fear, worry and the like get drawn back toward us. Only we can balance our chakras through yoga-meditation or the spiritual masters, but they are not allowed to do so.
Cosmic energy is constantly fed with positive electromagnetic energy from outer space and it enters into the medulla oblongata through the lower back of the head where we have a positive and a negative antenna in both sides and when it enters the medulla it forms a number of magnetically attracting centers of energy, chakras and consciousness. Each human being carries a bundle of these magnets which draw positive or negative attraction according to their strength. Our inner spine is actually our magnetic field and we attract to ourselves that which is good or bad. Our thoughts determine what kind of energy goes into our chakras. Thoughts are not energy, they are portions of consciousness.
Our thirty thousand billion cells are thirty thousand billion portions of ourselves and when our thoughts go down our consciousness goes down with it, straight into our sub-conscious mind. Here, in the realm of the sub-conscious, our consciousness encounters the great library of multi-personalities of about five hundred thousand past incarnations and according to our current mental environment various personalities begins to manifest in the conscious mind. For instance, modern psychiatry is a bit lost in accepting multi-personalities but we do indeed have multi-personalities.
We have had countless sub-conscious videotaping from incarnation to incarnation from the diversity of people we have met and the many situations we have lived which influences our brain daily but we are unable to perceive how we change and affect our bodies and minds with our actions and how these changes affect our chakras in the spine. These centers are directly correlated with the twelve sings of the zodiac and hold great electrical currents with millions of volts locked up inside.
No matter what the environment we live in, all the surroundings rays of earth and the universe react upon our bodies. As we respond to these rays, there is a reaction between them and the stars around our bodies. These rays around our bodies are what we call aura. The aura is the radiation emitted by our thirty thousand billion cells. Certain negative or destructive vibrations radiates from the stars due to the attraction of past karmic blueprints in the computer of our sub-conscious mind. These specific destructive vibrations begin to shed their rays upon us and if our shield is strong there will be no reaction because we will be impervious to their rays. The cosmic rays will have power to affect us only if our biorhythms are low or if our mind and immunity are weakened by lack of exercise, too much sexual activity or wrong eating. As long as we train ourselves to keep our bodies in shape, fast regularly, watch our diet, never eat pork (that’s right) , pork can be deadly, be cautious with eating beef and very careful not to weaken our aura by letting disease or destructive forces enter our magnetic field to affect us, we can develop a strong protective shield.
The inner spine is the most important part of our being. It is alright to run, jog and train the body to keep it fit but we must put the same amount or even more efforts in meditation so to develop the power of attraction toward God until it becomes more powerful than the repulsive attraction of consciousness to the human body because we can have a perfect body in this lifetime but if our chakras are not awakened, forget it, as long as we have human desires we shall have a human body. Only when we have no more human desires we will have no more forced reincarnation in a human body.
Every part of the ego that has been given to us has been given to mislead us. Burton Russel once said, “Oh Lord, if you will forgive me for the little joke I did to you, I will forgive you the big joke you did to me” and what does that mean? It means the moment God gave us ego-consciousness we live in a state of amnesia as spiritual paraplegics and this is what the masters refer to as the spine becoming spiritually paralyzed. We need to walk in the state of intuitive awareness. The great masters and yogis are souls walking with a body (aware of its divine nature) and we are bodies walking with a soul. That makes a world of difference in the kind of perception we have around us. We must all become spiritual paratroopers and not be afraid to jump into the infinite.
Do you believe there is a divine plan for every life? One is an astrological plan and the other is a divine plan. The first has everything already written about us and our ego-consciousness as puppets of destiny in a marionette show. The latter gives us an opportunity to change and bypass the show. God’s divine plan gives us the opportunity for free choice. From the teachings of PY.