Paramahansa Yogananda has said any drastic or sudden bad actions you are witnessing now of any coalition in America or in the politics of the world should not alarm the people in the United States too greatly nor incite in them unwarranted anxiety or fear for the security of their hard-won freedom and their countries safety. From judging the collective bad and good karma of different nations, the great sages and masters of India by examining history with their intuitive perceptions can predict and decipher the fate of countries in times of war and peace. It has been predicted that America possesses a sufficient stockpile of good karma accumulated from her past good actions which availed to liberate Europe, England and Russia from Hitler’s powerful and vast army.
The good karma of the allies so befogged the mind of Hitler with their invisible forces that he mistakenly chose to invade Russia instead of conquering weakened and drained England hurt by her terrible losses at Dunkirk. The essence here is to reiterate the truth of America’s past good actions and India’s saints preventing Hitler’s blitzkrieg, her all-powerful airplanes and V-2 rockets from taking England in 1940.
America, liberator of Europe, Russia, England and India can defeat any aggressor no matter how strong and aggressive with enough stored up good karma by causing any enemy to misjudge its strategy and bungle its politics, if there is to be a third world war. America who freely helped all nations was then denounced for dollar imperialism. Such ungratefulness is bad karma from her accusers especially for those nations who have accepted her financial help. To halt this envious criticism all America has to do is quit giving her alleged imperialistic greenback to these ingrate nations.
Rest assure if there is another world war America will be victorious because she has the best good karma therefore my dear Americans you will be protected not just by good karma but by the fortress of His divine grace who is the architect of karmic law. Who could stand against her, if God be with her? Without exception in the lives of all nations every event as with human beings are ruled by the inescapable cosmic law of cause and effect. This cosmic justice from the tribunal of cosmic laws is named the law of karma by the sages and great one’s from old India and the possibility to escape from it is zero!
Don’t be overly concerned with the drama in the world. Don’t worry and get caught up in the inner turmoil. So Let’s Not Drown Ourselves In A Glass of Water. Let’s not be frightened by God’s cinema. Don’t give too much importance to the terrifying dream movies of life in this world. All of these nightmares will come and go for they are not real. However terrible and alarming nightmares are merely nightmares. There are too many unpleasant surprises in the dream plot of this worldly movie. Out of all the lands on this earth, America is the one that is blessed, because there is no aggression in her in spite of all the troubles she is going through.
There is a scale where all good and evil actions are weighed. When the psychological balance on the duel scale of maya (cosmic illusion that balance every pleasure with a pain) is tipped by bad karma evil predominates. When good karma tips the scale of nations and is weightier, good results will flow into her. Those nations condemned for breaking the cosmic laws are sent to the penitentiary of suffering by the judiciary of karmic actions from accumulated wrong activity. It is impossible to escape from the tribunal of cosmic laws that govern all nations until they are all worked out and fully paid. Have you ever envisioned how some nations last for generations and some disappear within a relatively short span of time, like the ancient civilizations of Rome, Babylon, Greece, Egypt and others? It is not because of the power of their armed forces or due to their economy and political system, as many people think. It mostly depends on the number of inhabitants in that society who live true to the cosmic laws of righteousness. Let me remind you of the biblical history of Sodom (Sodom and Gomorrah.)
God said that if ten righteous people could be found there, He would spare their destruction. Apparently none were found and the city was annihilated, but not by God’s wrath but by the total disregard the people had for the virtuous laws of righteousness that rules all creation. If this universe were not intelligently governed by cosmic laws, how would it be possible for this elaborate and remarkably complex creation to exist? The masters warn us if we violate these cosmic laws, we cause undue suffering on ourselves and that man would do well to bring himself in harmony with universal laws.
A disease germ or a lone blood clot can kill a human being no matter if he lives in the solitude of an underground bunker, a cave or in the seclusion of a desert retreat. It will not be underground cities that will protect the American people, but an increase and continuance of her generous and good actions. These predictions were made by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the book Autobiography of a Yogi, a spiritual classic in 1939, 1942 and May of 1951.