Do you declare to yourself: I am a Hindu, I am an American, I am a Muslim, I am African American? That is the same as wearing a badge stating what you are. What if you as a Frenchman hate the Hindus, Moslems or the Pakistanis? If you do racial prejudice restricts you. With the karmic laws of attraction and repulsion you will reincarnate in your next cycle the exact race you hate or the race you are attached to. You are binding your soul with Samskaras. What does that really mean? Any deep-seated desires in earthly life linked with relationships, race or country are bonds that leave traces in your subconscious mind that bind you to come back to this world in your next incarnation with specific tendencies toward that race or country and you will be born in a family within that country.
All motions of consciousness are on the screen of the mind.” You are not a man or a woman, you are nothing else but pure spirit however because of karmic inclinations the soul is forced to reincarnate over and over but not as a male or female but either with the body of a man or a woman. Your body identified ego surrenders to the hypnosis of what your bodily home labels you to be. Do you call yourself a border if you live in a boarding house? No, your real name is “Sat-Chit-Ananda” ever blissfully conscious of your eternal existence.
The Fundamental Cause Of Rebirth. When you realize the trouble that goes along with attachments and desires you wouldn’t burden yourself with them. These unwelcomed desires are usually developed earliest in one’s life and keeps individuals very occupied later on. Are there any selfish attachments to the actions you are performing? If the answer is yes, these egotistic actions will leave traces in your mind as a desire. However doing the same actions without self-centered affections does the opposite and leaves no traces in your mind. If you do satisfy a desire for material possessions but at the same time have no inner peace, it’s like dying of thirst while bathing in a river. When will you learn the karmic lessons involved here?
When you swim out of your body at the time of death, you find you are not a Hindu, American or a Muslim but a child of God that dreamed you were such in the body of a man or woman. Are you happy with what you are and where you are now? Each person has brought upon himself the environment and by what they have been. Are you sorry you are not a genius in this incarnation? Maybe you want to be a genius in your next life. Do you know how to become a genius? The requirement is owed to the development of the mind from past lives. You must be born mentally advanced with a superior brain. Do you have those prerequisites?
Perhaps you want a Utopia for your next rebirth, forget it, our ideas of Utopia stems from our sojourns in the astral world. Utopia or heaven was never intended to exist on earth. You must wait your time to return to the astral land. As you leave your body at the time of death your physical brain no longer functions. Your astral brain is now real to you and your earthly life becomes unreal. It is the same when you leave your astral body. You astral stay becomes unreal with no memory of it.
Even for the wise man desires are the constant enemy and conceal wisdom. A man who is constantly agitated by desires cannot perceive wisdom as wisdom can only be perceived when one is in stillness. All of your unfulfilled desires remain in your heart through every incarnation and the harm of harboring them is that every desire contains magnetic fields of attraction and repulsion and when man falls into the traps of likes and dislikes he is caught in the web of desires and through desires he unconsciously unleashes the disciplinarian law of cause and effect. One must become divinely indifferent and be very careful with whom one hates.
Now, take these two words out of your dictionary: hate and innocent, because if you haven’t accepted and understood the inescapability of karmic retribution you have not even jumped the first hurdle in your spiritual development. If you just sit quietly and analyze yourself, you will find that you have many unspecified desires. These unsatisfied desires bubbling within for some people are a state of frustration and hostility. There are those who want to be rich or dead that are born this way. Even if you die disgusted with this earth you still have to return to perceive it differently. From the teachings of PY.
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