Do you have the yo-yo syndrome with your emotions when you have a loss? What about with a big win? Emotions are like a moving pendulum with most people. Why? Because pleasure comes with a fulfilled desire and sorrow comes with a unfulfilled desire that is not satisfied. How many times do you have to be told what Krishna has said in the Gita, “Be even minded in sorrow and pleasure?” When you live in an impregnable fortress of understanding, no sadness can touch you when your emotions are anchored in that which is changeless. Whatever happens, say to yourself, “it’s alright. I’m just dreaming in God’s dream and naught can touch me.” If you take the ups and downs of life to seriously you’re in for a rough roller coaster ride.
Tighten your mind and learn to stay in the middle then start out first with small wins and losses and go from there. Those who fail will experience these dualities in all forms. You have cosmic light with darkness. Where is that light? That light is right between the eyebrows. There is the great sound of Aum. There are two powers within that sound: attraction and repulsion. There is beautiful music like the music of Mozart and there is rap. One leads you to an uplifting mood and the other leads you down the drain. The whole universe is made of a positive and negative approach in everything.
Furthermore we have cosmic wisdom in order to create religions to unite all beings under one God. We have cosmic wisdom but we do not know. The role of every religion in the world is to teach union, but instead of teaching cosmic wisdom, they are teaching separateness and cosmic confusion. There are endless wars between religious people in the name of one God, and everybody is willing to kill each other and die for their religion. Suicide bombers are killing themselves and others every day in Iraq thinking they are going to heaven by dying for their beliefs. Mankind has great knowledge but absolutely no wisdom.
Anybody we hurt on the other side of the earth affects us all physically. It is like hitting your foot with a hammer and oh! my head hurts. Everything happening on this globe today affects our daily life in thoughts, words, feeling and actions.
We have cosmic love and cosmic hate and these forces keep every nation separated from each other with different customs, different languages and different everything that causes total confusion. We have cosmic joy and then we have cosmic sorrow. People suffer separation at death because the concept of death creates universal sorrow. The concept of death stems from the greatest ignorance of who we are. Therefore, when we lose a child, a father, or a mother, we grieve when we experience death. We need to realize we are immortal. In the future this concept will not even exist.
There is cosmic peace and there is cosmic unrest that is not perpetual motion but perpetual commotion. There are people that the moment they enter a room they become perpetual commotion. We have unrest everywhere. Then there is cosmic beauty and cosmic ugliness in human behavior towards one another. Torturing in concentration camps and the devastation of world war two are perfect examples of cosmic ugliness, oppression, and dictatorship and so on. Then there is cosmic love and cosmic hate. Worshiping God with the mind no matter what type of yogi we are will endlessly put us through the experience of these dualities. As long as we worship God with our ego no matter how advanced our ego is we will experience duality.
There is a certain kind of yoga meditation devoid of these dualities and that is cosmic bliss. If one can make the effort to anchor oneself in that which is changeless one may obtain that cosmic bliss which is nothing else but one’s own soul divine nature. You could be looking half of your lifetime for happiness excepting to find some external circumstances to bring you peace, joy and bliss.
For the spiritually uninformed, pursuing to acquire useless desires instead of your real needs is not the way. Happiness does not work that way; it springs forth from the base of the spine and trickles upward to the brain when you are in tune. Yoga meditation (Kriya Yoga) is the road to that bliss. The reason so many people take drugs is to regain the lost joy buried deeply in the subconscious mind and instead bring upon themselves ill health and misery. We can experience all these states of God without duality. To seek God, put your mind (ego) aside, shut-off the five senses and look at the door of the infinite at the point between the eyebrows. There is this hidden stairway that will take you up there where God can be perceived without duality known as the spiritual eye. For lesson information go to