Now is the time to change your place in your karmic fate.
The spiritual master explains that many samskaras (dormant seeds of bad karma) from past incarnations also reside and wait in the spinal region ready to spring forth when karmic conditions are right, ready to germinate in a karmically defined time either physically or mentally. This means your psychological blueprint residues are contained in the subconscious and super conscious mind. When translated in yogic terminology are called samskaras.
Since bad karma from the past is already predestined ready to germinate when the future conditions are right waiting for you to have them spring forth, you won’t be there. You have changed the karmic conditions and avoided them by creating a new unfavorable environment hence resisting the effects of bad past actions by counteracting them, to the fulfillment of your evil karma with present good actions.
Whether it is temporary or not is your choice. There could be thousands of years of past life actions pursuing someone. This is why the average person is so helpless against the binding effects of past karmic actions. The best thing about the future is it hasn’t happened yet. Therefore in the degree you change your status as a spiritual being you can change the future; that is, you can change what is karmically predestined to happen to you. When the predestined future is there waiting for you, you won’t be there. Our poisonous actions must have the proper antidotes. For example, often overcome ill health by obeying the laws of good health.
A deeper explanation of the above. The karmic script for your life has already been written. The script of tomorrow, next week, next month next year, next hundred years for the mass consciousness is already made and scripted. The next phone call, the next plane crash, the next car accident, the next raging fire, the next earthquake and so on. The necessary steps to avoid your bad karma is by changing the inner attitude of your mind which will change the outer aspect of your life.
Inner attitude, what does that mean? Your mental environment has to be changed from the mass media of today. That includes computers, TV etc. Environment is much stronger then willpower. Watch your conscience do not ignore that little voice trying to guide you. Before you act weigh the karmic consequences. Your physical environment also must be watched by not putting yourself in a karmic setting. If you are about to do something wrong remember the 11th commandment. Thou shall not get away with it.
When the planets decide to take an unfriendly interest in you certain destructive vibrations radiate from the stars due to past karmic blueprints in your subconscious mind, and they begin to shed their rays upon you. Have an SRF astrological bangle or make sure your body is very strong and your mind is powerful.
Suppose your body and mind are weak at that particular moment and your biorhythms are low and your immunity is weak due to certain transgressions such as wrong eating, lack of exercise, negative news, no astrological bangle and sexual abuse. What will happen? The cosmic rays will have great power to affect you. The whole idea is that if you do not protect yourself constantly when you are healthy those karmic laws begin to come to collect karmic bills.
To change your inner attitude You must reprogram the computer of your subconscious mind with strong positive affirmations. You start by doing the Scientific Healing Affirmations (small booklet) and Kriya yoga meditation lessons offered by the Self Realization Fellowship mailed to your home.
If not, it is impossible to escape from the karmic laws that govern every single human action until we all worked out and fully paid our karmic bills through reformation, suffering and prayers for deliverance. With heart felt divine love and devoted sincerity any sin and its consequences can be forgiven, but not by mere supplication.
Liberating oneself from the justice of cause and effect is not a simple matter of doing a few prayers and affirmations or haphazard attempts at meditating. It can only be accomplished by persistent practice of the great science of yoga. In time it is possible to be partially or wholly free from adverse effects of bad mass karma. To avoid mass karma you must make a deep spiritual effort and it’s not five minutes or your money back. You must make a permanent commitment.
Is karmic suffering inevitable? Well, yes it is if one is too lazy to take the necessary steps mentioned above. How foolish it would be to presume such aboveness until the person actuality knows for certain without a doubt if you haven’t accepted and understood the inescapability of karmic retribution you have not even jumped the first hurdle in your spiritual development. However anything we have done to ourselves can be undone by ourselves.
Use commonsense remedies by relying on the power of the mind rejecting any limiting circumstances even in the face of contradictory evidence. Believe and affirm in success, strength and health. The consequences of your actions have less power to harm you by not permitting the mind give in to them. Classify yourself and you will find your own answer.
The younger readers will listen but most will ignore this or bury it in the back of their mind. Those who ignore the teachings and who refuse to allow their lives to be guided by divine laws there is a penalty. On the stage of this life most people are manipulated by prenatal instincts, environment, and karmic destinies from former lives and behave like puppet actors and the walking dead.
Astrological Bangle