Anybody we hurt on the other side of the earth affects us all physically. It is like hitting your foot with a hammer and oh! my head hurts. Everything happening on this globe today affects our daily life in thoughts, words, feeling and actions.
We have cosmic love and cosmic hate and these forces keep every nation separated from each other with different customs, different languages and different everything that causes total confusion. We have cosmic joy and then we have cosmic sorrow. People suffer separation at death because the concept of death creates universal sorrow. The concept of death stems from the greatest ignorance of who we are. Therefore, when we lose a child, a father, or a mother, we grieve, when we experience death. We need to realize we are immortal. In the future this concept will not even exist.
There is cosmic peace and there is cosmic unrest that is not perpetual motion but perpetual commotion. There are people that the moment they enter a room they become perpetual commotion. We have unrest everywhere. Then there is cosmic beauty and cosmic ugliness in human behavior towards one another. Torturing in concentration camps and the devastation of world war two are perfect examples of cosmic ugliness, oppression, and dictatorship and so on. Then there is cosmic love and cosmic hate. Worshiping God with the mind no matter what type of yogi we are will endlessly put us through the experience of these dualities. As long as we worship God with our ego no matter how advanced our ego is we will experience duality.
As inevitable as it is in a world of relativity; good and evil, darkness and light it seems as you try to expand yourself it holds true that in all endeavors you will encounter enemies. There is resistance the moment you try to accomplish something. There is resistance from the earth when a plant emerges from a seed, the insects and bugs go after it, and the weeds choke it and compete for its water and nourishment.
The only protection for it is the gardener. It is also true for humans because of inner weaknesses and unfavorable circumstances we haven’t the power to give forth the branches of achievement on the tree trunk of life. Because bad karma and the weeds of our terrible habits that are stifling and choking our ground we need the help of a guru. The guru gives you the techniques of meditation for burning off bad weed habits so you can resist these habit enemies. Then after you have advanced, the guru gives you the advanced technique of burning off bad karma.
Finding God is not a mathematically created jackpot for attaining liberation. The masters tell us it’s the quality and depth of a yogi’s meditation, God’s grace and the guru’s help are the three main requisites to be liberated. The disciple’s effort must be twenty five percent; the guru gives twenty five percent and God’s grace which constitute the remaining fifty percent of the requirement.
Our creator, God is the sole judge whether the disciples spiritual conduct has been satisfied, though a disciple with the assistance of the guru satisfies the cosmic laws of karma with love and devotion for God, he will receive His grace. The fanciful efforts of an under developed spiritually retarded individual must not try to jump-start to a higher state of realization until he seeks out the help and guidance of an enlightened guru.
One of the worst shafts of maya (illusion) is the unwillingness to meditate. That “unwillingness” is a veil over man’s eyes which prevent us to attune ourselves with God and therefore miss the opportunity to find our true spiritual mentor or Guru. Remember the masters or gurus are not asking us to renounce anything, they only ask us to control everything which is much more difficult. If God were not planning to release us he would not have given us the desire to know him and would not have given us the liberating techniques of yoga meditation.
It is the ego in the hearts of men that prevent them from listening carefully to the wisdom of the sages and which stops them from transforming their lives by not listening with profound attention. Meditation will give you a great inner equilibrium and will place all the beautiful data within yourself that you need to know, not great intellectual questions but what you need in your daily life.
According to the scriptures human beings require one million years of healthy, normal evolution to perfect the brain of a human. To achieve the sublime state of cosmic consciousness there is a technique called Kriya Yoga, a method through which human evolution can be quickened. A copy of the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, explains the actual meditation technique of burning off karma, which is freely given by the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles California in lesson form mailed to your home. If you want proof read chapter 26, online. The Science of Kria Yoga. You can think great things but if you don’t act upon them it means nothing. From the teachings of PY