Can You Increase Your Wealth? This is for people at all levels. What is magnetism and how can I get it to work for me? There is wealth magnetism, mental magnetism, bodily magnetism, and spiritual magnetism. Spiritual magnetism is the grandest of them all. Those who are spiritually magnetized have it all. Again we see the universal laws to attract and repulse working here. Powerful magnets attract from greater distances than magnets that are smaller and weaker.
A powerful mental magnet can attract a human being from a great distance, irregardless of the barriers and boundaries. And the reason for this is that when every cell of your body is spiritually magnetized you attract the One that gives all. Amplifying the force of your spiritual magnetism will help you in every way possible.
If you want to be more successful and a more convincing in sales or business do this. We will start our morning as we wake up, and when we arrive at work and evening bed time with this prayer affirmation, “Let my spiritual magnetism be so increased by Thy Grace that it will draw to my all my proper business associates.”
When you work with people you have to become childlike. A remarkable child blossoms and unfolds like a wonderful flower without any intention to publicize its evolving scent, innocent of his own excellence. The child’s mind is a mind with a heart and is by nature sincere, pure, open, honest, spontaneous, eager and frank; a child is also forgiving and expresses sweetness, laughter, calmness and humbleness with love and trust. A childlike person automatically expresses these qualities and becomes enthusiastic without the ignorance of a child.
Unfortunately, the man who does not develop the qualities mentioned above will be continually plagued with fear, worry, selfishness and suspicion and this will rob him of his peace and will cause him nothing but unhappiness. Never lie or degrade your competitors and remember that doing affirmations are not five minutes or your money back. The ones that are more successful at this use upmost concentration and repeat the affirmations 2 or 3 times.
There are all of these affirmations for wealth and health with exact instructions that actually work in this SRF Paperback.
All the instructions are here. HERE….