Evolution Is Only A Suggestion From God
The master tells us everything in the big screen past, present and future all exists simultaneously for evolution is only a suggestion from God. The soul does not evolve through evolution, it is gradually reawakened through a process of first coming down from cosmic consciousness into mineral, vegetable then animal and finally into a specially created body by God.
If you can understand the concept of time and space you will realize each time this big bang comes (The Day of Brahma) God projects everything at once. God is the prop man with everything already made, with all the decorum and we come again for three hundred and fourteen trillion years creation. After that everything disappears and at the time when creation ends the power of Maya is then gone and your soul is immersed into bliss… finally free. Yet if you have not finished your self-realization, in the next cycle of Brahma you will reappear where you were during your current state of self-realization.
Life is a nightmare with a few occasional good dreams. There is very little happiness in this world and relatively speaking only snippets of transitory pleasure for the large part. The masters tell us that people who desire the world and put their faith in objects that will not last are just humanoids pre-programmed by their sub conscious mind and that is a fact believe it or not. Man did not enter into existence of himself, for himself, or by his self. That is the reason why when man labors for selfish ends and his own objects of desires he always ends up disappointed. One man may want an extravagant home but then he may get ill and is not able to enjoy it. What good was that hollow victory? Another person suffering from stress seeks the seclusion and quiet of a desert retreat to find out that he is plagued by his desires that were acquired in the city and becomes lonely.
Remember being young and wholly engaging yourself in discovering new experiences but not realizing that time has flown by; the aging process of the body has set in and the joints begin to creak as the bodily mechanism starts to exert its fee and takes its toll, the eyes start to go dim, the voice does not resonate clearly and the caustic effects of sickness require constant attention and treatment. Very few realize what the price is for material comforts in a complex material life which is only pleasing to the eyes. There is nervousness, economic worry, slavery, disease and misery.
Juvenile or childish desires belong to mundane, earthly people and therefore one day will cause you to realize the futility of your hard work to only gain wealth or material magnetism. All bodily desires are perishable unlike spiritual desires that are imperishable. If you have lost a diamond and you try to replace it with a chunk of broken glass to satisfy yourself, you are headed for disillusionment. You will not find a lost diamond in a heap of broken glass because you are looking for it in the wrong place hence in magnetizing fragments of glittering earthly pleasures, you will end up disgusted as it is vainly foolish to find lasting happiness in material things.
When you die you will realize that this body was not you and this mind was not you either. It was something grafted upon you. You were never in the body not now and never will you be. We were gradually framed by the Divine Framer who hypnotized us and put us in a state of amnesia and into the collar of a straitjacket to make us believe in the reality of this entire material creation. We are under a hypnotic delusive power known as “Maya.”
Then you ask which was first the seed or the tree the chicken or the egg? Well, while egg is arguing with chicken about evolution, let me explain. Isn’t it true that trees come from seeds, but it’s also true that the seeds fall from the trees? Well which was first? All these kinds of questions lead to an incalculable rethink, because the grasping power of man’s intellect is currently so limited that it would be quite futile to attempt to make the average person capture a First Cause. The mortal mind can only distinguish and see one link in the perpetual chain of life.
All created things have a beginning and an end hiding in the depth of the infinite; where only the centermost is visible. The invisible Infinite in the grand scheme of creation becomes visible in the finite; and those extraordinary people living who, having eyes that see are able to discern in every finite form the brand of the Infinite. God the Father who is infinite has become finite. He is everything and becomes one form. If it were possible for you to see the essence of every manifestation in creation—trees, seeds, chickens, eggs, flowers and your own self—you would see that the One has become many and is at the innermost core of all that exists.
If parents had not been created first, children could not have been brought into this world; God created the first parents. Consequently all children became tempted by the creative force and continued living on the procreating plane.
We are not made of flesh and bone, we are made of energy. How? Tell me how can energy be sick? Do you know how? Suppose there is a projector here and a screen there and the film is the picture of your body, so I put my finger in front of the beam of light and I begin to move my finger to a different place and obstruct a different part of the beam. We cannot see our feet and we cannot see our head on the screen anymore and that is exactly what we are doing. There is an endless beam shooting from all the chakras of the spine structuring the body at all times but we obstruct the flow of energy within ourselves by the wrong thoughts, the wrong feelings and the wrong actions.
When you go to the movie theater and look at the beam of light is there anything real in that beam? Yet when you look at the screen you become involved in the emotion and you begin to cry or laugh and there is nothing in that light. When you see the hero die in a motion picture, he has not really been killed. It is the same with man acting out a role in the cosmic movie of life. The killer and the slain hero on the screen are just the electric shadows of two forms. The falcon of death and the villain on the movie screen are alike, they kill no one! It is the same thing with creation; you and I say the masters and God’s ideas are floating in a beam of light. It is incredible how we think we are so real when we are so hypnotized. We have no reality except as thoughts and we are floating in a beam of light just like in the movie theater.
The masters and men of Self-realization know mortal consciousness is a physiological mental experience. All motions of consciousness are on the big screen of the mind and God is dreaming through us with all our dreams and nightmares added into God’s dreams making everything hypnotically real.
From the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.