Better Not.
The masters say there is a penalty for those who refuse to allow their lives to be guided by divine laws. There are universal and cosmic laws that compel man to be active in creation. Everyone in this creation has obligations and responsibilities toward this creation. All the sacred writings are full of passages forewarning even those advanced in the inner circle will fall from the heights if or when they choose not to work.
As difficult as it is man must lead a balanced life between activity and meditation. A real balanced life means real success of earning a living, good health, meditation, intellectual pursuits and happiness.
In accordance with universal laws this planet was designed to supply us the riches and resources and provide shelter to it’s inhabitants. The believer and those who disbelieve must work hard and long to supply food for their needs. The law of divine birthright was established by God that all human beings are principally divine and made in His image and that all people of all nations are ancestors of common parents of one blood, Adam and Eve. If you are a believer in this original connection and if you feel divine love for all the people of the world as you would feel for your own family with no discrimination among the diverse nationalities, you are then establishing a unquestionable astral right to your claim of the world’s wealth.
The masters say there is a penalty for those who refuse to allow their lives to be guided by divine laws. On the stage of life most people behave like puppet actors who are manipulated by prenatal instincts, environment, and karmic destinies from former lives. They do not know what role to play to be successful in life. There is a plan for your life. But lives which are governed solely by the laws of cosmic causation or the karmic laws are the hidden players in the game of life. You lose your independence and you cannot say yes or no when guided to the right path or evil ways.
The first quality required from a person who wants to live a higher life is the ability to deal constructively with reality, and not allow his life to be structured by the endless worldly suggestions of his television and computer. Most people perceive the world through movies, television and social sites on the Internet. They live in a cloud dream unreal world. You must learn to think deeply. Television and computers robs you of the most important part of your life, deep thinking and deep feeling. You did not come into this world to lose your self in a cloud dream but to find your own true self.
Only a strong person can stand up to their fate where inner security enables them to endure to the end. It is when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are without any sort of illusion that life develops out of events offering us the path to success. In other words, you have to be a hard thinker and analyze life every day and withdraw yourself from the herd of unthinking people. As long as you have to question another individual to guide your life, you have distorted perceptions. A lazy thinker refuses to think for himself. The moment you think, “How am I going to get rid of my Problem?” You will find a way out of your problem.
You must determine your goals in life and don’t get lost and wander along aimlessly in this jungle of existence trying to acquire useless desires instead of satisfying your real needs. Try to remember this because you cannot find happiness with an insatiable desire of acquiring money, even though money is supposed to bring happiness. The law of cause and effect governs what is measured out in the degree of prosperity one has been dealt with in life. It is the nature of your past actions which determines your success.
Are You Required To Work If You Don’t Have To?
In an initial affair of the heart with the Infinite in the path of meditation those who want to advance spiritually forsake the course of action feeling it be unnecessary to work. This of course makes the man or devotee narrow-minded. As said above there are universal and cosmic laws that compels man to be active in creation. Everyone in this creation has obligations and responsibilities toward creation. It is essential to have meditation with right action together. These are warnings to the lazy and those who suffer from complete inertia drugged by oversleep, mental aimlessness and idleness and neither meditate or work. What most people don’t realize is without the eye-opening shocks of experience, in what creates their own good.
Beware of progressives offering free benefits enticing people to live off the government to those who avoid trying to work. Even the pundits on talk radio say “there are many people who won’t assume self responsibility and this is the rule of liberalism which encourages and sponsor it. They applaud you when checking out. The only chance for fairness is to let the liberals take care of you.” If you fall into the trap of accepting free benefits you will become dependent on them which helps to keep them in power. They profess to care about people but just want votes and they are willing to buy them by giving you free stuff. So says talk radio.
You can agree or disagree on partisan party lines or use your intuition to see the truth but remember when sense perception is mistaken, the conclusion dependent on it is erroneous. To develop one’s intuition is to tune into one’s own conscience. Listening to your conscience is the key, that is God’s cosmic intelligence vibrating through you. Passive individuals who want God to do all the work and make all the effort are unable to utilize the power of God’s given intuition existing in their minds. Negative or bad thoughts entice or lure some to actions that will be soon regretted as sooner or later you will be deceived and make wrong decisions.
For those who are seeking employment and want to be free of government handouts strong faith can work wonders. Most people don’t like sitting around doing nothing. It’s easy to think most people do, but we are not there yet. However there are a majority of those who want significant or privileged positions, but are unrealistic in their expectations on how to accomplish them. You need a strong purpose and sustained effort not to fail in attaining your vocational goals.
Successes and failure are interrelated but success does not always come. The universe is governed by the laws of change so you can not remain still. Imposing supportive thoughts in the minds of others can work miracles and by concentrating your prayers and thoughts in a strong and positive way you will see God responding by inserting in the minds of others the thoughts that are in accord for what is harmoniously chosen. Strong thoughts materialize the circumstances. As faith becomes strong the sought-for attainment is so ordered by God Himself.
You cannot hold on to the world with one hand and try to grab and climb up the other, you have to let go. The more you let go of the world the faster you will move. Practice the art of living in this world without losing your inner peace of mind. In your activities you are the creator, the preserver, the transformer, your will is the director.
This planet is a habitat of suffering and trouble. Life is a nightmare with a few occasional good dreams with a body that is a nest of troubles. Many human births have been wasted away in preoccupation with the gratification of food and money. We should ask ourselves how we are occupying our precious time this current birth. Humans’ precious moments eventually fall agonizingly apart. After many painful incarnations every human soul will cry out remembering its permanent home is not here on earth. In other words, after many painful adventurous and many awful incarnations our beleaguered soul cries out, “enough!”
The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar *Full Audiobook* – YouTube