Wicked people who seek low company in their earthly existence are therefore reborn into a sinful family. Habitually sick people are reincarnated in families prone to illness as the miserly rich ones are reborn into poor homes. When you strap a heavy bag of gold on the back of a mule it does not profit from it; this treasure is of no value to the mule it just suffers under its heavy weight. Like the dumb animal a rich miser will suffer from the weight of burdensome responsibilities with no benefit from its wealth. Get rid of the desire for more and more wealth and strive to find the ways to true happiness.
These are the Karmic Consequences For Human Trafficking, Drug Dealing and Murder. This terrible karmic fate of these demonic mentalities is to continue to be trapped birth after birth in darkest delusion unless they awaken themselves by right action and determination. If not they may further descend to the lowest depths even incarnating in an animal body for a time or in some astral bestial form as for the insane person who has lost all reason.
When you misuse the power of free choice and involve yourself in human trafficking, drug dealing, murder and other evil doings you forfeit your chance of incarnating in a divinely endowed human body and instead this misuse of power will cause you to rebirth in a demonic womb or in some hellish state of existence either on earth or in a place of violence and suffering in other regions of dark astral worlds or in another universe, characterized by nightmares and fearsome beings.
For those who have immersed themselves in nothing but evil here are some universes where they will reincarnate in animal bodies or in human beings of bestial or base natures in vile conditions that are primarily dominated by manifestations of evil as likened to prehistoric earth in the age of bestial creatures as dinosaurs and beasts so ferocious of air, land and water; with inter-species wars keeping their inhabitants screeching with devouring and cannibalistic murders with depraved beings who dwell as demons and goblins.
After so many nightmarish incarnations of deaths and miseries all of these vicious brutes, wild beasts, evil goblins and the grossest human forms, should learn their lessons and make every effort to depart from these celestial histrionics. Thus, according to the heavenly ordinance of karmic law the “lowest among men” in their next incarnation attract a birth that is inauspicious in surroundings commensurate with dissolute behavior.
Some wicked souls however have many strange and unpleasant experiences after death in the afterlife. Excitable and restless people often experience terrible nightmares while sleeping, likewise when people of troubled wicked disposition leave their body will experience accordingly to the law of karma terrible astral nightmares during their death sleep due to the mirror image of their gathered evil. People of evil actions will experience periodic dreadful nightmares in the nether regions of the astral world. It is impossible to find salvation or be saved praising the name of the Lord or uttering crescendos of hallelujahs.
Let us be reminded about karma the “absolute discipliner.” A typical man most often follows a careless existence not comprehending its purpose. He cannot understand that his whole existence is a gladiatorial boot camp for people who are lacking mental, physical and spiritual development. Most people are totally unprepared for what is coming to them in life. The misbehaving man can get away with breaking human laws and its penalties. But the justice of karma is inescapable.
The law of karma governs the whole universe and it is impossible to avoid or escape it by crude force. The warnings to those who indulge in wickedness or sinful behavior are fated as trained animals, intoxicated and unable to perform. After drugging themselves with degrading existence they soon realize that all of their good qualities are slowly ebbing away to bestial behavior and complete inertia when one is drugged by oversleep, mental aimlessness and idleness.