Do you think this world will be responsible for your actions or have your back when you are in trouble or overindulge? Don’t give all your energy and time to this world and earthly pursuits.
There are various states of consciousness acquired during your life on earth which will be your passport to where you will be going to be located in the astral world and when you have to return to earthly life. The sum total of everything you have done, has made you vibrate in a certain way, and you will be drawn there magnetically predominantly positive or negative. Now comes the importance of your daily spiritual development in meditation.
The master says people in the astral world develop for the good will of others and especially if they are spiritual during their earthly life. If you meditate deeply with devotion now no matter where you are when you go to the astral world you will through the force of habit remember to meditate and you will thereby develop on that plane faster than other souls who have not learned to meditate during their earthly sojourn. Your meditation is your most powerful passport for you to advance rapidly in the astral world and not come back here.
Some Say I’m Never Coming Back To This Earth Plane. We hear people say that. That’s what they think. They should say I don’t want to come back. There is a way, read on. Even the spiritually advanced must come back here if they have any desires and attachments. Likes and dislikes will also bind you to this creation.
Close your eyes and stop viewing the little puppet-show of this world and dive behind the toy show of inner darkness with a deeper effort to meditate. Your primary responsibility is to please God first, not this world or those in it. The hardest things to get rid of are the things you think you cannot do without. Can you pass that kind of test? You can classify yourself and measure your level of detachment. How can you know if this attitude is true without direct perception?
Do you think that this single lifetime is enough to be concerned about and you won’t have to return. To think this time I’m good. That is to think we only live once or so and is good only in one sense, and if it be true, we must live every hour beautifully and splendidly.
Do you know where you really are? A Penal Colony For Spiritually Retarded People.
As it is with souls who fail in their performance of detachment, morality, spirituality, self-control and calmness must also return back to preserve their perfection in the schools of mortality to bring out their spirit-nature. Classify yourself and measure your level of detachment. Earth is the gladiatorial boot camp where so much learning must be experienced before man is prepared to use his free will to discriminate toward the emancipating patterns of God and all delusive soul-binding patterns of illusion.
Comparatively speaking if we are born only once and have only one chance why do we observe in nature a heartbreaking and iconoclastic process. We see babies die after a short time or are stillborn totally deprived of an opportunity to enjoy life. Heinous crimes are committed by villainous souls that cause afflictions to their fellow human beings and invisible virulent microorganisms silently move around our environment lurking like ravenous insects causing illness, injury, the terrible pain of disease and premature death. Bacteria, parasites, pathogens, plagues and viruses threaten to clean out the harvest of human beings.
Plants and animals with no karma or free choice of their own are infested and infected by countless diseases. Death by famine, floods and cataclysms where tens of millions of people are destroyed it seems impossible that bad karma could have caused this many sufferings and for this many to be wiped out at one time. There is no guarantee with life.
If there is one thing in this life that you cannot do without, you will still have a terrible lesson to learn. To cure yourself of these cankers, attachments and desires you will have to return back here to endure disappointments and heartaches many times over and over. Sometimes you may experience being poor with much sorrow or maybe rich and influential. At times you may come back carrying illness and so forth.