Paramhansa Yogananda’s Techniques:
What You Don’t Know About Healing. When doing the Recharging Exercises, invoke a reverential feeling. God Himself has given these exercises to Guru. You are to be embraced by God as Christ Energy.
Sit erect. Gently tense and relax the whole body. Calm yourself. Touch the medulla once, in order to make it easier for you to concentrate on it. Then visualize Cosmic Energy surrounding and entering the body through the medulla and at the point between the eyebrows. The the whole method below.
“First, wrinkle your eyebrows together a little, then close your eyes. Think of any person to whom you want to send healing power.“Concentrate at the point between your eyebrows and mentally say: ‘Heavenly Father, I will with Thy will. My will is Thy will. With Thine omnipresent will, O Father, I will with all my heart, with all my soul, that this person be healed.’
“While saying this, think that a current is going through the point between your eyebrows into the point between the eyebrows of the person you are trying to help. Feel that you are sending a current from your spiritual eye into the spiritual eye of the person you wish to be healed. “Concentrate deeper and you will feel heat at the point between the eyebrows. Feeling this heat is proof that your will power is developing.
“Concentrate still deeper. Mentally say: ‘With Thy will I send a flash of Cosmic Energy. Father, it is there.’ “This should be practiced from fifteen to twenty minutes. While you are doing this, your will power develops; and this developed will power will be with you continuously, no matter what happens, to aid yourself and others when needed.”
What You Don’t Know About Healing
Using the first approach the mind must be convinced that it has power over the body, the mental approach to a cure is much more effective. However when you are affirming mentally that you are not sick but well, you must not have any doubts in the background. Did you know that fear pictures subconsciously the disease you dread the most creating a very favorable atmosphere in the body to sustain and keep viruses and germs alive? Be careful not to focus or dwell on the potential failures of the bodies fragilities or weaknesses because the mind controls the body; when the mind is well the body will also be well. It is wise to strongly hold that thought, “I am well.” When you have that kind of attitude you will find life’s energy eliminating all sorts of difficulties.
There are many serious illnesses medical science cannot heal. Isn’t medicine the power that is supposed to heal? Why isn’t everyone who is ill get healed? It is because medicine is not the main source of curing or healing. But when you’re sick you run to the doctor, but what happens when the limited power of the doctor or human aid no longer helps? There is a mental, chemical or physical approach in treating diseases. The majority of people use the physical approach using drugs and surgical procedures.The other two ways of healing ill health is the power of your mind or the unlimited Power of the Maker of your body for assistance and solace.
We must learn the life force in the body is the ultimate factor for good health and when that stream of energy is impeded or obstructed because of worry and tension the nerves cannot transmit those impulses by which the body’s vital immunity and other activities are coordinated. All life’s energy in the body is controlled by the mind and when the mind is filled with anxieties, worry and fears the stream of energy becomes paralyzed resulting in ill health.
You must conquer your fears. Fear is nervousness itself and the very thing you are afraid of you will attract. From early childhood we are trained not to fear things and psychological studies tell us that most pains in the body would be greatly lessened and actually disappear altogether if a child was brought up fearlessly. But because of past incarnations you will see some very fearful children who have brought with them these fear complexes from their subconscious mind even though these children are not children but old souls of countless past lives. Although these children are all given a fresh start in every new incarnation, they still bring with them some unwanted excess baggage of attachments and habits very well covered up and with latent phobias from the past, they can become chronically terrified for no apparent reason.
Some thought or word can trigger this dread reaction that is deeply buried within the subconscious mind. If you are a parent never instill fear in your children. Never use scary stories as threats to correct the behavior of your child because you can impair their outlook on life and create such nervousness as to paralyze their everyday progress. You can embed a sense of caution instead of fear. Teach your children and yourself to fear “fear.” Thoughts are powerful mental vibratory designers and whatsoever you intensely think of comes to pass. The fear you dwell on creates a mental image that begins to manifest as the very same mental image you are afraid of. When you continually have the fear of accidents they are more likely to happen as that fear paralyzes your nerves. Your mind will be more troubled with worry than with caution and instead of doing things right you will attract the misfortune you fear the most.
Many people have been healed by removing fear from their minds. Many diseases can be cured by healing through fearlessness and just as the pendulum swings the other way, people can be scared to death as was noted in World War II as in severe cases from dire fear the heart has stopped and the hair turned white. Unfortunately mental healing is not an easy thing to do, that is why the masters tell us that those who have not mastered their minds should keep on conditioning themselves and take physical aid. Most attempts to heal by mind power do fail as the mind continues entertaining fear. The mind cannot control the mind.
The link between your bodily suffering and you is simply mental. Our consciousness of pain is mental or physical and is born of feeling and ego. The truth is that if you teach yourself to live in the body without thinking of it as yourself you will have far less suffering. Mental power is still the best anesthesia against pain. You will see that the pain will be significantly lessened if the mind refuses to recognize it. If you become tough within you will develop more strength of mind. When pain comes say to yourself, “it doesn’t bother me,” just care for it, but don’t suffer from it.
The second approach if you have a chronic disease is take the thought that ultimately only God will help you in meditation. Every morning and evening pray with all your determination and you will find one day you are suddenly healed and your disease has vanished. Initially, our mind is given the idea and after that the divine permeates the mind with strength and last, the mind releases the power to cure. When the inherent forces laying in the mind are released you will realize you have the power of God in your brain which controls all physical functions of the body.
You should always follow and obey the laws of health for they are God’s laws. For example eating too much protein and starch causes your body to retain poisons. When people eat to much red meat you can see the dullness in their eyes; however, it is just the opposite for those who eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables. Learning to eat naturally and what is nutritious is nothing more than using common sense.
The physical laws of science were created by God. God has given the power of healing to doctors through his chemicals which has His vibration within. There are mental healers and through faith they can heal you as well but only if you believe you can be healed by not forgetting it is God who gives them both the power to heal.
God is your best security that is why the masters are emphasizing for us to seek out God through meditation. Most of all get busy in finding God because procrastination is pure laziness when the procrastinator speaks and says “I will do that tomorrow, today I am busy with other things.” You can be like that for the rest of your life. People who are always putting off things will never achieve their goals. From the teaching of PY.
Part II
Try to remember these points. First when ever you go to a doctor and he or she prescribes any drugs, the majority of all of them have some type of side effects. Try to find a holistic doctor if possible to use supplements when possible. There are many now available with no side effects. If you want to prolong your life your diet has a great effect on the speed and sharpness of your mental and physical movements.
Make it a habit eating fruit and vegetables abundantly. Eating too much protein and carbs/starches causes your body to retain poisons. When people eat red meat several times a day you can see the dullness in their eyes; however, it is just the opposite for those who eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables. Learning to eat naturally and what is nutritious is nothing more than using common sense. For example, when observing how carnivorous animals are directed to their food we can observe as they find their prey, the sparkle and delight in the eyes as it begins greedily lapping up the squirting blood. On the other hand, herbivorous animals use their senses of sight and smell to choose herbs and grasses to eat and if one drop of blood is sprinkled onto their food it is rejected immediately. Frugivorous animals are similar as their senses guide them to the fruits of the field and trees.
We find in all men that the senses of sight, smell and sound can never guide them to the slaughtering of animals; they can’t even stand the sight of this type of killing and that is the reason why slaughter houses are far removed from people. When men’s nose and eyes are so against the sight of dead flesh how can it be considered the natural food for people unless it is mixed together with the flavors of spices, sugar and salt? On the contrary we find sheer delight in the fragrance and sight of fruit that it makes our mouth water. The same may be said with grains as they possess a pleasurable taste and odor; these observations infer man was not intended to be carnivorous but frugivorous.
Lets face it, if man was carnivorous our teeth would have canines at a striking length, pointed and very smooth to grab the prey. In contrast our molars would not meet but would fit close and side by side for separation of muscular fiber. When we examine the teeth in men and see the formation of their teeth, we see that there is no resemblance to the teeth of a carnivore nor the teeth of omnivorous or the teeth of the herbivorous but exactly resemble the teeth of the fruit-eating frugivorous. By close examination of the digestive canal of carnivorous animals, we find that the bowels are up to 3 or 5 times the length of their whole body.
The herbivorous has bowels 20 to 28 times their body length and in frugivorous animals it is 10 to 12 times their body length. The same type of formation as in man which are 3 to 5 times its length. We are told by the masters that incorrect measuring from the soles to the crown and not from the anus to the mouth, has drawn incorrect conclusions. Taking in all this information, the only conclusion is that in all probability man is a fruit eating animal. Natural living is recommended and to fully understand what this means we must analyze what unnatural is. Our lives depend on the correct selection of dwelling, foods we eat and the company we keep. The animals use their instincts with their organs of smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch in their selection to help themselves.
However, in the organs of man we find so much perversion of the organs due to unnatural living starting in babyhood it is almost impossible for man to rely on their own judgment when choosing what is right to eat. Natural foods consist of fruits and vegetables, a variety of grains, roots, pure water and milk (goat milk). It is best to avoid cows milk altogether especially the low fat versions. Goat milk is the safest of all milk. If you have to have cows milk in your coffee make sure it is organic. Make sure all food labels are read carefully and state either Certified Organic or Non GMO. When well chewed and then mixed with saliva these foods are assimilated very easily in the digestive system. But unnatural foods are foreign to man’s system and do not assimilate properly when entering the stomach. It is important to remember that 90% of all soy and corn are GMO and should be avoided at all costs. Organic soy and corn are safe.
Unfortunately when these substances are mixed with blood, they accumulate in the organs and excretory because man’s organs are not properly adapted to them. When foods are not properly secreted they attach themselves in crevices and tissues from gravitation and ferment causing diseases which leads to an early death. In summation we find that natural living calms the passions in man. When men have a clear understanding a natural diet is nonirritating, they will gain a mental calmness favorable to their activities. Many finally wake up frightened by bad news from a doctor and are ready to take the first step and give up eating red meat which also includes lamb, pork and veal. It is wise to substitute eating red meats with chicken, fish or turkey. Tapering off red meat is very difficult, it is like trying to quit smoking for some. It is better to just stop cold turkey than trying to wean yourself off this deadly habit.
Sorry to inform most of you that don’t know wheat in bread and sugar causes inflammation which causes heart problems and strokes. That is why people that know eat gluten free breads or spelt. On your next blood test make sure your doctor includes CRP…. C-Reactive Protein in the test to measure your inflammation. Then you will know if you are in for problems now or later on. Don’t forget this one.