Do This Before You Meditate. If you are distracted or torn apart by worries when you sit down to meditate, make a really strong command right at the beginning of your meditation to dismiss all thoughts of the world. Pretend that you are dead to the world and dead to your worldly duties. That’s logic and that kind of reasoning quickly helps you to weaken the hold that your problems have on you.
If you have ever faced a real crisis or illness, you know how quickly all these petty worries and concerns start to recede; those things that seemed so important are suddenly not so important at all. Remember this: it it’s not the length of your meditation that is most important; it is the depth of your attention during meditation that is necessary.
There are many different kinds of yoga, there is Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyana Yoga. And taking the best of all these things constitutes Raja Yoga (Kriya Yoga), which in Self-Realization Fellowship, you receive Raja Yoga.
No matter how many good works you do; no matter how much service you render to humanity; no matter how vast your philanthropies they are not enough to know God, direct communion through meditation is necessary.
The moment you meditate the Master has said “I don’t care how lousy your meditation might be you have placed yourself at the service of God, you cannot do a greater action then to sit on the chair be still and let God work through you. You begin to work through a channel and since there are so few who want to meditate those who do make double good karma.”
Lets clear up some misconceptions about meditation. There has to be clarification between what real meditation is and all sorts of misconceptions like visualization, contemplation, reflection, introspection, deep thought, pondering, daydreaming, musing, self-absorption, self-examination, self-observation, self-questioning, soul-searching, reasoning, speculation, analyzing, doing any of these is not doing true meditation. There are many paths and scores of teachers with different explanations of meditation and real meditation has nothing in common with the unscientific techniques of breath control taught by a host of ill-advised zealots.
Next is the cultivation of concentration upon your spiritual eye. Your eyes must be turned upward to the center of your eyebrows. The moment your eyes go down you can fall asleep and lean forward like many do when concentration is not locked up at the point between the eyebrows. One of the true signs of advancement is seeing cosmic light and that light is right between the eyebrows and if it turns opal blue with a gold ring you are seeing Christ Consciousness. If you see that light in meditation beneficial changes will take place in your mind. When advanced enough upon penetrating that light you may see the five pointed star. However to enter the star in the spiritual eye one must have mastered the breathless state of yoga by learning the techniques of Kriya Yoga.
Remember the words of the prophets “The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few.” What does that mean? The laboring devotee must grow spiritually on the soil of his meditative life. Very few people will live a disciplined life without interruption and meditate for the rewards of God-contact in this short season of life. If this is you, you must reconsider your values and realize you did not come into this world to lose yourself but to find your true self and not by blind beliefs nor an undeserved heavenly visitation or by hoping to be in His presence by the merit of death can the Lord of the harvest be attained. At the end of life the material man discovers he is without God-realization as well as the riches of worldly life that he sought after to protect and defend.
The Karmic Fate For Those Who Don’t Meditate and The Karmic Fate For The Ones That Do.
What is the fate of those who do not meditate and for the ones that do? Those who ‘save their lives,’ keeping themselves identified with the demands and comfort of the body, and who are reluctant to make the required spiritual labor in the struggle to sit and meditate, will discover eventually he will ‘sacrifice his life,’ of transitory happiness that he sought after to defend and protect. At the end of his life the material man finds he is without God-realization as well as without riches by his worldly life. Daya Mata said: “If you are not regular in your meditation, you will be a beginner even after 20 years.”
Each time we meditate the master says, “When seeing the light in meditation, beneficial changes are taking place in our brain cells. Even if we do not see that light when we meditate, eventually we will.” To see the light during meditation you must break the connection between the body and the mind. As long as you are conscious of your body you cannot go deep into meditation. You have to have complete forgetfulness of your body and that means a “state of absolute immovability.”
What Is Your Vibration
Your vibration is the propagation of waves of energy. When one vibrates at a high frequency, the person is in close harmony with love, detachment, peace, joy, freedom, and solidarity. Speaking well of others also raises your vibrational frequency. One phrase says, “If what you have to say is not as beautiful as silence, do not say it.”
On the other hand, if one vibrates at a low frequency, there is a distance between one wave and another, and the person feels drained of energy, with little creative activity. This is associated with feelings of anger, sadness, resentment, selfishness, and envy. When the vibration is low, there are problems sleeping, the body feels heavy, you feel like nothing is going well in your life or that you can’t make changes; you are generally sad.
Therefore, how much light you have within you now from meditating will determine which place you are going to go in the astral plane when you leave your body. That is for those who are advancing spiritually, the other ones are going to be asleep in a coma state, a deep sleep and will not know it. Before reincarnating the good souls experience a wonderful revitalizing peace with dream visions of wondrously uplifting experiences. The average soul who does not meditate who is neither evil nor virtuous during his unconscious peaceful sleep has only occasional experiences of astral wakefulness while the virtuous and those who meditated and advanced spiritually enjoy the heavenly astral planets because of their good karma when awakening in the astral world after their death sleep.
One does not get a high technique like Kriya Yoga at the beginning of one’s journey, but at the end. The results will come. Once the mind is in control, we start to meditate and then the benefits come. The Lord has no favorites. To him who loves God, to him He surrenders. But He cannot be known except through communion.
Meditating reawakens your God given intelligence as your conscience and when you use your conscience you bypass all karmic influence from the subconscious mind because the subconscious is connected with your higher self. Each time you listen to your ego you go down, each time you listen to your soul intuition you go forward. Quite simple isn’t it.
The key is listening to your conscience. Your conscience is God’s cosmic intelligence vibrating through you. Each time you interfere with your conscience you are back into ego consciousness, ignorance and duality. You have human intelligence which endlessly lies to you then you have divine intelligence and your conscience. Just think about all the mistakes you have made listening to yourself. There are two kinds of people in the world, those who meditate and seek God and those who don’t.
Why is it so important to meditate? The master says, “When you pull the ear, the head is pulled with it. Pull God into your life through meditation and then you will automatically pull in ever new blessings, wisdom and prosperity. That is the reason people should seek God first and possessions second for he is most likely to lose God. Your mind is comparable to a piece of blotting paper; as it is saturated with grimy mundane desires it becomes fully drenched and is unable to grasp the uncorrupted Divine Essence.
Those who say they have not time to meditate are the ones who are the so-called extremely busy who will not bring themselves to take even a few minutes out of the twenty-four day to meditate. Some say when I have time I read spiritual books. What about reading spiritual books? The answer is “If you don’t meditate but read, you have a huge, interesting, marvelous and philosophical knowledge stuffed with high metaphysics. It just won’t do you any good; it’s like having a nice book about food and the best menu in the world and you starve to death.”
God looks at those who lose sleep over Him as heroes. By being too busy even until death in a childish pursuit of perishable riches to satisfy unproductive cravings or desires, continually collecting stocks and bonds will not get you through the pearly gateways of the afterlife. Unfortunately there are very few people who will live a disciplined life and without interruption meditate and harvest the everlasting rewards of God-contact in the short season of life. Only by spiritual labor of scientific Yoga meditation can the Lord of the harvest be attained; not by blind beliefs or proxy nor an undeserved heavenly visitation nor by hoping to be in His omnipresence by the merit of death.
There are reasons why some try to meditate and stop. Restless thoughts and desires constantly agitate the beginning meditator and wisdom can only be perceived when one stops moving. If you lightly touch the spring of a good watch, it stops. And when the movement of the watch is shaken, it will start running again. Likewise, as the bodily functions are motionless by calming the restless movements of the mental processes, intuition comes the moment you are still to guide you. That is why some people quit meditating; they cannot go deep enough to gain any results therefore they lose interest.
Some have what is called the yo-yo syndrome. This alternating condition is when two tendencies over power each other than alternately like two lovers who sometimes become angry affect each other alternately with deep enthusiasm for meditation and then sudden dryness and indifference. Then in one moment they get very interested and drop everything else.
There are some devotees who find that when meditating for just a short time they are tempted by their bad habits of earthly pleasures or hounded by spiritual tests or poverty, diseases and afflictions of the body; they stop meditating for not forming deep rooted habits of meditation. Whenever there is unhappiness or misfortune, think of God as your highest resource, the same way the needle of a compass always points north, it does not matter which direction the compass is turned so must your thoughts be on God no matter what circumstances exist from minute to minute. Countless fools blindly go through the pathway of uninstructed impulses only to find themselves on the road of ignorant worldly actions. It is simple to perform worldly or evil actions as it takes no effort to roll a ball down a hill. Every repeated evil or ignorant action guides one further down the pathway of worldly ways.
Someone said, “If I could only witness a miracle, even a small one, I would definitely be motivated to be more spiritual. You should know that miracles are desired and held in esteem by earthly mundane mortals who have feelings of inadequacy and who try to challenge the Lord by proving Himself. But divine souls do not doubt him nor test His attention and love. If you want to know about miracles and motivate yourself read the chapter “The Law of Miracles” in the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual classic, which explains this in detail.
How is it possible to get a real response from God? Infinite and formless, God is spirit and will not usually talk in words but manifests His awareness as divine perceptions through comprehensible vibratory sounds and comprehended only by devotees with heightened intuition in deep meditation. One’s most important engagement is with God in meditation for it is impossible to keep any other engagement in one’s life without borrowing energy, muscular power and mental activity from God who is the giver of all these things. True meditation is absorption in God and it has absolutely nothing in common with the unscientific techniques of breathing taught by a host of ill-advised zealots.
Once tasted the happiness of God-communion in meditation is more enticing than all mundane temptations. Would someone eat rotten cheese? Would you prefer unhappiness to paradise? No. Because of delusion man yields to temptation thinking it will bring happiness. It is hard to differentiate counterfeit coins which have no value from the genuine article; it is the same way to seek pleasure from attractive but worthless vices. Real happiness takes discrimination to know the difference.He who spends his time with Guru given techniques of meditation will without difficulty reach the pinnacle of spiritual freedom.” What freedom do I have? You have none unless you go into your soul. Free will without wisdom is zero free will.
Within your soul you have every free will possible. In fact, the moment there is a burst of soul consciousness, at that moment you have free will because the masters say the only time you are truly alive is when you commune with God otherwise all the masses of unenlightened people are just humanoids, pre-programmed by the sub-conscious mind and manipulated by all the computers of previous incarnations and past memories which automatically control their lives and that’s a fact believe it or not.
The masters say this is the penalty for those who refuse to allow their lives to be guided by divine laws. On the stage of life most people behave like puppet actors who are manipulated by prenatal instincts, environment, and karmic destinies from former lives. They do not know what role to play to be successful in life. There is a plan for your life. But lives which are governed solely by the laws of cosmic causation or the karmic laws are the hidden players in the game of life. You lose your independence and you cannot say yes or no when guided to the right path or evil ways. From the teachings of PY.