Warnings From The Masters.
With their intuitive perceptions they can decipher and predict the fate of countries in times of peace and war. The fires in Los Angeles, Hurricane Helene, Japan’s great earthquake and Hurricane Katrina was no accident and there is more to come.
Mass karmic effects are becoming more increasingly visible with major destructive earthquakes, the great shaking of the worldwide economy, moral decay, political corruption, the disturbances in the weather, the shaky equilibrium of war and peace between nations, flooding and fires are causing tremendous upheavals in the lives of millions which result from the action and thoughts of man. Whenever the earth’s vibratory steadiness is disturbed from man’s wrong doing and thinking you will see devastation from the accumulation of destructive vibrations, not by a “fickle fate” or “the wrath of God.”
Most people feel we are helpless puppets from the world environment and feel the cause for discouragement. It does not have to be this way. In understanding that the circumstances of our lives are created by our own thoughts and actions, we get a wonderful sense of hope and freedom. We can change what we created.
The root of the crisis is a moral decay of epidemic proportions. The weakening of the family structure and putting our children in the hands of a school system for moral upbringing that can hardly ensure their physical safety or maintain enough discipline and is mediocre at best. There is such a poverty of affluence in the United States from loneliness and the hunger to be loved is it any wonder were in a moral crisis. Men turn to evil in the absence of inward joy.
Do not be afraid, discouraged or pessimistic. Now is the time to stand strong and realize the spiritual teachings from the great masters to rise above the negativity of the world’s environment. A new era will come but not from social or political movements but from individuals changing their way of thinking and their actions.
We are all linked together and bound by common fate and by our own feelings, thoughts, words, and actions. All of us affect our own lives and this helps us bind or liberate the world at large. The more civilized and spiritual we become, the more we will be able to control nature. There are over six billion individual minds in which energy flows. As the energy flows it is channeled and when it is predominantly neutral, good or evil is what determines if we live or die.
When materiality predominates in man’s consciousness there is an emission of subtle negative rays with accumulative power that disturbs the balance of nature. That is when volcanoes, earthquakes, floods and all of these disasters start happening. God is not nor was He ever responsible for them. Man’s thoughts have to be controlled before nature can ever be controlled.
What is the mass karma from the world now? Is there a difference between fate and karma? The master tells us fate is not karma, it is when you are not making any spiritual effort you are totally manipulated by mass karma. You have your own karma, you have the city karma where you live, the state in where you live, the country in where you live, the planet in where you live, and there is the solar system, the galaxy and at least another fifty of the various types of karma which affect our lives.
Everyone is subject to mass karma as well as individual karma. Any wars, earthquakes or natural cataclysms are the result of mass karma that could affect many people whose individual karma does not warrant it except they were in that environment and you can’t avoid mass karma unless you make a deep spiritual effort and only then you may be spared.
The huge earthquake in Japan and Hurricane Katrina were not accidental nor act of God or those earthquakes in China and Pakistan. None of them were brought on by themselves. If you are in California you can be certain that you will be affected by an earthquake, large or small depending on the cycle and all the other factors. Would you like to be stuck in the middle of a large earthquake or other type of disaster? Of course you wouldn’t, so now we must make the effort to avoid being caught up in one. How can we avoid mass karma? By disconnecting yourself from what other people are doing, that is the way. The great ones say that seclusion is the price of greatness; you can then begin to remove yourself from the mass karma which can explode anywhere or at any time.
There are weapons which control our destiny. All the accumulated bad and evil actions from all the people on this world are far more powerful than the atomic weapons of the Russians and the Americans, a million times more bad and evil actions are then stored up in the ether as vibratory bombs hidden to explode in the form of national and natural disasters. When people correct their own thoughts and behavior, natural catastrophes and wars will continue. All of these events are not brought on by fateful divine actions or geological faults, but by widespread material greed and selfishness.
According to what masters tell us we will have two thousand more years of wars in our future unless we stop this selfishness globally