Our Universities Are The Wuhan Lab of Woke-ism, Marxism and Antisemitism. It’s where the virus was created, it’s where it mutated and where it spread. Markist took over our collage faculties and administrations. There is a special warning here for anyone, especially parents and would be parents
Part I and part II what you will never learn in school, what is American Exceptionalism.
On the American campus today it is more advantages for a lot of people never to set foot on one. There is all this talk about artificial intelligence all these guys like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Buffet and all these others in the high tech business that say we need to be worried about artificial intelligence over running humanity. We are already surrounded by a bunch of artificial intelligence; it’s called “college educated millennials.”
We already have mind numbed robots they are graduates of major American universities. They are not being taught to think, they are being programed and propagandized coming out all thinking the same, feeling the same and white students are being turned into people that think they have maternal guilt over being white. There are now discussion rooms on many campuses where you can discuss the dangers of white privilege and the problems of being white.
It’s hideous of what is passing as an excuse of an education today. We have robots already they are human beings. They are out there among us who don’t know anything and all they want to do is shut down anything they find uncomfortable, it is called Cancel Culture. They don’t believe in free speech, liberty or freedom. It’s dangerous and the intelligence is artificial, it’s not genuine, there is no thinking involved and it is a huge problem long before robots take over. The number of mind numbed robots their graduating every year is legion. Einstein said, “I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.” That day has arrived.
Would be graduates are usually told at their commencement speech “The weight of the world is on your shoulders and the world is waiting for you to make your mark.” In reality none of that is true and the world is not waiting for you. The weight of the world in not on your shoulders and you haven’t done anything to distinguish yourselves yet.
In truth you are nothing special and the only thing that sets you apart from anybody else is the car you drive and your social media. The world is not in your hands yet and thank God because you’re not ready for it. The world is not your oyster and is not waiting with open arms for you to join it.
They have no idea what they are entering and they are not being prepared for it at all. They think that because they are in college where everything is devoted to a socialistic ritual in equality, fairness, sustainability they think the world is this or if it isn’t they are socialistic warriors and they can fix it by simply showing up and demanding it. They haven’t the slightest idea about the world they are soon to enter.
Everybody wants education to be better. The academe (academia) I love that word, that’s the academy of institutions of higher learning which means indoctrination centers known as universities. That’s the right buzz words but the point with education is it doesn’t take a lot of money to fix it, money is what has broken it. What’s wrong with education is what’s taught, what’s wrong with education is whose teaching it, what’s wrong with education is the curriculum, what’s wrong with education is the premise, what’s wrong with education is the fact that people are not learning critical thinking.
They are not learning how to be curious and satisfy their curiosity, they are not learning how to be suspicious and how to think at all. Education has become indoctrination. Why do we need schools like these when you are learning about women’s studies, gender studies, climate change studies and all this other garbage that doesn’t prepare you to do anything but be miserably unhappy as an activist unable to change anything. Nearly 40% of college graduates regret their majors as of 11/23/22.
Now sending people to college it’s as sure as making people go to the movie theater. The colleges are citadels of liberalism and the professors there need to be paid so they can continue to propagandize the students. Whenever you hear about major businesses price gouging, big oil, big labor, big box retail, big pharma you never ever hear anybody complaining about big education but they are in there. They never lower their prices, they never accommodate for market circumstances, you pay it or you don’t get in, find a way to pay it or the heck with you and nobody puts pressure on them and nobody shames them.
People do it because they’ve been told that the only way their kids or they are going to have a prayer of mattering and succeeding is if they go to college. Now look what they’ve done to it.
People that of accrued this debt because there is pressure to go to college, some of them have no business being there. They may know what they want to do but they are discouraged from doing that, now you have to go to college that’s the only way little Johnny you can get ahead.
A college education doesn’t mean you know anything but you get a piece of paper saying that you do. You get a piece of paper saying that you have undergone the rigors and discipline to become a college graduate. A college degree is one of the ways that companies use to just limit the number of applicants for a job. You gotta have a degree or you can’t work here. That gets rid of how many applicants that you don’t have to interview or talk to. But in many cases it’s an irrelevant requirement
As much as freedom of speech is bandied about and protested over and as much as freedom of speech is attacked, forty percent of the American people can’t tell you that the 1st Amendment is what guarantees that Congress can’t pass a law bridging freedom of speech or the establishment of religion. And thirty three percent can’t even tell you one of the branches of government. They think it’s Republican, Democrat and independent. The Drive-By Media are dumbing people down in the education system.
University announces first-ever masters degree in ‘Happiness Studies,’ will cost students $17,700 more.
Because of Pandemics in 2020 most collages were shut down now and some may close. That would be a good thing. American parents and students are concluding I don’t need to pay sixty-five grand a year to get a degree in communications or something pointless. I can learn online for a fraction of the price. This is a game changer for higher education and the silver lining for students.
For Our Parents and Would Be Parents Need To Know: But first you need to know what is American Exceptionalism. Your forefathers created one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all. These were men of high ideals, spiritually guided and inspired to create a nation and a civilization to be admired and respected, to set an example for the rest of the world. In exercising their free will under God’s guidance and direction, they created a Constitution and a Bill of Rights for every man, woman, and child to live in freedom in the pursuit of happiness. Yet, these high minded and spiritual men were soon replaced by others who, in the exercise of their free will, chose to put their egos before God and to joust with God’s plan.
We want everybody to love this country. We want everybody to understand how special and blessed it is, not because we are better people, that’s not what American exceptionalism is. American exceptionalism is not that we are better people, our DNA is special; we are brighter, smarter. But that’s not what American exceptionalism is.
The United States is exceptional because it is the first nation in the history of mankind which constructed itself around the premise that the citizen runs the show and that the citizen is intrinsically free with inalienable rights that government cannot deny because they come from God, they are part of our creation. The Constitution of this country limits what government can do. The first Ten Amendments the Bill of Rights limit what government can do, not limit what the people can do. The first Ten Amendments spell out what the people are free to do that the government cannot stop. And that, had never happened in human history and in any other government. That’s the exception and that’s why everybody wants to come to America because of the freedom, the unleashed freedom that then unleashed opportunity and potential for the first time in human history. Never in the world has there been anything like the United States of America. It’s blessed, it’s special.
Do you know what the history of the human condition of the world is? The history of the human condition is misery. The vast majority from the beginning of time when ever that was, human beings have lived lives of poverty. They have not lived lives of plenty, they have not lived lives of what we consider creature comforts. Most people never knew about electricity, most people never new about airplanes, most people never knew about automobiles; most people never knew about the combustible engine, most people knew nothing but manual labor, most people knew nothing but tyranny as their form of government. Most people had very little or nothing because they were not free. They were born free, that’s the natural yearning of the human spirit created by God, free. But there are people on this earth who want to deny and control that freedom.
You have taken God and his works of prayer and meditation out of your government, out of your institutions, out of your schools. You have done everything you can to deny his existence, and you find yourself in a world filled with wars, hatred, starvation, and death, and you do not understand why the rest of the world does not follow your ‘shining’ example. The people are counting on you to return the United States of America to the righteous path that has been designed for you by the Father in Heaven, for the people of the world recognize now the urgency of your success in defeating the enemy.
Why do you think the democrats depend on stupid to win? Why do you think they are in charge of our education system?
For you would be parents and with the very young children, know this, one of the real reasons behind day-care was to get your kids out of your house and to place them in where government educators would have access to them. If you have children in or going into public kindergarten get them out of there. I would take them somewhere else. The problem when you get to junior high and high school your dealing with grades and if you have evidence that a teacher is really not even teaching but just preaching a bunch of dribble to your kid there is danger if you report the teacher. There not going to get rid of the teacher and the teacher is going to hear about it and take it out on the kid and not give him a good grade and whatever you are teaching them at home is being countermanded and undone when they are at school.
Teachers are authority figures and people respect them and kids think they know everything, that’s why they are teachers. It’s a direct challenge to what you are teaching them at home and kindergarten, you should get them out of there. There is nothing on your kid’s kindergarten record that can hurt your child down the road from getting into collage. These schools are destroying the formative years of these kids with leftist activism. You can’t trust the public education system. Why? You do everything you can and work as hard as you can to shape your kids and teach them what you think they need to be taught. You send them off to school and the kids come home and you don’t recognize them and you shouldn’t have to put up with that. Everyone wants to leave a better planet for our kids; what about leaving better kids for our planet?
When a child grows up the time comes when it has to exercise reason to protect himself. If he misuses his reason an evil outcome is precipitated and if guided rightly by good judgment the growing individual becomes happy. Be careful, when your children gain knowledge only through the so-called information superhighway of intellectual smartness, their inner pathway to intuition will be blocked and shut off by the hand of self-sufficiency. Education does not consist of letting the young fertile minds full of mush be corrupted by pumping in opinions or thoughts from the contents of books. These young minds are indoctrinated and lied to. Teaching children to develop intuition quickens their own evolution and will help them to recognize truth otherwise they will stay behind powerless to realize their ambitions.
There is proof for you and your children to make a distinction when actual truth is told to you. Whenever authentic truth is articulated to you for the first time you absorb as you capture its importance. When told a real truth you think “this sounds like something I have heard before, I think I knew that.” Remember all apparently fresh new truths in reality are ancient concealed truths of the spirit and soul and become recognizable again to give us happiness.
Elizabeth Bartlett from Harvard is now upset that you may pull your kids out of school and you will have authoritarian control over your own kids until they are eighteen. In her view that is dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless. They are concerned and worried that if you home school your kids all that indoctrination will have been in vain.
A twelve year old 7th grader inquired about getting a book on US American History because her entire seventh year was about learning Muslim and African cultures and their history and she is asking to get a book on American history that is accurate. She said there is no American history being taught only other people’s history. In her 6th grade she learned about Roman and Muslim Islam cultures as well. She was taught two years in a row about Muslim, Islamic cultures history and no direct American history. Her parents don’t like it but can do nothing about what is being taught in public school. Complaining would only bring her poor grades in that class. She was finely given the book “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans” one of the 4 Rush Revere books available.
The headline of the above is how schools use “character education” to brainwash kids and undermine American values. This is all about the attempt to indoctrinate kids today with the beliefs of the United Nations and Globalism and the fact that there shouldn’t be any countries or country related traditions. They should all be erased and replaced with a world view of things.
Across America character education programs mandated by law k through 12 school are undermining the deepest threads of American culture and transforming its values. It’s supposed to help young people become responsible and caring. Parents should be aware that school education programs are becoming more dependent upon curriculum standards developed in connection with UNESCO’s (UN) global education first initiative GEFI. There are three priorities in GEFI 1.Put every kid in school. 2. Improve the quality of learning. Okay fine who could disagree with that? 3. Foster global citizenship. Nothing wrong with one and two until you get into what foster global citizenship actually constitutes. What is global citizenship? Well essentially it’s communism. Let’s cut to the chase, global citizenship is taught as pro-communism, pro-socialism, anti-individual liberty and freedom. That is considered bad because global citizenship involves the recognition that one is part of a larger interconnected global community with certain shared values, so you’re nobody. Everybody is just an indiscriminate member of something much much much larger.
Here is the philosophy, by aliening itself with the UN’s sustainable development goals, global citizenship is based on a mix of philosophies that includes the ethics of utilitarianism, socialism and humanism. Utilitarianism as it is applied here is concerned with the overall wellbeing or happiness of the greatest number of people and in utilitarian societies like democracies; individual rights are subordinate to the rights of the majority, meaning the state. This presents significant challenges to the existence of the American Republic. How could America exist if utilitarianism is the goal of the UN sustainability project where individual rights are subordinate to the rights of the state. In America the individual trumps everything.
Our Constitution is writing for and about individual liberty and freedom, natural common law. This UN plan erases all of that. The 3rd part of the UN’s global citizenship sustainability development goal, humanism envisions a world without God. Without God includes the denial of a creator which gave us many unalienable rights thus to global citizens The Declaration of Independence would be deemed irrelevant as would the US Constitution both are which are built upon the principle of inherent rights outlined in the Declaration individual liberty and freedom.
What happens if your values don’t match the values of a world without God? What happens if you want to teach your children the values of citizenship in a kingdom of God rather than the anti-God they value in global citizenship? The point is Western civilization is under assault.
This program is designed to wipe young kid’s notions of individual liberty and freedom out of their heads and replace it with the fact that they are all part of a Global community where the individual doesn’t exist and this has begun to enter various public schools in America K through 12 already. If this is being taught in your children’s school, get them out of there into a private school or a school that doesn’t teach that garbage.
This is what is being taught in some of our schools about our Founding Fathers. It’s about a Thomas Jefferson we do not know who is a mad rapist, who knocked up one hundred of his slaves, one hundred illegitimate Jefferson babies during the time of Monticello. This is being taught as mainstream history. The greatness of any of the founders is being erased with some of the vilest and despicable rotgut and it’s been attached to the descendants of the founders. In racial terms white Christian religious. It’s an all-out assault on the very things that created this country which gave humanity its greatest repository of human freedom, liberty and dignity. The greatest opportunity for economic advancements, standard of living, life expectancy no matter how you measure it the United States of America has been unrivaled.
This is how young people are being taught. On the recent March For Life you see the 17 year old’s have the exact same hate filled language of their parents and grandparents and they are only 17 and younger. Why is it they all sound like Chuck Scumer the head of the Democratic Senate and just like Hollywood actors. How does this happen? They’re 17, do you think this is something that’s natural within them that they’ve grown up that way and they have always believed that at age 17. They have their talking points down, their arguments down, their characterizations of their enemy no different then people three times their age. What do you think is really happening here? Were talking about mind numbed robots.
These are the ten serious warnings.
Sitting in a class with the likes of Bill (William) Ayers poses a danger of being brain washed like the millennials have. When you send your kids to school whether it’s kindergarten through collage it’s a risk. The one’s who are not brainwashed means they haven’t been fed a bunch of poison by the likes of Howard Zinn who owns the history education in public schools. Go to private schools when possible or home school your children. In other words they haven’t come under the spell of the liberal indoctrination and propaganda that is the public school system today.
You take people who may not be wrapped to tightly to begin with and some who might be an order of fries short of a Happy Meal and you get them in your class room for ten or so years and you scare them to death. Especially if these people come from minority groups like LGBT or African American. The technique or their most practiced techniques is scaring people to death over what will happen if Republicans ever win and they lose elections and global warming even though there is a cooling trend. Young people haven’t been taught, they have been ill educated, miss educated and propagandized. It can be seen in everything we read written by young people. You can spot it a mile away. Their ignorance is coupled with the thinking they are the only people that know and nobody else does which is a characteristic of young people today. This is the product of leftist education.
The school campus is the indoctrination center and the people that run those campuses, universities and the professors are going to continue to be funded so they can continue to do their work in not educating but propagandizing and indoctrinating kids and in the process the banks and the government are getting rich off student loans. What good is a college education that carries a two hundred thousand dollar price tag in the form of a student loan you have to pay down before you even begin to acquire wealth on your own? Even if it’s not two hundred and it’s forty look at the people that are doing this to you. They make a mess out of everything they tell you they’re going to improve.
Look at the college’s today one of the great American institutions the college education and it has now become an albatross around the neck of most graduates. Look at what most students are majoring in “East ovarian studies in ancient Africa pre Roman Empire.” Where are you going to go to implement the knowledge you have acquired in that field? Or you just start teaching in other irrelevant archaic things like ocelot studies in the era of feminism circa pre Roman Empire. Whatever it’s asinine you leave college with a useless degree.
Why Is Academia Producing Such Abject Failures?
Is there any wonder why those who receive a college degree have moved towards the liberal democratic side of the political spectrum? A huge percent of professors identify themselves as liberals who teach what to think not how to think by pumping ideas into the student’s brains with skulls still full of mush not realizing they are being indoctrinated. The uniformed low information student thinks people who want business and educational success can gain their objective by attending colleges or business schools through the study of books especially in schools recommended by the mainstream media.
In the courses of study of all of these middle schools and colleges there are many courses and books prescribed and approved by academia and the board of education. Why then do kids leaving these colleges and schools end up trying this or that career or job and frequently after years of trying, finally awaken to see he or she has made wrong choices in their profession, spiritual beliefs, life companion and investments. They finally wake up and realize they were lied to in school by liberal teachers and professors who teach the liberal agenda and their slanted ideology.
Is there a solution to this other than being born into a higher age? Unfortunately the answer is no except for the few private schools who first measure the receptive aptitudes and abilities of their students before they intend training or schooling them in anything. Why try to introduce exact detailed knowledge into insufficient thinkers with only a partial strength of capability and understanding. Unfortunately universal laws are not taught in public schools. The West has much to learn from the Eastern masters.
Nothing was taught to them about the development of intuition-the sixth sense and concentration where one can surpass subjection to the karmic laws in their lives. What can you expect from a student leaving school with unassimilated knowledge? If you have the means never send your children to public schools.
In view of the fact that our senses are limited, consequently it is the same with our intellectual understanding. Since understanding and the senses are without a doubt deluded and cannot comprehend the necessary character and substance or real nature of created things.
The youth today hears in middle schools and colleges that human beings are basically a “higher animal” and frequently become atheists. They do not make any effort of soul exploration and envisions their animal nature to be their only reality cutting themselves off from spiritual aspirations.
Any system in education that does not put in plain words that Spirit is the major fact of human existence is teaching misleading knowledge. The sages and masters of our time are certainly grieving the worldly trends being taught in contemporary education. Because of conflicting religious dogmas it is deemed impossible to teach spiritual principles in public schools by our educational authorities. Numerous university graduates leave their colleges with book-inflated knowledge, top-heavy heads and are not capable to walk upright on the main road of life as their legs of self-control and will-power are semi-paralyzed through neglect.
They stumble into wrong marriages, excessive dollar longing and fail in business because they have fallen short in learning how to solve not just complex analytical problems, but how to solve practical, everyday problems. As soon as the education systems, starting in kindergarten, introduce the study of emotional and spiritual intelligence as priority learning then the students will be able to position themselves at a great advantage. The utmost problem facing our public education system is precisely the lack of knowledge of spiritual, universal laws and fundamental principles.
There are new findings coming out that for those who receive a college degree moves the graduate towards the liberal democratic side of the political spectrum. It causes them to be much more supportive of abortion and same sex marriage and makes them less likely to support the American work ethic and school prayer. It also shows that a large percent of professors identify themselves as liberals. The schools should be teaching our children how to think not what to think.
Even a rank carnal earthly-minded individual acknowledges the corporal operation of cause and effect knowing fully well that if he plays with fire he could get burned. However he sanctimoniously tends to reject the subtle mechanism of right action and moral laws and mocks at the implication of the existence of mightier laws that give divine purpose to his existence.
By following divine laws you can distance yourself from the causes of mental, physical, spiritual suffering and misery. Unfortunately these laws are not taught in public schools. We should all be spiritually educated by our mothers and fathers to know these laws. However most parents unfortunately do not know universal laws; therefore, we must become our own lawyers, our own psychologists, doctors and our own psychiatrists to understand these laws and learn how to properly meditate and pray.
People who are perfectly happy that are not suffering take the attitude “I am fine without religion and spirituality.” Who knows what is coming tomorrow or the next day. The likelihood of suffering is nearby. The average person is not free from this possibility. So what can we do to start learning all of this. First start reading the right books, here are three written by the great master Paramahansa Yogananda that reveal the mysteries of life. Autobiography of a Yogi, Man’s Eternal Quest and The Divine Romance. Soon you will begin to develop a vast library of spiritual knowledge to help you reawaken the intuitive wisdom of your soul. If you study from a great master intellectualism, will if studied deeply, gradually changes itself into intuition and what you need to know will start to place itself in front of you.
Sooner or later there comes a time in everyone’s life when we need to connect ourselves with a Higher Power and this becomes of uppermost importance, bringing one to his knees through sorrowful anxiety and desperation. When this time arrives would the ordinary human being in today’s secular society even know how to pray to get desired results? First of all you need to develop a relationship with God and once a relationship is acknowledged, your prayers will be answered. You cannot just parrot up prayers which is no better than training a parrot to recite the name of God. Would you tell someone via a recording “I love you?” Blind talkative repetitious prayers will get zero response. The shortcut approach to prayer the sages talk about is through devotion. When you pray, pray from your heart. People who are always putting off things can never achieve their goals.
The great sages looked upon religion as a science. The science of religion and the science of yoga teaches us how to sever the bonds of human misery and brings our consciousness back together with spirit. Yoga meditation and praying are all scientific in nature. When you are in the forest of theology you must have a proper guide and if you want to know about medicine or science you need a creditable teacher. When you want to understand the mysteries of God and the science of religion the teacher you have must be qualified.
Deceive Me Deceive Me Not
The politicians and people running this country do not understand how profound their disconnect is among the American population. They don’t understand just how many Americans are fed up with what professional button down politician establishment types are seen as having done to this country. The suicide rate in middle class white America is skyrocketing. There are many reasons to explain it, there are a whole bunch of possibilities and right smack dab in the middle of them is one word “economics.”
There has not been in the middle class in this country any real standard of living increase in a long time but there has been in other sectors of the population in this country and people see it and it’s not hard to figure out with mass immigration and layoffs of domestic Americans being replaced with immigrants who work for less money. It doesn’t take long for people to figure this out. You don’t need a PHD; you don’t need to have gone to Harvard to see what’s happening here. You don’t need any kind of education at all; all you have to do is to be conscious.
It goes deeper than economics as there are a growing number of people who believe that the so called “special people” the best educated among us, the best trained among us or call them our betters or whatever terminology you want to use have screwed everything up and people are now getting to wonder is it just that they are incompetent or have they done this on purpose and have rigged the game for themselves.
The best illustration for this is the college education. Since the great depression the college education, a college degree has been the ticket. The only possible way to avoid the economic disaster that was the great depression was to get a job and you couldn’t even get a job if you didn’t have an education. That was the American dream a rising standard of living, not just a house but a rising standard of living and education was the key to it. Everybody believed it, everybody bought into it. Parents bought into it, kids bought into to it, students and educators bought into it. Everybody wanted to go to college; everybody thought they should go to college.
And now what’s become of this? The college education no longer fulfills that promise. A college education now becomes a millstone around a graduate’s neck and who’s in charge of it? Who runs colleges, who runs student loan programs, who’s in charge of who gets into these universities? If you don’t have the connections how do you get in? People see all of this as rigged as well. People see this as stacked. People see this as connections and what do you do if you don’t have them? Now when you graduate from college with one hundred thousand of debt or much more how in the world are you ahead? All you do is owe the government, because that’s who runs the student loan program now. Look at some of the things people are getting degrees in, they are absolutely worthless to producing an income, there worthless to a rising standard of living. This is one of these agreed upon premises that has been corrupted says the big voice on the right R.L.
Did you know that women with Masters Degrees and Doctorates’ are freezing their eggs because there are not enough educated men in the world according to a new study. Researchers interviewed 150 women who were having their eggs frozen in eight clinics here and in Israel June 2014 and 2016 and more than 80% of the participants had college degrees. Some had Masters, M.D’s and PHD’s and the lead author of the study a professor at Yale, Marsha Inhorn said there was a gap. They are literally missing men. There are not enough college graduates for these women. In simple terms this is about an oversupply of educated women missing men. The term missing men refers to the lack of men with college or higher degrees.
This is exactly what feminism has accomplished. What’s it done for you lately? It’s got you highly educated unable to find a male to marry because their wooses (wuss) or their playing video games in their parents basements. Because they have been called rapists and they have been accused of all this misogyny. So why put up with all this? Interesting cultural shift.
Part II
What You Will Never Learn In Schools About The Founding of This Country
Should it be difficult to become a citizen, yes, it should be. And it’s not overly hard as it is now, but it should require some commitment, because the United States — and this is probably what you’re going to have trouble finding on the web. I’m giving you opinion, but it really isn’t. It’s opinion based on knowledge of the founding of the country and how the country was intended to be and what it became. And there’s no other country like this in the world.
There is no country in the world like the United States, not even free Western democracies. We are the only country in the world with a Constitution that limits the government, that provides for the primacy of the citizen over government. We do not have a Constitution that limits what people can do. We have a Constitution that limits the government. That had never been done before in the history of the world.
Most people, even today, most people alive today live under some form of dictatorship or tyranny and have nowhere near the freedoms that we in the United States have. They don’t have anywhere near economic freedom and liberty or prosperity that we have, which is why we’re such a targeted destination for people. We stand out.
And it’s precisely because this country was founded on the basis that human freedom and human liberty and the human mind unfettered lead to exceptionalism and greatness. Not that we’re better than any other people on the earth, but because we have fewer restraints and restrictions on us, that we are freer to reach our potential as individuals and as a population.
Well, this led to the establishment of a distinct American culture. And, by culture, I mean, rules and regulations and morality by which the citizens of America live. And this culture was itself rooted in the premise of individual liberty where you could pursue happiness while living your life unafraid of what you think, unafraid of what you say, unafraid of where you go because your government does not have the power to penalize you for it.
So this kind of unshackling of the human being led to untold innovation and progress, economic prosperity. And our population growth — we purchased Louisiana Purchase and won some territories — the population growth of this country coupled with that unique, never before seen in the world freedom and liberty unleashed a population like the world had never seen.
Nations had been around for thousands of years, say in Europe or the Middle East. We, in less than 200 years, had eclipsed them by a factor of 10 in just basic standard of living circumstances. Simple things, like plumbing, sanitation, water, inventions such as air-conditioning and flight and electricity and so forth, leading the world in all kinds of innovation, led to untold millions of people wanting to come here.
In order to preserve this country, it ought to be a very specific task for somebody, not a citizen, to become one. If they come here via legal immigration, they do have to take a test. And those who endeavor to become citizens and pass the test, it’s one of the most proud days of their lives. If you’ve ever been to a naturalization ceremony or ever seen one televised, it’s one of the proudest days of their lives, to become, quote, unquote, an American.
They learn the language. They become familiar with the customs. They do not sacrifice their nationality. If they arrive here as Italians, they’re still Italians, Italian Americans, but they become Americans. It’s a good thing to become an American, to be a participant in this unique, distinct culture.
We are a nation with a culture and a society worth preserving as hard as it takes, as long as it takes, as much as it takes to preserve it. And we are under assault. There are people who think that our society is exclusionary, it’s unfair, it discriminates. And all of that is literally a bunch of caca. We have in the past had problems. No nation on earth has done more to address discrimination, injustice, and it’s an ongoing thing that the people of this country engage in each and every day while being accused of being racists, sexists, bigots, and homophobes.
But I’m drifting away here. The bottom line is that America is so valuable to the world, America is so important, preserving the culture that led to this exceptionalism is worth preserving, and it ought to be hard. It ought to take some effort to become an American. If you have grown up and you’ve not been educated, you want to come here, you want to become a citizen, you need to learn what it takes.
People born here grow into it and that birthright, if you’re born here you’re a citizen so you don’t have to take any tests, you just grow up and hopefully you become an American. But we’re in charge. Every nation should be in charge of who gets in and who doesn’t. Every nation should have the ultimate right to determine who gets in and becomes a citizen and who doesn’t. There’s nothing discriminatory about that. There’s nothing unfair about that. It’s necessary to preserve the country as is. That’s why we have borders and so forth.
Well, what’s happening is that unique, distinct culture is being diluted and watered down by record numbers of illegal immigrants who want to become citizens but do not want to have to do anything required to become a citizen other than show up. And that’s why so many of us feel the country is at risk and threatened.
So, it should not be easier to become a citizen. It’s not that hard now. But it takes some level of commitment. You want to see some degree of commitment. In anything. Nothing in life should be easy. Nothing worthwhile is easy. Everything worthwhile does take some effort, in some cases a lot of it. R. L.