Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food?
November UPDATES.. We Have A Right To Know What Were Eating and Not Frankenfoods That Frankenstein Would Run From Fake Food Updated
GMO Foods. If It’s Not Organic Don’t Eat It. If you don’t buy organic vegetables: Watch out for corn, soybeans, sugar beets, squash, potatoes, papaya, vegetable oils and even salmon. Especially avoid all corn and soybean products like the plague if they are not organic. Our chickens and cows are being poisoned for these fake foods.
Are these lab created foods actually a distortion of what Mother Nature intended and a ticking time bomb that will lead to an explosion of diseases and premature death? What you need to know to protect yourself and your family from the hidden dangers of lab created gennetically engineered “Frankenfoods”
Here is the Non Organic “Dirty Dozen” of the produce that your restaurant (and home for that matter) should avoid at all costs!
Frankenfoods: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Sweet bell peppers
Cherry tomatoes
Take apples, for example. Apples are as American as apple pie. But did you know that for the last several years, this quintessential American fruit has topped the “Dirty Dozen” list of the Environmental Working Group, a research and advocacy organization? The Dirty Dozen is a list of foods so contaminated that people must eat only the organic varieties. No longer “keeping the doctor away,” apples contain more pesticides than any other fruit or vegetable. For starters, 80 percent of apples grown in the United States have a chemical called diphenylamine on them, which breaks down into cancer-causing nitrosamines. Growers spray apples with this chemical after the harvest to keep them from turning brown. Yes, the apples look great on the shelf, all red and shiny, but better leave it on the shelf.
GMO Corn Dramatically Increased Early Death in Males and Females animals died not only from eating the highest dose of the GMO corn — they even died eating the lowest dose. Among the male rats on the 11 percent GMO diet (the lowest dose) followed until the 17th month, the death rate was five times higher than the normal control rats on a regular diet. The first female animal to die did so less than a year after starting the diet and had a huge breast tumor. Females on the 22 percent GMO diet for 21 months had a death rate six times higher than rats on a normal diet — even without Roundup contamination. Death in the females was secondary to breast tumors and in males from liver and kidney damage. Are genetically modified foods called GMO’s safe for you and your family, as GMO promoters insist?
GMO Corn and Tumors
As with early death in the animals, development of massive tumors was not related to the dose — that is, there were just as many of these tumors in rats eating the lowest dose of the GMO corn as the highest. The tumors were unusual because they were so huge and grew so rapidly. This should terrify every woman who is eating GMO foods.
Why Are GMO Foods So Dangerous?
While the French study is perhaps the most compelling, there have been a number of studies done on GMO foods by laboratories from around the world. In addition to kidney and liver damage, researchers have found damage to the adrenal glands, heart, and spleen. Genetically modified foods can also damage various parts of cells, such as the mitochondria, cell membranes, and chromosomes, and have been connected to damage to other organs, such as the heart, lungs, intestines, and pancreas. Maybe that’s why GMO foods are outlawed in Europe, Russia, and most of Africa. In addition, several studies have Babies Face Dangers From Soy We should also be concerned.
Never Eat bread that is not Organic ever
Another one that is not organic
Warning On Next Video.
Did You Know?
YOU are the secret weapon of food marketing! – GMO, fluoride, heavy metal toxins and vaccines make you stupid and vulnerable to Big Food marketing tactics. Is all GMO void of nutrition? GMOs are the “walking dead” of the food industry, much like movie “Idiocracy” where in the future all humans water their crops with Gatorade.
Metastatic cancer could just be when your self-repair mechanisms are thrown off from consuming GMO food, pesticides, fluoride water and flu shots! Vitamin A-Enhanced, GMO Bananas Coming In The Near Future Thanks To Bill Gates; Six Week Human Consumption Trials Coming Soon. Organic Food Sales Continue Double-Digit Yearly Growth; GMO Aversion Become The Driving Force For Consumer Switch. Controversy Rages On As Damning GMO Corn/Pesticide/Rat Tumor Study Is Republished; Big Agra Scurries.
MUST READ: The Complete 113-Year History Of The World’s Most Evil Company – Monsanto. Agent Orange will soon be on your food and you could die from cancer just like the soldiers who trekked through it in Vietnam – GMO news on the deadly 2, 4-D concoction. Superbug insect larvae consuming billions of dollars of GMO corn by the roots – Monsanto and Dow in big trouble! Sub-chronic toxicological effects of GM cereals in mammals and humans – study reveals new insecticides with mutagenic effects! Monsanto visiting schools to spread propaganda and brainwash children about how pesticide food is healthy and organic food “kills people”
GMO field tests gone awry – a sorry attempt at defending pesticide food for the masses and a huge “dose” to go with some climate change fear-mongering. Flu shots are intramuscular injections containing 100 times the mercury you find in certain fish, and still some MSG (GMO) and formaldehyde, according to CDC’s website.
They are putting bugs in our food be sure to read labels and buy organic.
Babies Face Dangers From Soy
We should also be concerned that almost 40 percent
of babies are being fed at least some soy-based formula,
and 25 percent are mostly fed soy-based formula. It has
been estimated that soy formula provides soy-based
estrogen-like substances that would be equivalent
to giving a baby five oral contraceptive pills a day.
Development of the male-type sexual brain depends on
circulating specific sex hormones, and this could have a
feminizing effect on male babies.
The effects of GMO soy-based formula is suspected
to be harmful by some researchers, but what this study
could mean is that babies would be consuming the toxic
soy and Roundup contaminants for a much longer period
than an adult just starting on GMO foods.
Soy formula also has been shown to contain toxic
levels of manganese as well as fluoride and glutamate.
Combined, these brain and organ toxins could have a
number of long-term harmful effects.
Source: Naturalnews, Newsmax and Russell Blaylock, M.D. American Neurosurgeon.
The original purpose of creating GMO’s was to “end world hunger.” One way to do this, was to make farmers crops repellent to bugs, so they could yield more crops to feed our growing global population. This argument was very feasible when you think about just how much our population has risen over the past 100 years. As bugs and diseases grew resistant to these types of pesticides, farmers in turn, would be forced to spray more and more. With more and more spray, our environment became damaged, as well as our bodies. Flash forward to today, where everyone is asking for “locally sourced and organic” menu options or reminding their server that they have a food allergy. This locally sourced and organic movement is new, mostly because it is a new market. 25 years ago, most food met the requirements of being organic. FARE, the Food Allergy Research & Education group, reported that in 2008, the Center for Disease Control noted an 18 percent increase in food allergies among children between 1997 and 2007. And yet, it rose again, to approximately 50% between 1997 and 2011.
Besides doing a few simple yoga exercises every day, what else do you recommend to fight the tensions of our age?
“I have two other suggestions,” he said. “These hints are so simple, our smart Americans won’t follow them. After exercise, the second tip is — watch your diet. Quit digging your grave by eating mashed potatoes, thick gravies, overcooked vegetables, and refined-flour pastries. Fresh fruits and raw or barely cooked vegetables are your best friends. …We eat the wrong things, and starve ourselves on what our bodies cry out for.”
Read Carefully… Expensive Diet MD Consultation Free:
6. Healthy habits may be the secret to living longer, Florida neurosurgeon reveals
1. Assume responsibility for your own health
2. Take these 6 blood tests — and take them seriously
1. Lipid Profile. This test provides a rough idea of the ratio of “good” to “bad” cholesterol, he said.
2. Vertical Auto Profile (VAP). This is a cholesterol, lipid and lipoprotein test that measures all the components of a standard lipid profile and also delves further, segmenting cholesterol into sub-types.
3. C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Most important. Patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome have elevated CRP levels, which is a risk factor for coronary heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and atherogenic dyslipidemia, Osborn explained.
4. Homocysteine. “Elevations in homocysteine are associated with a variety of diseases, including heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis,” Osborn said.
5. Hemoglobin A1C. This test measures how well blood sugar levels have been controlled over weeks or months.
“This test doesn’t lie,” Osborn said. “It is an average, a wide-angle lens, not an instantaneous snapshot like a fasting glucose level. You want this level to be as low as possible.”
6. Vitamin D3. There is evidence that Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with stroke, insulin resistance, Alzheimer’s dementia, coronary artery disease and cancer, according to Osborn.
“Get this tested and intervene if necessary, as failure to do so will predispose you to a variety of diseases,” he warned.
3. Embrace these supplements Adults Only Dr. Shivinder S. Deol MD anti aging supplements
1. Omega-3 fatty acids-Fish oil CarCarlson, Norwegian, The Very Finest Fish Oil, Natural Lemon , 1,600 mg, 16.9 fl oz
2. Vitamin D3 minimum 5,000 IU daily with MK7 to better absorb to prevent bone loss.
3. B-complex
4. Buffered Vitamin C-4,000 mg per day minimum Dr. Deol
5. Magnesium these 3 forms together for bone and heart health Malate, Glycinate, and Taurate
6.Ubiquinol coq10 for heart health
7. Probiotics
8. B-12 Methylcobalamin, 2000 mcg, minimum over 50 yrs old 5000.
Others. Resveratrol, Curcumin, Green tea extract, Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Dandelion Root drops.
“Supplements will not remedy your elevated blood sugar, blood pressure, gouty arthritis and hypertension — only you can. There is no easy way out.”
4. Work your brain
Although it’s not a muscle, Osborn emphasized that the brain benefits from exercise, both mentally and physically.
5. Know your food’s glycemic index
Measuring your food’s glycemic index (GI) is a way of rating the impact it has on blood sugar and insulin
Statins: Are these cholesterol-lowering drugs right for you?
Avoid them at all costs as the side effects are numerous and the only benefits are for big pharma to make money.
To replace them Nattokinase 3 per day on an empty stomach a higher form is
Natto-Serra, (Nattokinase-Serrapeptase is a combination of two natural enzymes that have been used as dietary supplements for decades.)
These are natural blood thinners with zero side effects to prevent strokes and heart attacks,Dr. Shivinder S. Deol MD anti aging supplements.
__Why Organic Beer Only (Parasites)
We need to open all capsule vitamins and take the powder in water‼️‼️‼️ Most vitamins we take are “veggie caps.” The additives in veggie caps cause harm to the gut. If you buy capsules you should only consume “gelatin caps” never “veggie caps.”‼️‼️
This, I suspect, is the reason you have unusual gas. And, at times, I have soft-stools but did not k ow why. 🤷♀️
Don’t Just Rely On Vitamins and Supplements:
Relying on supplements is the most common mistakes health nuts make with their diet. We tend to replace our bad habits with less harmful, but still bad habits. The foundation of health comes from the food you eat. Supplements should be used to supplement your diet, not to replace it. On the road to health, we often turn to supplements and tinctures for a quick fix. They usually work better and faster than conventional treatments when the tinctures and supplements are high quality?
But none of these “cures” get to the root of the problem. Natural remedies that do not address the cause have a very important and overlooked side effect – they mask symptoms, allowing us to continue to live our toxic lifestyles.
Too much organic junk food
Just because it’s labeled organic, or vegan, or natural, does not mean it’s healthy. Refined food, prepackaged food, “snack” food should be severely limited. There is a direct correlation to health and well being and the elimination of processed foods.
Too much eating out
This is a tough one. Even the healthiest restaurants still produce food that is not good for you. Restaurants, for a myriad of reasons, cannot prepare healthy nutritious meals as well as you can at home. The fact is, health food restaurants should be a treat; conventional restaurants should be avoided.
Too much sugar
Typically, sugar is the last thing a health nut is willing to give up. Sugar cane juice, brown rice syrup, agave nectar, and every other natural sweetener that comes to mind, save stevia, have something in common; they are refined sugars. And refined sugars feed and/or promote inflammation, viruses, bacteria, Candida and other fungi, and virtually all other parasites that affect us. They also contribute to nearly every other ailment. Sugar is the enemy.
Sugar Is Sugar Is Sugar!
Too much juicing
The juices and the smoothies with juice fall under the same category as sugar. When you juice fruits and sweeter vegetables, you lose a lot of nutrition. This includes fiber that helps slow the absorption of sugar. In effect, you are refining your own produce, turning it into simple sugars, when you juice.
Juicing regularly has its place. Juicing produce with very little sugar is a nice way to get a lot of nutrition into your body at once (it’s just not so pleasant to my palate). Also, there are people who are so sick that they cannot digest whole foods. Furthermore, when detoxifying, juicing can be a way to get in nutrition easily without making your body work for it while it is overburdened with the release of toxins.
Too little produce
For many people, this is the last step to regaining your health and living a life full of vitality without aches and pains. Fresh, raw, and organic (whenever possible) produce is the key to health. Eighty percent of your diet should be raw produce.
Do not let a lack of organic food choices stop you. Conventional raw produce is better than organic frozen produce, provided the food is not genetically modified or one of the “dirty dozen.”
I am not saying don’t buy organic. Let me stress that. Buy organic whenever possible! Just don’t let a lack of organic produce turn you towards the less beneficial packaged foods.
There are few shortcuts in life that work, and this holds true for health as well. It takes time, patience, dedication, and discipline. I promise you this: it’s an investment that is well worth it. For more information on sugars, including the healthy alternative sugars, check out the first source.
Are You Eating Boxed Cereal For Breakfast Or Giving It To Your Kids?
According to (NaturalNews) breakfast cereals are a multi-billion dollar industry. Unpublished studies have shown that rats eating the boxes of cereals lived longer than those eating the cereal itself. The large corporate food industry with its many lobbyists has successfully kept all research on the dangers of cold cereals out of published journals. A healthy breakfast includes eating nutrient dense, real foods such as pastured eggs, raw smoothies, fresh organic vegetable juice, soaked oatmeal or “porridge” and raw, pastured dairy foods.
Save your money
Boxed breakfast cereals are one of the highest profit-making processed foods in the food industry. A few cents worth of grains are transformed into flakes and other shapes and resold for several dollars per box.
Details of the extruding process:
The extruding process uses high heat and pressure to make cereal flakes and other shapes. This processing changes the molecular structure of the cereal protein to produce a neurotoxin. The extruding process is the same for both organic and conventional cereals. The processing destroys the majority of other nutrients found in cereal, even the synthetic vitamins that are added. Because organic cereals usually contain more whole grains, these cereals end up being more toxic to consumers. Conventional cereals have the added danger of often containing genetically modified ingredients, along with more sugar and unsafe artificial additives.
What the studies show
Stitt describes an experiment, conducted in 1942, by a cereal company but locked away in the company’s file cabinet. In the study four sets of rats were given special diets. The rats given vitamins, water and puffed wheat died within two weeks. The rats given white sugar and water lived one month. The rats given water and vitamins lived two months, while those fed whole wheat, water and vitamins lived more than a year.
Another unpublished experiment performed in 1960 at the University of Michigan involved 18 lab rats divided into three groups. The rats fed cornflakes and water died first and also exhibited abnormal behavior, biting each other and developing convulsions. The second group, fed the cereal’s cardboard box and water, died second of malnutrition. The control group, fed rat chow and water, remained in good health throughout the experiment. The surprise finding was that the rats fed a cardboard box lived longer than those fed the cornflakes.
What’- s for breakfast?
When looking for breakfast foods, choose real foods that are not processed. Good breakfast choices include high quality, organic pastured eggs, eaten raw in smoothies or cooked. Eggs can be cooked as delicious omelets with vegetables and cheese, sunny side up, soft or hard boiled. Eating eggs with the yolk uncooked leaves more nutrients intact.
Another delicious, nutritious breakfast is porridge or breakfast grains such as oats soaked overnight in an acidic mixture and then cooked in the morning. The overnight soaking releases nutrients and breaks down the phytic acid of grains helping with digestion. Porridge eaten with butter and raw milk increases the nutrient density of this breakfast. If in a hurry, a smoothie made with raw pastured eggs, yogurt, raw coconut cream, coconut oil, organic frozen berries/veggies and other preferred super foods can be taken to go. Raw pastured milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese are another quick, nutritious breakfast option. Fresh organic vegetable juice can also help jump start your day.
There are many good breakfast options, but the most important thing to remember is to eat real food, while avoiding expensive, processed breakfast cereals. Just remember that lab rats did better eating the box, when you are considering spending your hard earned money on expensive breakfast cereal. Source : NaturalNews
Skip all cold breakfast cereals and replace with ‘real food’ for a healthy start to your day.
Understanding food values is an important part of it; for example, it is detrimental to your system eating meat; so is having a vegetable dinner of killed vitamins from improper cooking. The brains of our food is vitamins so, it’s absolutely necessary to have vitamins in our system for the development of physical and mental strength. Carrots are rich in vitamins especially the tops and bottoms. You can wash them but do nothing else because these vitamins give vitality to your body. We have all heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Try an orange a day, a lemon a day, an apple a day and two tablespoons of ground nuts (almonds) mixed in a half a glass of orange juice. Remember we want to resurrect ourselves with living foods not mummified foods. Unsulphured figs, raisins and prunes are good but ordinary raisins and figs are mummies. The fumes from the sulphur passes through them and kills the vitamins. They do not decay because they are treated. They are dead and are so well preserved you can leave them in your will as antiques to coming generations. We should all check the labels on dried fruit and everything we eat for that matter.
Everyone has to eat. Isn’t it rational to eat right? You could be on a starvation diet often eating whole meals of pies, white bread and sugar that can gratify your hunger, but in time this could kill you. A poisonous rattle-snake warns us before it bites but rich gravy made with white flower is a silent killer. It won’t signal a warning like the snake because it looks and tastes good. White bread and all things refined, like white sugar, grains and flower gives colonic poisoning __ it is bad for you; however, whole and brown foods like unpolished grains, fruits, natural sugar in honey are good for you. Until the mills came we had unprocessed cereals. Nowadays, in a roundabout way, the process of refining foods is taking the nutrients out of the grains. It is good to have a hard boiled egg, one slice of whole grain bread with butter, never with margarine, and a small piece of cheese. You can safely eat these daily more or less. Eat fresh organic fruit and vegetables. Never over prepare or over cook.
Drink filtered water 1 gallons a day, green or white tea (seep for 10 minutes) unsweetened. Sugar is the enemy! Water, natural fat and proteins are our friends. NEVER low fat or fat free anything! Consume raw, fresh, organic, unprocessed whole foods and a lot of water. Replace red meat, pork and lamb with organic chicken, (breast meat) organic turkey and non farmed safe fish. Avoid sweet drinks, most juices, diet or regular sodas, Gatorade, power drinks and vitamin water. Resurrect your mind from the bad habits of wrong eating.
Cook with only extra virgin olive oil, saturated fats (butter), grape seed oil, coconut oil, palm oil (non-hydrogenated.) Diets high in omega-6 fats, which include these 6 common cooking oils are dangerous, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil and peanut oil as they oxidize during cooking making them even more harmful as they increase the risk of colon and other cancers and change existing tumors into metastasizing aggressive monsters. Get rid of them. Foods should never be prepared or cooked in these dangerous oils. Avoid buying any processed foods containing these oils to avoid inflammation of the arteries, this is what causes heart attacks not cholesterol. Most processed foods contain at least one of these oils. Studies show that a high intake of omega-6 oils also increases the incidence of depression and neuroticism.
Fasting is the next step to cleaning up your body. You should fast one day a week on nothing but orange juice to give your internal organs a break and let them rest. One day a week equals fifty two days a year. You would be letting your body clean itself up to resurrection. You will live! You won’t die. The next step is to fast once a month consecutively for at least two or three days only living on orange juice. Remember the saying “Man shall not live by bread alone,” and you know the rest of it. Fasting on orange juice scrubs every cell of your body preventing poisons from accumulating.
Why Are You Playing God With Our Food 9/27/2023
Video …..Health Alert
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