The low information spiritually illiterate may find this depressing. You may classify yourself. Couples under the hallucinogenic influence of emotion and passion make the impossible promises of eternal love. When they leave their bodies the sun shines over their bones in their graves along with the eternal promises they made to each other.
Human love to a mate is idealistic and very tricky, and sadly most people will leave this life with little satisfaction in their hearts. For the spiritually inclined finding the divine love of God in a worldly marriage is also very difficult and delusive. Tying the knot of matrimony is needless to the ones who are wedded to the bliss of God and others who never married and were fulfilled by God’s promise to give His love to the true devotee. For them there was no desire to marry. To be truly free of the disenchantment of human wedlock then your goal must be the union with the Cosmic God.
For the unenlightened this is an impossible concept and if one has not tasted the joy and bliss of the soul it’s hard to swallow even intellectually. The only way to describe what real divine love is to explain its effect, it is so overpowering and so great would be your happiness if you could feel just a tiny speck of real divine love.
Here Is A Deeper Meaning of The Above For Advanced Students
The attraction which one feels towards any person or aspect of material consciousness is when any kind of pleasure or happiness is derived from a person or an object. It is natural for us to get attracted in this manner because the soul in bondage having lost the direct source of ananda or bliss within gropes after bliss in the external world and anything which can provide even a shadow of this in the form of ordinary happiness or pleasure becomes dear to it. Everything we are trying to grab outside is because of what we have lost within our self, either through marriage, drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power or position trying to regain that bliss we have lost but we can’t. This is an ephemeral world where the pendulum is endlessly changing its rhythm; you can’t get hold of anything here, it disappears it’s a mirage.
If we are attracted to a person we shall always find on scrutiny that the attraction is due to some kind of pleasure, physical, emotional or mental. We may become addicted because we find it pleasant; we become attached to a person because we derive from them some kind of pleasure physical or emotional.
When Marriage Is Necessary and When You Should Not
The ultimate happiness is never found in human matrimony. The unfulfilled physical desires of conjugal love will remain in the heart as karmic destines through incarnations and the harm of harboring them is that every desire consists of specific forces with magnetic fields of attraction. Worldly physical temptations constantly urge us to do wrong by appealing to present habits and prenatal karmic tendencies.
One of the worst of all is paying the karmic bill from a past incarnation of indiscretions of cheating on your mate thereby by placing yourself in a miserable loveless marriage. It is possible to avoid this from happening but if you are not spiritual there is no chance. To have your karma forgiven is a colossal task and would require the grace of God or the intervention from a real guru or saint. Here is a deeper explanation of the above. Don’t cheat on your mate. For those who can’t help themselves it’s best to ……………………… just don’t cheat as there is a 100% chance you will someday regret it.
First, most people don’t even know the true definition of love. What is love? Love is the divine power of attraction and the universal nature of love has many appearances. There is motherly love, human physical love, love between the master and disciple, based on reason there is fatherly love, love of true friendship that is without any obligation, the highest love is God’s love between the spirit and soul.
Is it ok to marry a non-spiritual person? Do so at your own risk. “No, here’s why, there are many qualifications to consider before tying the knot. The most important one for an ideal marriage is if neither one is spiritual, man nor woman you should not marry that person; you will not be loved.” Love is not a human quality but God himself. When you feel love for your mate you have allowed God to flow through you at that moment; it is He who loves your mate, it is He who loves all people.
Many people think it unnecessary to analyze what love really is. The mistake for the romantically involved is to marry on a physical impulse. As they become excited their senses peak and they mistake the pleasure of the senses for real love and are misled. When you marry for good looks, the beauty or sexual attraction soon part when the allurement dims the good looks wane and guess what? The pretty face gets boring and can look ugly. There are many wrong reasons to marry. What do common interests, marring for money, arranged marriages or climbing the social ladder have to do with love?
When you understand the power of attraction and repulsion you realize that like attracts like and if you are not spiritual you will not attract a spiritual mate. Take the words of the masters if want to be loved and have a spiritual mate or partner and you are not on the spiritual path then the world must be your teacher and considering the state of this world you may want to think carefully if you want true or divine love in your life. We get in this world what we deserve.
You may think to yourself that you’re lonely and you can’t stand the feeling. Learn and be armed with the armor of wisdom the man or woman of self-control travels through this pathway with detachment performing their duty in the tricky world of the senses. Do you want to be like the dog harnessed to a cart with a sausage dangling out in front on a pole, pulling progressively more and more a tormenting life as a slave to his desires, forever thinking, “when I get her or him to marry me I will be happy.” What if that day never comes? Be happy now, this moment! Why spend the little time you have on this earth planning and thinking how to have a beautiful mate at your side. Keep in mind that souls of ignorance that inhabit gorgeous bodies are tombs of flesh that cover up hideous skeletons.
Bhaktananda How to Control the Vital Energy Class date unknown (80’s)
Goal and ideals – we must have. We are not perfect yet.
Celibacy for all?
Master said “No”.
It is not necessary in the early part of marriage. Later, yes, for liberation.
Thoughts of sex draw evil companions and create repression. They are our most powerful enemies – any kind of evil thought.
Thoughts of sex and fantasies should be eliminated.
Saints, Master said, have a hard time finding spiritual births. Many saints were born in not-too-spiritual families. It is necessary.
Never talk about someone else’s sex life. The karma will come back to you full force. You will find you are not as strong as you think.
RE quoting Brother Bhaktananda: Do not quote him without asking him. It is easy to misquote. It is a popular pastime. It is an ego game with some individuals.
Those who live near the Temple: do not ever talk about other’s weaknesses, especially their sex weaknesses.
How to transmute:
Inhale and exhale deeply and affirm: “I want to turn my energy Godward”
We are all magnets, either worldly or spiritual.
It is better to be single than to go through hell-fire, as many people do, who are worldly and attract a worldly mate. After the senses are satiated then come arguments over every little thing.
Marriage is often misused.
In marriage – the true purpose of marriage – both partners should bring up the faults of the other. You need to have that neutral – not stiff – attitude so that you can move in any direction you need to move.
You cannot be in Cosmic Consciousness and create physically.
Aids controlling the vital energy:
Avoid overeating
Avoid too much spicy foods
Avoid meats, alcohol, tobacco
Avoid lack of exercise, idleness – wrong pictures of exposed bodies
Avoid being in the company of sex-minded people