If this worries you it means that you did not finish your earthly schooling and failed in all the grades of mental, physical, and spiritual unfoldment. Then what is the cause of your failure? Just so you know reincarnation is non-compulsory unless you make it so. When you realize the trouble that goes along with attachments and desires you wouldn’t burden yourself with them.
With the karmic laws of attraction and repulsion you will reincarnate in your next cycle to exactly what you desire and are attached to. You are binding your soul with Samskaras. What does that really mean? Any deep-seated desires in earthly life linked with desires, attachments, relationships, race, or country are bonds that leave traces in your subconscious mind that bind you to come back to this world in your next incarnation with specific tendencies to fulfill that desire or attachment.
Let’s be reminded that any unfulfilled desires no matter how small, must be fulfilled and will guarantee your return trip to earthly life. Unfulfilled desires remain in the heart as well through incarnations and the harm of harboring them is that every desire consists of specific forces with magnetic fields of attraction and repulsion; when man falls into the traps of illusion with likes and dislikes he is caught in the web of desires and through desires he unconsciously unleashes the power of the disciplinarian law of karma.
Most people primarily don’t understand why we are here thinking life is mainly for acquiring wants, the pleasure of human love and necessities. You are programed with set tendencies and unfulfilled desires from your past at the start of your human life and with your little bit of remaining free will you imitate each other’s actions and desires. If people associate themselves with actors, artists or business people, they want to be like them.
You have been given hunger at your birth that must be satisfied but chasing after possessions, food, money and shelter most forget the true source of happiness when satisfying these needs. Give yourself first to God and then your schooling will fall under His loving wise tutelage.
Your last Day On This Earth
When your time comes to leave this earth, the angels will ask you “Do you like your morning cappuccino?” and you say, “Oh, yes, yes!” they will say to you, “Sorry you have to go back to the USA Starbucks” They could say, “Do you love curry?” “Why yes very much!” “Then back to India for you. Your earthly desires are not finished you can’t stay.”
A man who is divine can enjoy all things but will not be bound by any of them. Therefore, one must become divinely indifferent. It for sure will not come by reading books but being steeped in meditating. Remember your days belong to the devil keeping you busy in the relativities and misconception of your existence but by giving your nights to God you will know what your first allegiance is.
Here Is Your Homework Place Close Attention To It:
One must become divinely indifferent. For instance, if you drop a wonderful plate of food on the floor that you were going to eat, how should you react? You spend a lot of time cleaning something but when you accidentally drop it in the mud and you start laughing. When you can have that kind of detachment you will become free. Be more detached.
For example, some are worried about the welfare of birds, cats and dogs? That’s fine, but what are your real values when you are attached to everything? Nothing is tangible in this world; why shall we be attached to anything? Why worry about disturbing news. The news of tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and the next century has been already written a long, long time ago; the movie is finished.
The ultimate thought is to always try to do your best by being objective in a non-attached way. Pay close attention to all the studies this incarnation places before you. These studies contain your specific lessons you have to learn. A thousand temptations will come your way, so ask yourself daily, “What is it I want?” “Only you Lord”
The Masters from India say it takes about 8 million incarnations upward on the measure of the evolutionary scale before one can become human. Are you going to waste your time now after gaining this human form? Your time in this incarnation is short and precious, so don’t waste it on frivolous pursuits.
The School of Troubles
Let’s be nice and say “Free yourself from this school of troubles. But in reality, this earth is the gladiatorial boot camp within a penitentiary colony for spiritually retarded people who don’t know it. You better not expect permanent happiness or perfection on this earth; you won’t find it. Earth will always be full of troubles. Why not finish your lessons for good and not be sent back here over and over, again and again against your will? When your schooling is done you will be free for your journey to your real home, then on your last day there will be no fear or regret. From the teachings of PY.