Your Place in Life Dr. M.W. Lewis San Diego, 7-13-58
Our subject this morning: “Your Place in Life,” “Your Place in Life.”
Your part in life played as God wants you to play it, that you express Divinity, is your mission in life. In that one sentence you can find your answer to this subject, “Your Place in Life.”
To do what God wants you to do. To play your part no matter what part it is, whether it’s great or small, that you express Divinity is your mission in life. Because, every part in this Drama of Life is necessary, whether it be great or small. And one thing we should not forget, the every part is a part of God Himself playing. Did you ever stop to realize that? No matter what you are doing, that’s a part of God playing this Drama. Isn’t that important? If you play the part correctly, you are aiding to manifest Divinity through this particular vehicle in which you live. That’s your mission in life, that’s my mission in life. It is as simple as that. Of course, this necessitates that we know God, that we do what He wants us to do willingly – ‘course that must come into the picture also.
Now many, many feel that they have a special thing to do in life; they wanna do it, but they’re so restless, they cannot do it. They cannot be quiet long enough to find out what God wants them to do. This is a fact. We’ve all been through it. So realize restlessness keeps you from knowing the Will of God – knowing what He wants you to do. If you could contact Him by doing away with the restlessness of your mind, then you could easily play your part. One part, remember, is just as important as another.
Some feel, some feel that making money, creating a place in the world, name and fame, that that’s their mission, that that’s their place. They think that is success. But is that success? Success means this; success does not necessarily mean that you’re creating a great disturbance in this world; making a bate…a great to-do about nothing sometimes, or sometimes something; making great name, and fame. That, that isn’t success in life. It isn’t success at all.
Success means this. That if you feel the Blessing of God in what you are doing – I don’t care what it is – if you feel His Presence, you receive His Blessings, His Sanction, which you are a worthy child of His, and you feel the Bliss and Happiness of His Presence – you are a success. No matter what you are doing. Realize this. It is this Force of Iniquity which comes within us, prods us – “Are you doing the right thing?” “Should you be doing this, or something else?” That’s all right, if it’s done in a constructive way, but usually it is not. It is done in a destructive way, and keeps us unbalanced, disturbed, and restless, so we cannot hear the Silent Voice of God saying, “Go this way.” That’s doing His Will. That’s performing your part in this Drama of Life.
Many people, as I have said, have got to make a great disturbance. A great to-do all the time, or, or else life isn’t worth living. Some are quietly going along, doing nothing, seemingly so, but look in their faces, and you see the Peace of God. That’s the difference. Even those doing menial labor; look in their faces. Go near them, and you feel something you do not feel in that one that’s creating the great disturbance, and making a lot of to-do about nothing. “Much ado about nothing,” as Shakespeare said.
This young man, agitated young man, came pell-mell, running down to the ferry slip, and jumped across an open space of water, and landed on the deck, and got himself together, and he came up, and said, “Boy, I made it!” And the deck hand said, “What’s the hurry? The boat’s coming in.” So, how true in life? If we would just realize that. I thought that was quite a cute little story.
To illustrate, those who make a big disturbance, “much ado about nothing,” if they’d keep quiet, and let God work a little bit – He’s the Doer anyway – we can’t do a thing about it. We can’t make one cell of the body. If we’d just let Him have His way; who cares what part we play? Who wants to be the head? There’s too much trouble to everything. Look at the President of the United States. He can have it – poor fellow. I don’t think he is living even, what I’m reading in the paper, what’s going on. So, whether you are the President of the United States, or a simple citizen, if you have God, your life is a success. If you do not have Him, and have millions, and everything of everything, you are not a success.
From one of Master’s books about success, comes in just at this time. The Law of Success is the little book, which perhaps some of you have read. If you haven’t, you might like it. “Success should therefore, be measured by the yardstick of happiness; by your ability to remain in peaceful harmony with Cosmic Laws. Success is not rightly measured by the worldly standards of wealth, prestige, and power. None of these bestow happiness unless they are rightly used.” If you use them rightly, you will feel the Bliss of God. “To use them rightly one must possess wisdom and love for God and man.”
And so, realize there are three important things, as we discuss a little further this subject this morning “Your Place in Life.” To understand “Your Place in Life,” the first thing that you must realize, is your relationship with God. That’s first and foremost. Take for instance the President of the United States. Unless he realizes his relationship with God, he’s having, gonna have a tough time. And so, with each one of us; until we realize our relationship with God – and there’s no difference whether you’re the humble citizen, or the President – there’s no difference, if you realize your relationship with God. There’s just as much Peace and Bliss for the ordinary citizen as there is for the President of the United States, if each one realizes their relationship with God. And then they are in tune with the Cosmic Laws, and as God is Love, certainly all of us will feel His Presence, no matter what position we are holding. That’s the first point.
Another point is this, that whatever you do, whatever your position in life is, do it with one purpose, one purpose only – to please God. This is the key. This is the key to “Your Place in Life.” Whatever you do, do it to please God. I don’t care what it is. If you can do that, the end will surely be for you, Peace and Bliss of His Presence, because that takes you to God, faster than anything. If you, whatever you do, you do to please God that takes you to God. Understand that, now. It’s very easy, simple. It’s not easy to do it. It is simple. The Law is simple. So realize, no matter what your position is, carry it out to please God.
Why shouldn’t we? Why shouldn’t we give to others? God is giving everything, and he doesn’t say a word about it – not a murmur out of Him. He gives us all things, and we fuss, and fume if we have to do something for somebody. That’s not right. We must give as God gives – without any strings, for the love of giving, to please Him. That’s the second important point.
And the third point is this, that if we take this approach to our place in life, if we hold it, and adhere to it, and stick to it, then we are joined with the Great Cosmic Law. We work with that. And instead of being frustrated, and obstructed at every turn; there is no obstruction. We work with the Cosmic Laws, as the Master says, “the Immutable Cosmic Law is on our side.”
Now those three points, kindly remember. They’re very simple. And, I think, perhaps the greatest one is what you do, do to please God. It’s so easy. That’s why I like that. It’s not difficult for me. You don’t have to think very much. You don’t have to get excited, like the fellow who ran down and jumped on the ferry boat. You just say, “God, I wanna do what you want me to do to the best of my ability to please you.” That’s the greatest thing.
And so, as I said in the beginning, “Your Place in Life” is to express Divinity. Express Divinity. We’re the only animal, so to speak, that can express Divinity, because we’re made in such a way, with our unique spinal Centers, of which I spoke in the Bible reference, in the Supreme Center of the brain, we’re made that way. We have those unique, that unique construction. Why? That we express Divinity. Now that’s our place, should be our place in life. And while doing it – this is the key – while doing it, we must not forget our Immortal Nature.
When you see people in a huff, and fighting over this and that, where is their Immortal Nature? It’s all covered up. And so, whatever we do to express Divinity, while we are expressing Divinity, we must not forget our Immortal Nature. We must play this Drama of Life, enjoying it, or passing through the tragedies, never forgetting our Immortal side, because we are both a human being and a Spiritual being. So we must realize that.
And so, to do this, to do this, we must analyze ourselves. That is to express Divinity we must look within, and analyze ourselves through introspection. This is very important. If you do not introspect, and go along with the tide, you’ll go along with the tide, and you’ll end up where the tide ends – nothing. And so, we must introspect. We must know those things within us called “samskaras.” That’s a Sanskrit word, which means “latent tendencies” within us. We have those, good and bad.
When Master first came to Boston, a long time ago, and I was, I met him; and after a bit, he said, “You have good samskaras.” Well, I didn’t know what that meant, but it sounded good anyways. And he seemed pleased. So, I said, “That’s fine.” Later he told me. He says, “Those are the mental tendencies,” that is the good ones were there, “and if you follow them,” he says, “you will do better than if you follow the worldly ones.” In other words, I had some good samskaras. And I think everybody has some. Those are the tendencies within us.
Now these tendencies are of two kinds; for instance: the good and bad. The “mental tendencies” are those which take us toward worldly living. And the “discriminative tendencies” are those which take us towards God. Now, if your discriminative tendencies are good, cultivate them. Do not cultivate the mental tendencies. Do not cultivate those tendencies which take you away from God. That’s all. It’s as simple as that. Cultivate the good tendencies within you; tendencies such as to meditate, to come to the meetings, and I hope, you come to the Wednesday night meeting. That’s a good samskara. Follow it. Cultivate those.
And the bad ones; keep out of their way, and do not lay up any more bad ones. You have enough. I have enough. We all have enough of those things within us. They’ll come out. Do not lay up any more evil tendencies, or worldly tendencies even. As they come up, introspect; know what they are; do not feed them. Do not follow them. Do not cultivate them. The good tendencies, of course, cultivate them. And, if you keep – this is the point – if you keep in touch with the Father; if you feel Him with you as you are introspecting – not following the evil tendencies – supporting the good tendencies, cultivating them; if you follow and feel the Father with you during this chastening process, you cannot help but win.
That’s why it is so important to attain God contact through the teachings and the techniques of Self-Realization Fellowship. Because when you feel Him, that’s the greatest support you can have. Far greater than any tendency on the out, outward living, is God’s Presence in a conscious way within us. And we can do it. We are made in His Image. That’s our heritage. Why shouldn’t we do it? Why shouldn’t we demand it of the Father? He is waiting for us to demand it. He’s waiting to give it to us. The Master said, “He loves you more than you love Him, more than you can, can imagine.” Silently, He does. That’s so. Why shouldn’t we do our part? Feel His Presence.
I have another reference from the same little book, at this time, which seems to fit nicely. First about the purpose of life, is to go back to God – to express Divinity. We think it’s everything else but that. If we just realize it is to go back to God and express Divinity, then we can enjoy what He’s given us: home, relatives, friends, all things. But we forget that first and important thing, to express Divinity; to return home to God. That’s the first thing, and the reference about that in The Law of Success: “Your ultimate purpose is to find your way back to God, but you always have a task to perform, but you also have a task to perform in the outer world.” That’s our place in life. “But behind that is, purpose is to go back to God.” Now, about introspection, and the cultivation of, and the repression of tendencies, we find this: “Introspection is a mirror in which to see into the recesses of your mind that otherwise would remain hidden from you.”
If you meditate, and introspect, you will feel these tendencies. of which I have spoken. Otherwise you won’t. Suddenly they pop up, and you’re led away from God. But, if you introspect, you will feel those things within you, and you can cope with them. So introspection is necessary. Then he says, “Diagnose your failures, and sort out your good and bad tendencies.” That is, see what’s the matter with yourself. See why you do not go as you wish to go. See why you are not what you’d like to be, and wanna be. Then do something about it. “Analyze what you are, what you wish to become, and what shortcomings are impeding you. Decide the nature of your true task,” your mission in life. “Endeavor to make yourself what you should be and what you want to be.”
There’s nothing greater than wanting to please God, I think. You wanna be a great artist? Fine. I wouldn’t wanna be a great artist, if God wasn’t pleased. I wouldn’t wanna be anything great, unless I know God is satisfied with me, and it pleases Him. Then I know whether I have nothing, or no place to go, no friend in the world, nothing. I know God is with me, that I am a success, because nothing matters. He is the Sole Doer. He is the One, if we can but realize that. And wherever He puts us, do that duty, that task, to please Him.
People say, “Well what will I do? I wanna, I wanna know the way to go.” I said, “First you must have faith in God.” If you have faith in God, you’ll do, and you won’t doubt Him. But when you have the doubts, where’s your faith? If you know God, if you feel His Presence, if you feel the Touch of His Grace, His Love and His Peace, and you know He is with you, how can you lack faith? How can you have any doubts? There’s the key, is to contact God. Daily feel His Presence.
And so, finally, “Your Place in Life” need not be spectacular, in the eyes of men. Realize – the Drama of Life needs all the roles. You take a play on the stage. If everybody plays their part in a good way, the play is a success. If someone doesn’t, the play is not a success. So every part is necessary. Realize that. That whatever your part is, play it willingly, and that takes you to God.
Now in some, some in this life have a different part than they had in another life. Perhaps you were great in a previous life. Perhaps you were small, and are big in this life, so to speak. It doesn’t make any difference. You take the case of Jesus and John. In the previous life, according to our Master’s teachings, John was Elijah, the great prophet Elijah. And Jesus was his devotee, so to speak – Elisha. And he followed Elijah. Elijah did many miracles, and Jesus did miracles, too.
Now, in the life of John and Jesus, of, with which we are familiar, perhaps, according to the eyes of the world, Jesus played a greater part than John, because John baptized with the “water of repentance[1].” But Jesus baptized with the “fire of the Spirit.” And yet, Jesus demanded that John baptize him. And he said, “No man born of woman is as great as John the Baptist[2].” Why? Because he was his Guru of the previous life, and the relationship of Guru and disciple is Supreme, because the Guru leads the disciple to God.
And so, you see in this life, oh, I mean the life in which we are familiar, of John and Jesus, perhaps, some say that Jesus was greater, but they both played their part. And in the Eyes of God and His Omniscient Consciousness there is one thing, and that’s God, and that’s where you and I will be, if we lift ourselves to that One Consciousness. There’s no greater or lesser in God. He’s the Doer. He’s the One. Realize that, as you think of “Your Place in Life.” Get that God contact. Then you’ll be satisfied.
And so, we must realize that no matter what our part we play is, it is a manifestation of God Himself. Understand that. If you play a simple part, sweeping the floor, washing the floor, anything; or you are the greatest in the country, or in the world; it’s still a part of God’s Omniscience. It’s He who is the Player – the Doer. Therefore, how can you say one part is less than another? You cannot do it. Realize that. And I’d rather know God is pleased with me and just get into heaven, just gradually, like that man that tore off to the ferry boat. Just get on, somehow, and know God is pleased with me. If He wants me to do something else, fine. But I’ve got to know God is pleased with me; and so have you – so has everyone. That’s what gives us the confidence and strength to carry out our place in life.
A word from, one more word, from The Law of Success: “If you work…If your work in life is humble, do not apologize for it. Be proud, because you are fulfilling the duty given to you by your Father. He needs you in your particular place. All people cannot play the same role. So long as you work to please God, all Cosmic Forces will harmoniously assist you.” So that should settle this question about who’s better than another in this life. No one’s better. In the Eyes of God, we’re His children. He loves each one of us just the same as another. If He didn’t, He wouldn’t be what He is. The thing is we can’t see it that way. Delusion – the Great Force of Delusion – the Conscious Force of Delusion deludes us into thinking all sorts of things, instead of being simple and humble children of God, relying on Him.
And so, finally, the last question is this, if we have the Presence of God as we carry out our place in life; if we know that presence; then all things are well. Then comes the question; how, how to attain that Presence of God? By regular and daily meditation – make the contact, everyday with Him. Don’t let a day go by. Don’t do it. Everyday, make that thing, and then the end of life, you’ll say “Am I glad I did that.” Make that your most important engagement with God, daily. Daily meditate, as much as you can – but at least do some.
And then, while you’re not meditating, keep in tune with God by working to please Him – feeling His Presence with you. And, if you do that, His Presence will come. He never, He never denies the humble devotee. It’s we who deny Him. And, if you do that, perhaps, by His Grace, you will play, or have the privilege of playing, an exalted part in this Drama of Life.
Look at the part our Master played. Look at the part the saints’ play – and saints can be ordinary people. Understand that. If the Grace of God comes upon you, He will let you play an exalted part, whereby His Great Light and Love will flow through you to help others. That’s what we should realize. And that’s why it’s so necessary, first, attain the Presence of God. And that exalted part is what? Master’s words give it to us. He said: “Let your life be a spiritual example for others to follow, to our one abode of light, where all will meet who live and do right.”
The Voice of God”
Dr. M.W. Lewis Hollywood, 10-2-55
The subject this morning: “The Voice of God.”
“The Voice of God,” is a very important subject; one which we should understand thoroughly. “The Voice of God” is the great Cosmic Sound of Om, the Holy Vibration, the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. We should understand it, because in that vibration is the Great Intelligence, and Love, and Feeling of God.
Realize, it is not just a vibration of sound, and light, and feeling, but it is the Presence of the Power and the Intelligence of the Master of the Universe, who has created all things, and has created each one of us. That is what we do not realize. That is what the mind does not accept, due to delusion, due to the power of Maya to keep us deluded into believing that this Cosmic Dream is the reality. And so, “The Voice of God” is, we must understand it, it is our very life. It is our very existence. And it is the way back home to God, from whence we have come – “The Voice of God.”
Now in Revelation, in the 1st Chapter, 10th and 12th Verses, we have an expression of “The Voice of God,” and I will read it to you at this time. Realize how necessary it is that we understand this Voice of God. Not only will we feel God’s Love, but understand that in that Holy Vibration, if we merge in it, we are in tune with the Heavenly Forces, which have made all things. The mind must be waked up, so to speak; it must be shaken, so that it accepts the realization of the necessity of knowing “The Voice of God” – being one with it. The trouble is, it’s there, but the mind, through ages, has been attached to this outward consciousness, and it does not realize what we have right within us. So we must make it realize that, if possible.
And so, in Revelation, the 1st Chapter, 10th and 12th Verses: “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet…And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;” “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day…” “The Voice of God” is not heard by outward consciousness. “I was in the Spirit,” means that the devotee was in the Spiritual Consciousness within, not in outward consciousness. “On the Lord’s day,” means any day. Not Sunday. Any day that you hear the Cosmic Sound you are in the Spirit.
So, there you have a beginning to understand “The Voice of God.” “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day”― any day, in meditation, or calmness – that you can hear the Cosmic Sound, you are hearing “The Voice of God.” Isn’t that the Lord’s day? So, do not think that only on Sunday, or on days of inspiration, that you can hear “The Voice of God.” Any day is “The Voice of God”’s day. And as it says, “I heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet.” “Behind me,” means that the Spiritual Consciousness manifests more in the Spinal Region, where we have the Centers of the spine, and the Supreme Center of the Brain. That’s where Spiritual Consciousness congregates, so to speak. That’s where it is reservoired – there. And so, that’s why it says, “I heard a voice behind me.”
So what goes on? “I turned to see the voice that spake with me.” Can you see a voice speaking? That shows that “The Voice of God,” the Holy Vibration, manifests as Light. Sound, as the trumpet sound; Light, as the Great Spiritual Light seen to those who meditate at the Christ Center; and those who meditate deeply can see the Centers of the spine and the Thousand-rayed Lotus. In that is “The Voice of God.” In that is the Intelligence of God. In that is the Great Love of God. “And being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks;” simply refers to the Light of the seven conspicuous places in the spine, where the Presence of God manifests to such a great extent. So there we have one scriptural reference, which you can remember.
And now, a few words about the Voice itself, about the voice itself. The Voice manifests in various ways, as I have said; as Light, Sound, and Feeling. Feeling is the Intuition of God within you; Feeling is the Intelligence of God. That’s why all things come from the Holy Vibration – from that Vibration – due to the Intelligence of God in it. The arrangement is that all things are produced from the Vibration of the Light of that Holy Sound.
And so, “The Voice of God” produces all things. And we have a reference of that in St. John, the 1st Chapter, the 1st Verse, which I have said to you many times, but we can say it again, and again, until we realize it. “In the beginning was the Word…” In the beginning was the Holy Vibration, the Word of God, “The Voice of God.” “…and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Do we realize that? No. Sometimes, we get a great inspiration, and we feel, then we lose it, due to the bad habit of being attached to outward things. And so, this Voice, realize, is that from which all things have come, as I read in the scriptures just a moment ago, about the Amen; the True Witness; the Beginning and the End of the Creation of God. And so, this Voice of God, also manifests, or is the manifestation of, God Himself as Light, Sound, and Feeling.
Now let us take up those three things, in order, just in a few minutes, to show you that “The Voice of God” is knowable. It is not something mystical. It is not something mysterious, rather. It is knowable, as Sound – not ordinary sound – Cosmic Sound, Spiritual Light, and greatest of all, the Love of God.
Now about sound – we have lots of references about sound. I’ll just give you one or two, so that you can, you can go through yourself, and pick them out in the scripture. The first is where reference is made to the great Cosmic Sound of Om. In us we hear a little bit of it. We’re a miniature universe. But the Great Universe itself is produced by the Great Cosmic Sound of Om, and the rumble of it, so to speak, is known as the Great Cosmic Sound of Om.
And in Matthew, pardon me, Samuel, 2nd Samuel…22nd Verse, 14th, 2nd…22nd Chapter, 14th Verse, we read, “The Lord thundered from heaven…” the Lord thundered from heaven, “and the most High uttered his voice.” That’s the Great Cosmic Sound of Om. And those who concentrate their attention at the Christ Center, and merge in the Cosmic Sound, will hear that Great Cosmic Sound of Om thundering, if you merge in it, because it is the Cause and End of all things. We have another reference to the “trumpet sound,” and “the sound of many waters.” You’ll find “The Voice of God” is spoken of as the “trumpet sound,” of which I just referred to in Revelation, and also “thesound of many waters.” And this we find also in Revelation, and many other places in the Bible – just two or three references about the sound.
Now about the Light: “The Voice of God” also manifests at Light, as Light. “If thine eye be single, thy body will be filled with light.” And that Light is perceived where? It is not perceivable through these ordinary eyes. Many people have been looking a long time to find God. You can’t find Him with these eyes. But, “if thine eye be single,” then you can see “The Voice of God.” You can see the manifestation of the Great Cosmic Sound of Om – the Amen, and the Amin.
Now we have one reference here, a beautiful reference in Ezekiel, the 43rd Chapter, the 1st and 2nd Verse, showing that you can see the manifestation of “The Voice of God” at the Christ Center. It says, “Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the east:” This is the East of the body, as you know (Doctor points to the spiritual eye – the point between the eyebrows.) The West is behind, where the Centers in the spine are located, (Doctor points to the medulla oblongata), the North is here (Doctor points to the top of the head) and the South is at the base of the spine (Coccyx). And so it says, “Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the east; And, behold…” what happened? “the glory of [the] God of Israel came by the way of the east; and his voice was like the noise of many waters; and the earth” which means body in this case, “shined with his glory.” So there you have a direct manifestation of “The Voice of God” perceivable, as Light and also Sound.
Now how about the feeling? What good is the Light of God; what good is the Sound of His Presence, without the Feeling of His Love? That’s the most important thing. And we have a reference to that. The Knowing Power of God, realize, is in the Holy Vibration – the Great Sound of Om, the Amen. The Feeling Power of God Himself – the Great Intuition of the Presence of God is in that. And so, if we can but know this Voice of God, we can take advantage of His All-pervading, Knowing, Omniscience, can we not?
And we have a wonderful reference speaking about the Feeling aspect of “The Voice of God.” It is in Isaiah, 30th Chapter, the 21st Verse: “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee,…” – “word” is the Vibration once more – “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way,” this is the way, “walk ye in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left.”
Could it be any clearer? The necessity to know “The Voice of God,” because in that Voice of God is God’s Intelligence; people do not realize that. They act first. Then, when they’re in trouble, they say, “Lord, get me out of it.” But we must know “The Voice of God.” Then we can perform right action.
And so, that takes us to the question, the practical use of “The Voice of God.” What is the practical use of it? As I have said, people do not listen to “The Voice of God,” and make the contact first. But they act first, when they should make the contact. If we can contact “The Voice of God,” because His Great Intelligence is in it, and His Love, we’ll find everything we need, and we will do right action. But, as I have said, people do not take God with them first, but they act first, and then sometimes, they have to pray awful hard to get out of their dilemma.
Reminds me of a little story; I hope I can tell it right. Sometimes, I make, I just get confused in these stories. I know what it means. But these two fellows were out in a boat. They’d been shipwrecked, and they were alone out on this boat for two or three days, and they’d practically given up all hope of ever getting back alive. Then one said to the other, he said, “Why don’t you pray about it?”
And the other fellow said, “Well I’ve been awful bad in my lifetime, and I’ve done so many things, I don’t know…” he’d been drinking and carousing. But, he said, “If, if, God would get me out of this, I’d be willing to give all those things up, even, if I’d just get out of this mess.” And the other fellow said, “Well, why don’t you pray?” So he got down and he started, “Lord, I’ve been awful bad, I’ve done lots of things, but Lord I’ve done so many things I don’t know what to say, but…” The other fellow said, “Wait a minute, Bill. Just a minute. I see a sail on the horizon.”
So you see, the depth of that man’s wanting God is quite obvious. I hope you got the point of the story. I don’t know whether I told it right or not, but you see what I mean about these stories. You must get the point over. No matter. There’s a man told me, when I first started in practice, he said, “Young man,” he said, “You’ve got an opportunity here now,” he says, “use it. “Make the money. Make the money, honestly, if you can, but make the money.” And so, there we have it.
Now going on about our subject; as I have said, people do not take advantage of the guidance of God, which is right within them. We miss that opportunity. How much trouble we would save ourselves, if we first made acquaintance with “The Voice of God,” and then took its guidance in everything we do. People even forget Jesus’ words. They forget to follow the words of Jesus when he spoke about “The Voice of God.” In St. John, the 14th Chapter, the 26th Verse, “But the Comforter…” the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost; the Comforter is the Holy Vibration, “…whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” Everything we need; and how seldom we take advantage of that. Everything we need is in the Presence of God – “The Voice of God” within us, of which Jesus spoke as the Great Comforter.
Now, that we can hear and know “The Voice of God” is our most precious possession. Realize that – that we can hear and know “The Voice of God” is our most precious possession. That’s why the Master always said to me, many times, over, and over: “Leave all else, but never God’s side.” “Leave all else, but never God’s side.” If we realize how precious “The Voice of God” is, we will merge in it, because it is the straight way to our home in Cosmic Consciousness, our home of Light. It is the straight way to our home, our Spiritual home.
And it says exactly that in our own scriptures. In Isaiah, the 40th Chapter, the 3rd Verse: “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” And therefore, we should realize that at the door, at this point [Doctor points to forehead between the eyebrows to the Spiritual Eye], is the way, the straight way to our Cosmic Home. The straight way, where we all must meet, sometime, and will meet. All those who live, and act right, will meet in a conscious
way, in our Cosmic Home of Light. Now the door is at this point [Doctor points to the Spiritual Eye], and the door is known by the Presence of “The Voice of God.” The Great Cosmic Sound of Om, with its many aspects, is perceivable at this point, at the door.
Now, therefore, we should heed that Voice of God. We should not only heed it, hear it, but we should merge in it. Why? “Why,” you say? Because, all things are found there – everything we can ever hope for. Everything; the greatest thing we can long for we will find in “The Voice of God,” because it leads to our Cosmic Home. And we also have, in our own scriptures, a wonderful reference, which you all know as follows, Revelation, the 3rd Chapter, 20th Verse[1]: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; and if any man hear my voice,” if you hear “The Voice of God,” and then it says, “…open the door…”
People hear “The Voice of God” – many hear the Cosmic Sound, many see the Light at the Christ Center, many feel God’s Love tugging at their hearts – but they don’t open the door. So it says, “Any man that heareth my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” How wonderful. But we have to open the door.
It is not enough to hear “The Voice of God.” It is not enough to see the Great Cosmic Light. It is not enough to feel God’s Love in your heart. You have to be one with it. You have to merge in it. That’s opening the door. And, if you open the door, what’s the greatest thing that will happen? The greatest thing will happen is this, and we should never forget this one point; that, if we hear “The Voice of God,” and merge in it, open the door, what happens? God Himself comes and lives with us. God Himself comes into His tabernacle, which is right within us. Not just His Love – God Himself comes.
You say, “Is that so?” Yes, it is so. And we have a Bible reference, the last one I will give, which points that out distinctly. In Revelation the 21st Chapter, the 3rd Verse, listen carefully: “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men…” We do not have to go way off somewhere to find the tabernacle of God. We do not have to go way off to find our Spiritual home, somewhere in space.
It says, “…the tabernacle of God is with men, and God [he] will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” Isn’t it necessary for us to heed and know “The Voice of God?” People do not realize what they have in the channel of Self-Realization, which gives the ways and the means to know God; to hear His Voice; to be one with it. And what’s the reward. What’s the promise? God Himself will dwell with us. We must realize “The Voice of God” is with us, and “The Voice of God” is knowable.
And finally, those who merge in that Voice – hear it first, and merge in it – what is the reward? God Himself comes and dwells in the heart of that humble devotee.
Dr. M.W. Lewis The Astral Body – 19 Elements Encinitas, 03/19/59) 
Going on with our discussion of Yoga Explained; last time we discussed this subject we took up from a metaphysical standpoint the Physical Body. The Physical Body is one of the three coverings, so to speak, of the Soul, which prevents us from realizing our oneness with God. While we are in any, or all, of these bodies, or the consciousness of those bodies, we are separated from the Soul, or God. And so, yoga helps us, and all who practice, to remove, to remove these encasements so that we will feel ourselves one with God.
And so, just to review just a moment about perhaps, the important part of the Physical Body, from the Autobiography,1 those who meditate regularly, although they know the Physical Body exists, and they are careful to supply it with its necessary 16 Elements, still they are not surrounded, and encased, and limited by bodily consciousness. That’s the important thing. If you meditate regularly and supersede this physical consciousness, you will feel, begin to feel, the more subtle parts of yourself – the two innermost coverings, of the Astral Body – the Body of Energy – and finally, the Body of Thought, or Causation – the “Body of Ideas,” the Master calls it.
If you create something in this world, you first create it in idea; it might help you to think of it as thought. You create it in idea, and then you gather together the necessary energy to materialize that idea as the physical. And so, God did that with us. He took a part of Himself, made an idea of a miniature universe, and through the instrumentality of Life Force, or the Astral Vehicle, He projected that miniature universe as you and as me.
So, we have to reverse the process, that’s all. And through yoga, step-by-step, return to God’s Consciousness from which all things have come. In this vehicle it is called the Soul Consciousness. It is still God’s Great Intelligent Consciousness. And so, the Physical Body – we are perhaps too familiar with it – sometimes gives us trouble. But we should remember this, that, if we do our yoga, do our meditations faithfully, realizing that God has come to us through the channel of our Master and Self-Realization, we will supersede this body which gives us so much trouble.
(Dr. M.W. Lewis
And in the Autobiography2 on page 278, those of you who wish to read it once more: “He who knows himself as the omnipresent Spirit is subject no longer to the rigidities of a body in time and space.3” The minute you meditate and go within, you supersede time and space, and the body does not have any of its weight, because then you are getting into a finer region – first into the Region of the Body of Energy.
And so, Master goes on, “Their imprisoning ‘rings-pass-not’…“ that is, these vibrations which we cannot seemingly pass through, they “have yielded to the solvent: ‘I am He.’4” I am He, Blessed Spirit, I am He. That’s the way to rise above them. We have to take it step-by-step. But when you feel that, and know that, then these bodies, so to speak – impediments – these “three rings,” spoken of here, must yield, because they are nothing but God’s Vibration; your own vibration of Soul, vibrating at a lower rate of vibration. And when you speed that up by being one with the Presence of God as a higher vibration, these lower vibrations must yield. And they do yield in your meditation. You know they yield; only you have to keep on until they completely give way to yourself as Soul – free and clear from all restrictions.
So much for a little review of the Physical Body. We all should know that we should feed it with vital food, and food that we can assimilate, and stick to those simple laws. But greatest of all, is to realize that the Presence of God within, is the greatest food, even of this Physical Body. So, tonight, we come to the Second body, which is known as the Electronic, or the Astral Body – the Body of Subtle Energies. And in your meditations you see parts of that Body – fragments of it. Sometimes, you may see some of the Vital Parts, as the Spiritual Centers. And, surely, after some sincere effort you’ll see the, the Spiritual Eye in the forehead.
And so, this Body, the Electronic Body, is made up of 19 Elements. As the Physical has 16 Elements, the Electronic, or Causal…or Astral Body has 19. What are those 19 Elements?
First the 10 senses – 10 senses. Well, perhaps you’ve felt you had only 5; but you have 5 others: 5 of Knowledge, 5 of Action – 5 in which the current is coming inward through the sense of touch, taste, smell, and so forth; then going outward, through the voice and through the organs of locomotion. So that we have really 10 senses; 10 senses within the Astral Body, 10 Subtle Currents, each with a definite specific function to perform.
Just like, if I touch that book, I know it is touch. Why? Surely not because the finger has the sense of touch in it – it hasn’t. It has the end organ. But, from that end organ, through the nerve energy, that vibration is carried back to the Electronic Body, or Astral Body, where it is then known through the Electronic Body as “touch.” It is transferred from that subtle energy of the Electronic Body, and it is coordinated in the Soul Consciousness, or the Causal Body – if you wish to call it that – as touch. But the mind projects it, and we think we touch it here [in the finger]. But really, you’re touching it in your Soul within. And the final transformation is in the Electronic Body, made up of Life Force plus the Intelligence of God – Master calls them “Lifetrons.” That is where the energy is finally coordinated as touch; same with taste, smell, hearing, and so forth.
And so, this Astral Body is very important, because all the senses are located there. Also your “karmic impulses” are in the Body of Energy. If you have a tendency, or any tendency which is undesirable, or you do not like it, if you can supersede the Astral Body, you will rise above that tendency which you have brought over from a previous life. And so, the battle to exterminate these latent impulses is carried on in the Second covering, the Electronic, or Astral Body of Light. That’s why there is so much work to do in the Astral Body through the practice of yoga.
Yoga means union – union with Spirit within. Yoga means to yoke; to yoke your consciousness to that from which it has come – God’s Consciousness. But, it has been attached to, first the Physical, then the Electronic, then the Causal Body. We have to unloose that attachment, so to speak, so that we can realize our oneness with God. That’s what yoga will do. Not just Hatha Yoga or yoga – the various forms of yoga – but what I like to call “Salvation Yoga,” Raja Yoga, which gives you oneness with the Presence of God within. That will give you Salvation. You may develop a wonderful body through Hatha Yoga, but unless you follow through and know the Electronic Body behind the Physical Body, and then the Causal Body, and finally the Free Soul, you will not be saved, even though you practiced Hatha Yoga a million years. So, let us understand that yoga, real yoga, is that which gives us Salvation – gives us union with the Infinite.
And so, these 10 senses – 5 of Knowledge and 5 of Action – are, as I have said, not in the outward vehicle. Just as the, the physical reaction of light does not give us sense – the physical reaction of light in the eye does not give us the Sense of Sight; or the vibration which the ear receives known as hearing – the hearing is not there, but deep within in the Electronic Body. And also, just because there are certain vibrations from the flowers which strike the little Schneiderian membrane in the upper part of the nose, and we say, “That smells wonderful.” But it doesn’t smell wonderful there at all. It smells wonderful inside, in the Subtle Electronic Body. And so, that’s where the senses are located. That’s why the 10 Senses make up the first 10 Elements of the Electronic Body.
Then after that comes the 5 Pranas – 5 Pranas. Now, those are important subtle Electronic Currents within us which do certain things. Although we are not always conscious of these things, still they go on. And it’s a good thing, otherwise, we’d starve to death and wouldn’t be able to breathe, and all such things. But they go on. Why? Because in the subtle currents of the Electronic Body is the Presence of God. And so, when you take a nice meal at the café, or any good café – of course they’re not as good as ours, but you know what I mean.
When you take, have a good meal…is there any café as good as our café? No. So, when you do that, and you enjoy that, it tisn’t outwardly that you enjoy it, but inwardly. And if you, as you enjoy the nice food there, or any nice food, as you enjoy it, if you take your attention from the outward thing – like the mushroom burger – and turn it inward, and feel in the Soul the enjoyment, then there’s no attachment to the mushroom burger. Although, we do hope you’ll come back for more! But still, your, we must save your Soul first. Otherwise what good is it? But, if we do both, if you have good food – mushroom burgers – and also, to enthuse you a little bit, to keep on with the yoga so that you save your Soul, that was the Master’s idea in having that café, and all cafés.
So, the 5 Pranas are subtle, remember this, Subtle Intelligent Forces within the Electronic Body – Subtle forms of Intelligent Life Force. People think that the Light which they see, or the parts of the Electronic Body which they see, are inert, so to speak – just rays of Light. No! They are Intelligent Life Force. And that means in that River of Life, which makes up these 5 Subtle Pranas, is God’s Intelligence. And so, when you take food, for instance, it’s digested, and all of the elements of that food are distributed throughout the body as they should be in the right place. Why? Because God’s Intelligence is in that River of Light. And so, those 5 Pranas constitute the next 5 Elements of the Electronic Body. There are 19 in all.
And so, just a word about the 5 Pranas; for instance the first is “Prana,” which governs the breath. It is found in the region of the chest. It is Prana. All the Intelligent Life Force is sometimes call Prana. I think Sri Yukteswarji calls it Prana. But Master calls it Lifetronic Force – Intelligent Life Force. And that Intelligent Life Force in the region of the chest, in the heart region, is known as Prana. That’s one of the 5 Forces, or these Intelligent Rivers of Life.Then the next, to give you the Sanskrit word, is “Apana,” a-p-a-n-a. This governs excretions. And, of course, you’ll find this Prana located in the region of the kidneys, intestines, and perspiration glands. Those things are those regions where the toxins are eliminated. It is because of God’s Intelligence in this River of Light that makes it perform its duty as it does. And that’s the Second Prana.
The third is “Samana,” which governs assimilation. And so when you eat a nice dinner, what is it? What is it that separates those elements in the food, and, and directs certain cells to pick up the fats, certain cells to pick up the carbohydrates, certain cells to pick up the other elements, the mineral salts, and so forth? What is it that does that? It is this Intelligent River of Light known as the Samana, one of the 5 Subtle Electric Currents of the Astral Body, and that is located in the region of the navel, where the assimilation takes place. And it is this current that picks out the different elements from the food, as it, as it is digested, and takes it into the blood stream where it is carried throughout the body and distributed where it is needed.
Next we come to “Udana”, u-d-a-n-a, which is that Subtle elu, Electric Current, one of the 5, which has to do with swallowing, or deglutition – you all know – swallowing. It’s interesting to notice that about a third way down, if you don’t go below that point, you can bring it back again, whatever happens to get down there. But when it gets below that, it’s finished as far as bringing it back, except one by which we don’t like to do sometimes. But why does that happen? Because of this Subtle Electronic Current which takes the bolus of food down from below the upper third of the esophagus. That’s why it is not under control of ordinary will, as these Subtle Electronic Currents are not.
Then comes the “Vyana,” v-y-a-n-a, which governs circulation – the Vascular System. That is such an intricate thing that it’s impossible to go into it at any length. The blood does so many things: it keeps us warm to a certain degree, no matter whether it’s zero outside; and vice versa, in the summer, it keeps us, the blood at a certain temperature no matter how hot it is outside; and many things. It takes…carries the different elements which sustain our body; and there are other things which it does. So this particular current, Vyana, v-y-a-n-a, Subtle Electric, one of the 5 Pranic Currents, is a very important current.
And there, in a few words, you have just a little bit about the 5 Elements of the Subtle Body, Electronic Body – the Second 5. And that brings the number to 15 – 15. And so, the next time you’re out and it’s very hot, just stop and realize, that even though it is sweltering, your blood is the same temperature as it always is, and its content is the same – same amount of sugar, and so forth is in it. That’s the Intelligence of God in this 5th Pranic Current.
And so, I have said, that’s 15. Now we have 4 more. The 4 more Elements of the Subtle Body are mind, intellect, ego, and chitta or higher feeling. Those are more subtle, you see, then even these 5 Pranic Currents. And there you have the 19 Elements of the Subtle Body. It is the Subtle Currents of this Electronic Body which govern the function of our being and the life within us through the 7 Chakras, including the Supreme Center of the brain and the other 6 in the spinal column, and then the substations, so to speak. It is through them that this Physical Body is coordinated, and life, as we know it, takes place. And so, this Astral Body is very important. I think, tonight we’ll stop with that, except for the references, and go on with it next time.
The Soul and Other States of Consciousness Phenomenal and Noumenal
Another Just Released Lecture For Monks Only by SRF Dr. Lewis
Dr. M.W. Lewis
This waking state of Consciousness in which we see the flowers, and see each other, and see things, that’s the “Phenomenal State of consciousness,” or that state of consciousness is made up of phenomena. Now, underneath the Phenomenal State, in the Noumenal State, or the real state, so to speak, behind those beautiful flowers that seems so wonderful, is that which has produced the flowers, and which sustains them. And that is the Spiritual State, or the Astral State, whichever you want to call it – which suits you best. It is the underlying, unchanging Energy, and Consciousness, which sustains the flowers. Now, that’s in the flowers, it’s in you, and it is in me.
So, we have these two states: the Phenomenal State, in which the ego reigns supreme; and we have the Noumenal State, in which the Soul reigns. That state is permanent, that’s eternal. That does not change. If you can reach the Noumenal State, in which the Soul lives, so to speak.
If you can be, make that state dynamic to your consciousness, then, you are not existing in this make- believe state of outward consciousness, this Cosmic Dream State, but you’re living in this underlying real state, the Noumenal State. And so, those two things must be remembered: phenomena and the noumena. The phenomena of these flowers are as you see them. If you can so concentrate on those flowers, and get above this vibration of outward consciousness, you can see the Light and Energy from which those flowers have come and which supports those flowers.
And so behind us, behind our brain, so to speak, is the Spiritual Brain. You don’t think that this brain, or this head that aches, sometimes so hard just came from nothing. Behind that is the Spiritual part of the brain, Spiritual Brain, or the Light of the brain. And in that Light is God’s Omniscient Consciousness directing all things. The physical brain we understand; we can dissect it. But the underlying, Noumenal Brain, the Spiritual Brain, we cannot dissect it. But, we can see through the Soul’s Intuition, we can see the Thousand-petalled Lotus, or the Spiritual Brain and we can see its various parts. We can see the underlying arteries of the brain, and we can see the little blood corpuscles. That is the Spiritual side, with the positive charge of the nucleus passing by your line of vision, if you can visualize the Spiritual Brain.
So that’s the real part. The physical brain will pass away, and the underlying Spiritual Brain will outlast the physical body. Behind that, of course, is the Causal Brain; and behind that, is the One Eternal Ocean of Spirit. But we’ll wait till we come to those before worrying about it. We have enough to worry about to supersede this physical body and this physical brain. But these things are known, and can be known, if you will.
Now, the former, or the phenomenal part of us changes; this body changes. Why should we be concerned about it? Why should we put our faith in things physical? They change – they pass away. But the underlying noumena will not change, and does not pass away. The phenomenal part of us, or this worldly existence, is known through the senses, mind, and intellect, and reason. We can reason these things out. But the Soul, we cannot reason. We cannot come at all near the Soul through the senses, mind, or intellect – or the greatest intellect, or the sharpest reason – because the Soul is a higher vibration, a much finer vibration, than these other things of worldly existence. The Soul has to be known through its own Power, it’s Intuition, whereby it knows all things. Now Yoga, if you follow it, will help you to supersede this body and this worldly existence so that there is no impediment to prevent the Soul’s Power from manifesting in you. It is all there. “We have to increase our knowing,” as our Master has said. Yoga will help you do that.
And so, remember things of phenomena are the senses, mind, and intellect. They pass away. Every day we see things change. People come and go. We shouldn’t be trapped, but we should go to that part of ourselves which does not pass away – the Soul, or the noumenal part of ourselves. And that is known through Intuition. And until you still, as our Master said, “until you still the waves of the mind,” the Intuition cannot flow, and you cannot know the Soul.
Practice your yoga (meditation) and then follow that with surrender to God through the channel He has sent to you. God speaks to us, and the final step must be taken through the channel He sent. And that channel, for us, is the channel of The Spiritual Master. As he is one with the Omniscience of God, and is the Voice of God, so he can give us that Oneness with God, which he has, if it is God’s Will, and if we receive the Grace of God.
First let us take up sensitizing the sight within us. That is, we can see, ordinarily, only very limited in amount, as you know, because the retina will respond to only certain vibrations. We can see that in our daily life But, no doubt, in God’s Thought is the “perfect retina,” which will respond, not only to solar light, which you see out, and you see tonight, here, and in the daytime, but it will respond to Astral Light. It will respond to the Word of God – the Astral Aspect of it as Light. And what is in that Word of God? God Himself; “…the Word was with God…the Word was God.3”
Now, if you can, through yoga allow that Astral Light to play upon the Sense of Sight within you with its different functions, it will register more of God’s Presence. Now, as you look out, you are realizing what you see by sight. What goes with it? All thoughts and feelings, and everything from the stimulation, for instance from those flowers. Within yourself, you look, and you’ll find the Great Feeling of love and wonderment as to how they were made, and the Presence of God in those flowers.
So you see it is not just sight – seeing the flowers – but the sight stimulates corresponding feelings within us, according to our different temperaments and makeup.
Part I
Yoga Explained 9 – The Physical Body – The Senses, Organs, and Regeneration – Sight
Dr. M.W. Lewis
Encinitas, 2-12-59
And so, we will now just talk a little bit about this Power of Sight; how, how it works, and what we can do about it. Well, for instance, as we look about, using the Power of Sight – of course, the eye is like the lens of a camera, as you know, and the, the retina is like the, the plate, the photographic plate. Now that plate is developed, and it is interpreted, then, by our brain. So, within us, the same thing goes on. The image falls upon our retina, and there it is interpreted by the consciousness within us. Not through chemical means, as the photographic plate is, is interpreted, but direct by the Power of God within us, as the Spiritual Light in the Sense of Sight within us in our brains. And so, that is what goes on.
Now, God is Light, and in that Light He manifests. Therefore, if we can focus, as I said a moment ago, this, the Astral Light, we are focusing His Intelligence and His Power within us. That is what we must realize, that the Light, the Astral Light, is just as much a Cosmic Force as Cosmic Wisdom, Cosmic Love, Cosmic Silence, Cosmic Calmness. The Cosmic Light is one of God’s Aspects. So, when you focus that Light upon the retina within you, or upon the Sense of Sight – if you’re not familiar with anatomy, that’s all right – if you focus that Power within you in that Light is God’s Power. That is what sensitizes your retina to manifest the Presence of God within. And so let us realize that now.
Now, going on just a little bit – we’ve got to make this interesting I see, haven’t we? All right, let us go on just a little bit now, about the, as I was saying about this camera business. We are like a camera. We have the photographic plate, which is our retina, corresponding to the plate in the camera. But the thing is, is this, that that Astral Light is a little different from solar light. Solar light gives us the vision – we can visualize all things through solar light. But, as we visualize things through our eyes, we get, as I have said, the corresponding feeling, or the corresponding part of our soul, that goes with the visualization.
Now, you open your eyes – you see. Now close your eyes. What do you see? Ordinarily, nothing. Why? Because your retina is not sensitized to the Astral Light within; therefore we must do that. We must allow that Light of God to be, to register within us in a conscious way. That is, sensitize the retina to manifest, or rather, to record, Astral Light, rather than just solar light.
And it can be done; and it can be done, as I have said, by allowing God’s Light to flow into us. And in that Light is His Great Power, His All-knowing Power, His Omnipresence – God is in the Light. That’s why meditation is a must for every thinking person, even to sensitize the Sense of Sight, because God’s Power is in the Astral Light within.
Now, just a note or two here; when, by yoga, you remove the inhibitory influences, the Spiritual Light of God, falling on the retina, will purify and sensitize it so it registers the more subtle vibrations of Spirit. And that takes us to one point about the visualization, of which I have just spoken. We can visualize easy. People say, or they read Master’s works about visualizing sleep – visualizing sleep. All right, you can visualize this room – you can see it, that’s all it means; and when you see it, and you see the pictures there of the saints, immediately, there are corresponding Spiritual Vibrations which come in to you, and in to me. Now, you close your eyes, and ordinar, ordinarily there is, nothing; there is no, not even the solar light. But, if you keep on meditating, that Light will come. As Jesus said, “If thine eye be single, thy body will be filled with light.4” (Sic)
Now, as you close your eyes and, and focus these two outward eyes, physical eyes, at the seat of, at the point of Spiritual Vision in the forehead, the point between the eyebrows, and keep them there, then you will begin to visualize the Single Eye, which is within each and every one of us. That does not just mean the round ring which you see. The Single Eye within us, a part of which we use in ordinary physical vision, is not that reflection of the Medulla Center which you see – it is not that. The Single Eye is the universal Power of Sight, which is within each and every one of us – to see in front, behind, above, beneath, and on all sides at once. That’s the Single Eye of which Jesus speaks in Matthew: “…if thine eye be single, thy body will be filled with light.5” (Sic)
How do you think you see the rose? How do you think you see the pictures on the altar? By the Universal Power of Sight which is within each and every one of us. In one way we are using it just partially, when we use it outwardly. But inwardly, when we focus at this point [the Christ Center], and when, after a while God’s Light begins to stimulate it, stimulate the retina, then you will visualize the Internal Kingdom of which Jesus spoke: “My kingdom is not of this world.6” And as you keep at it, more and more of that kingdom will, you will be able to visualize, just like you do outwardly. Why? Because the Power of God flowing through the Astral Light within you, which you have focused, put your attention on, that’s all, at this point [Christ Center], will make it possible, so that you will record the finer vibrations of His Presence within you, and therefore, you can know the Internal Kingdom of which Jesus has spoken.
And so, we visualize outwardly, by the Sense of Sight; we visualize inwardly, by the Sixth Sense of Intuition. Intuition is the Universal Power of Sight within us, plus the Universal Power of Feeling. Just like you see the roses, you get a corresponding feeling. So, when you see the Light of God you get a corresponding feeling of His Presence, His Great Love, and His All-pervading Consciousness. That’s why yoga is so important.
And so, one other thing, another note, which I have here I think would interest you. By keeping the eyes focused at the point between the eyebrows, the light from the Medulla Center will sensitize the retina to this Astral or Spiritual Light. That is the Light, the All-pervading Cosmic Light of God. But in it, or accompanying it, is the Universal Power of Sight. Otherwise, how can you see all about as you enter through the little star in the Spiritual Eye into the Internal Kingdom? How can you see all about: in front, behind, above, beneath? There’s no back and front, so to speak, there, because of the universal Power of Sight. Now, you cannot register that right off, but you can by meditation and the practice of yoga, allowing God’s Great Light to flow in upon you – that’ll fix it alright, that’ll sensitize it. You cannot do it yourself, but He can do it easily.
And so, the more the retina is stimulated by repeated applications of Astral Light, the more it becomes sensitive to the Astral Light, that’s all. So people who say, “Oh, I don’t know, should I meditate?” Why shouldn’t you? The more you meditate, the more you allow the Astral Light to play upon you, so to speak, upon the different tissues of your body. And tonight we’re talking about the Sense of Sight, upon the Sense of Sight with its various parts and functions, until it becomes perfect, to visualize the Internal Kingdom of God.
So you see yoga is important. And so, the devotee, being baptized by this Light – again and again; the Heavenly Realm illuminated by the Astral Sun – it’s not illuminated by the Spiritual Sun [Dr. probably meant to say “physical sun”], it’s illuminated by the Astral Sun – will become visible. Why? Because then you can see it, that’s all. You open your eyes, you see.
And so, as it says in the [Bhagavad] Gita, “Seeing, I saw.” Seeing how? Seeing through the Universal Power of Sight, through the Astral Light within us. And this great world which is beyond – it will be known just the same as we know this material world. Only, of course, it is different than this outward visualization. Those who meditate know what it is like, and those who will meditate will find out what it is like.
Now, so much, tonight, for the purifying and sensitizing the Sense of Sight. That’s just one, next time we’ll take a little more about the Sense of Sight. There’s quite a little bit more to what you should do to make the retina respond to the Great Light of God. That it responds can be attested to, by many in this room. And if you will meditate, if you are new in this work, you, too, will be able to testify that the Astral Light of God, the Presence of God, the Great Word, as one aspect of Light, is knowable and is attainable.
Now, I have one or two references at this time I’d like to give you. First, from the AY,7 which will come under Hindu philosophy; and here you will see the key to what I have been telling you about sensitizing the retina from Master’s own book. Those of you who want to read a little more about it, it’s page 279.And this is what we read: “…The sensitiveness of the retina is so great that a visual sensation can be produced by relatively few quanta of the right kind of light.8” So, if we can see, as we can, with this physical light – and I’m sure we all see pretty well – so, the retina will respond to other kinds of light, namely the Astral Light. I’ll read it once more: “The sensitiveness of the retina is so great that a visual sensation can be produced by relatively few quanta of the right kind of light.”
Now, this points out that, if we meditate just a little, even, and allow that Light to flow in upon us, we will get results. So those who meditate regularly, and give lots of time to meditation, need not doubt but the Light of God will come and be visible to them. Then he goes on: “Through a master’s divine knowledge of light phenomena, he can instantly project into perceptible manifestation the ubiquitous light atoms.9” (Sic) That means the Ever-omnipresent Light Atoms – they’re always there. If they were not always there – you meditate, at first, there’s darkness – you keep on, after a while there’s Light all around you. So the Light Atoms are there, but they cannot be perceived unless you sensitize the retina.
“The actual form of the projection, (whether it be: a tree, a medicine, a human body) is in conformance with the yogi’s power of will and visualization.10” (Sic) The “will” means to keep your attention at the point where you will see the Presence of God; and the “visualization” is to do it. If you open your eyes, and you’re just dreaming, and you won’t see anything. So, if you keep looking here [at the Christ Center], you take your will and look there; unless you put your attention there and visualize, you will not see. But, if you do those two things, then you will see the Presence of God as the Light of the Great Holy Vibration – the Word.
Now, from the Bhagavad Gita11 we have a reference about the All-pervading Light of God, which is within each and every one of us. In the 13th Discourse, the 16th Line, this light is “Not divided amid beings;12” Everything is contained in that, in the Bosom of the Omnipresent Light of God, “…and yet seated distributively; That is to be known as the supporter of beings;13” From that One Light we have come; we say that many times. Science has shown all things come from that One Light of God, Spiritual Light. “…He devours and he generates.” Matter, science shows, matter is devoured into light, and it comes out from light once more. “That, the light of all Lights, is said to be beyond darkness…” and so, “Wisdom, the Object of Wisdom, by Wisdom to be reached, seated in the hearts of all. 14” In that Light is the Wisdom of the One Father. So much for the Gita.
Now, from our Bible, we have one or two references, the first I have given to you, I think I have explained it, Matthew, the 6th Chapter the 22nd Verse: “…if thine eye be single thy body will be filled with light.15” “…if thine eye be single…” if you can register, so to speak, the Light of the Universal Power of Sight of God, then your body will be Light. That’s putting it in plain words. Not if you just see the, the Medulla Center – that’s wonderful. But the Single Eye, of which Jesus spoke, means the Single Eye with which God sees – the Universal Power of Sight – and in that, is the Universal Power of Feeling. Just like, you look at flowers, you see them, but isn’t there a corresponding feeling with it? It wouldn’t be any good if the, the feeling wasn’t there. So with God. When you see His Light, His Feeling is there. What is His feeling? Love!
Now, another one from St. Luke, St. Luke, 1st Chapter, 79th Verse; now, when you visualize this Light, and not being satisfied with the solar light visualization, you turn inward, through yoga, and visualize the Astral Light, the Presence of God. Then we read that is for what purpose: “To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death…16” If you stay and know only the solar light, you will experience death, without question, then you’re in darkness, although in the light of the sun. So, “To give light to them who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.17”
In spite of the fact we’re living in delusion, as the Gita says, “All men walk the earth wholly deluded.18” (Sic) What of it? We have the Light of God right at our disposal, and we can know it through yoga and in that Light we will find perfect peace.
Next time, we will go on a little further with the subject of purifying and sensitizing our bodily vehicle, that we manifest what we should – Divinity, the Presence of God within us. And there’s a little more about the sight, which is interesting. Then we will take up the other parts of the body – show how we can make them respond to the Divine Light within us, or make ourselves conscious that there’s no separation between us and the One Father. 16 Luke 1:79, “To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” 17 Ibid. 18 7th Discourse, 27th Line, “By the delusion of the pairs of opposites, sprung from attraction and repulsion, O Bhārata, all beings walk this universe wholly deluded, O Parantapa.
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1 St. John 15:26, “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:”
2 Walter Kempner was born in 1903 in Germany. He joined Duke in 1934 as a member of the Department of Medicine. Kempner was interested in the effect of diet on various diseases including hypertension and diabetes. Observing that those diseases were relatively rare where rice was a staple food, Kempner came up with a formula of rice, fruit, juices and vitamins. Kempner tracked the effectiveness of the Rice Diet through eye-ground tests. These scans of the vessels of the retina revealed overall health, including hypertension. Since the 1930s, Kempner and his associates have employed the Rice Diet to treat more than 18,000 patients from all around the world. Walter Kempner retired from Duke University in 1974 and from the Rice Diet program in 1994. He died in 1997 at the age of 93. Some of his colleagues continue to sustain the Kempner Foundation.
[We will continue tonight with “Yoga Explained” No. 9 concerning] various tissues of the body, and the senses, the organs of the senses, plus the internal organs, and their various functions. Now this vehicle is perfect in God’s Sight. Therefore, there must be some inhibitant, inhibitory causes that are preventing the perfection from manifesting. And yoga will help you to perfect the different parts of the body by removing these inhibitory influences and allowing the Presence of God to manifest.
These inhibitory factions are many, but yoga means “union with God,” and by the performance of this Science of Yoga we can express Divinity. We can express Union with God by doing away with the delusion which makes us seem apart from God and separated from Him. And by doing away with these inhibitions, we can allow His Great Spiritual Power to flow in through us. And there’s no healing power like God’s Power, like His Presence within us. God is Love. God is Light. God is the Great Comforter, of which Jesus spoke1. If we can be more and more in His Presence through the practice of yoga, then those undesirable inhibitions will be removed. That’s why yoga is so important.
Just to give you an illustration about how God’s Power can help us to renew, or to allow an organ to function perfectly. Remember in God’s Consciousness we are perfect, and the parts of the body are perfect. But through the misuse of our free will, and through the attachment to this outward consciousness, where perfection does not exist, the organs have become “less perfect,” let us say.
And so, let us take up just one illustration, of which, with which I am familiar, and that is the fact that certain highly-specialized organs, like the heart and like the kidneys… thirty-five years ago, say, thirty, thirty-five years ago, it was thought that those organs would not regenerate once they were, impaired, the function was impaired, or destruction of the various parts took place. But of late, they have found that this is not so. Within the last few years, you will perhaps remember that I have spoken several times about Doctor Kempner from Duke University2, who made experiments with a healthy pair of kidneys. And he found that they can stand a lot of abuse, and they do stand a lot of abuse, until it gets so bad they cannot regenerate. Not to the fact that the ability is not there, because the Power of God is there, but there are too many of these inhibitory causes interfering with the normal Healing Power of God’s Presence.
And that’s what we are interested in. And these kidneys can handle salt, and break down certain proteins. And they can do it successfully, if, of course, the right protein is used. But unfortunately, in this life, the right protein is not used. And so, because of that, these half-digested proteins are given off in the blood stream, and then they float around as toxins, lodging in the different tissues, and that causes trouble with hypertension, and many other things, which we will not go into. But the important point is this: that, if the kidneys would be allowed to regenerate, or, if God’s Power could have a chance, the kidneys will regenerate. But what happens? Well, people go on eating those things which have caused the kidney to break down and become obstructed. They go right on eating them, and, of course, the kidney cannot regenerate itself.
And so, Dr. Kempner found by using the right food, like a, a protein of rice – which was a hundred percent usable – he found that by so doing, the kidney would regenerate, and get back its normal function. Why? Because those poisons were not being continually fed to the kidney so it couldn’t regenerate, or, so God’s Power could not cause it to regenerate.
So realize that that first, that highly specialized tissue can regenerate, because, as we said in the beginning, that the vehicle is perfect in God’s Consciousness. But due to delusion has become impaired in function. But by allowing God’s Great Healing Power to flow, unobstructed, through us, regeneration can take place in all tissues of the body. Let us say that.
Yoga helps to remove those inhibitory forces so that the Great Regenerative Power of God’s Presence, His Light and His Love – Love is the greatest force in the universe – can allow the perfect pattern, which is in His Consciousness, to once more manifest. That’s why this yoga is so important. And we should know how to purify and sensitize our body’s, bodily vehicle, which includes its different tissues, it organs – both internal and external – that we express Divinity, which is why we are here; to express Divinity.
So, so much for the illustration that it can be done, and that God’s Power is Supreme. Any trouble in the body, that same force which caused different malformations in the body, can take them away, if we remove the inhibitions. That’s what yoga helps you to do. That’s why it is so important.
We took up the organ of sight, how it can be sensitized so that it will express Divinity. And so, tonight, we’ll go on with the Sense of Sight, just a little more. I remember, Master said, one time, “Those who meditate regularly, keep diving in the Presence of God within as the Holy Ghost, the Holy Vibration, will find that the vibration of the cells in the body changes; all the cells change, so that they vibrate at a different rate of vibration.” Part II Continues.
So, you can see, by the practice of yoga, which is directed towards the Sense of Sight, that the Sense of Sight will be quickened, so to speak, so that it can manifest Divinity, or express Divinity, because then it will register not just ordinary solar light, but it will register the Astral Light of the Kingdom of God, of which Jesus spoke. It will do that, because, this organ of sight has become atrophied. We’ll not go into the reasons why. It is enough that it has become atrophied.
Yoga Explained 10 – Sensitizing the Sight within Us – Part 2 Continues
Dr. M.W. Lewis Encinitas,
It is as if you have not used an arm or some portion of the body; it will atrophy. So our sight has atrophied.
But if you begin to use the arm again, it will once more grow and be useful. So, if we use our sight in the proper way, it will once more express the high vibrations, which it can certainly do by use. And that use is through the practice of yoga. Self-Realization Yoga, “Salvation Yoga” I like to call it, because that gives us the ways and the means to stimulate the Sense of Sight to receive Spiritual Light of God.
Now, these things are facts; there not just someone’s imagination. And all in this room, who have meditated regularly, will see that there has been, and is, a change in the Sense of Sight within them – there’s no question about it. And unless you do it yourself – you can understand words, of course – you’ll not know it as an experience until you allow the Great Light of the Infinite Father to flow in upon you, upon your Sense of Sight, and then you will see the Internal Kingdom of which Jesus spoke. You’ll not see it through the ordinary sense of sight; you’ll not associate with that sense of sight the accompanying senses of hearing, and smell, and taste, and feeling, but you will know it through the Sixth Sense of Intuition in which is complete in itself, and in all the senses, and especially, in the love of the One Father.
So much for what to do; and just in passing, if you keep your eyes focused on the Spiritual Light at this point [between the eyebrows], and allow the Light of the Infinite, the Astral Light, to completely fall upon that – day-in and day-out – then, you will see yourself, that you are seeing something you didn’t see before. You are responding to some Light within you that you never knew was there. In other words, you become, now, or you have the perception of, something which cannot be seen with these eyes [physical eyes] in ordinary focus. But easily within, especially if you can get rid of those things I have talked about – and, in the chance, we’ll come to them a little bit later – you will see the Lights coming, seemingly from nowhere.
In you is rising a different “sun.” Not the ordinary sun, but the Sun of Righteousness1 – the Astral Light of God. Now, these are facts. They sound good. But they sound good to you because your Soul knows that it is true. And if you practice, you will find it out. If you do not, you will not know.
So, realize that. And the more that we stimulate, so to speak, the more we stimulate the Sense of Sight within us, the more it twill respond to those high vibrations – if you stimulate it to the right vibration. If you stimulate to outward things of a gross nature, especially evil sights, and so forth, it will degenerate into that. But if you stimulate it with the highest vibrations within you, the Presence of God, Higher Great Light, then, it will give you all things. Because in that Light is God’s Consciousness; His Great Intelligence, if we can call it intelligence. Greatest of all, His Love is in that. And so, even by the Sense of Sight you can perceive the Presence of God. And, also, do it by the other senses – hearing, feeling, and so forth – and we’ll come to those later.
Now, there is a great inhibitory influence which we encounter as we try to bring up the Sense of Sight to register the Presence of God within. And that’s a very important thing. And the greatest inhibitory influence is, as I said, restlessness. All right, you will take me a picture where the camera is always moving. What kind of a picture will you get? You get a blurred picture. Lucky, if you can see it at all. Same thing happens within us. And so, the greatest inhibitory drawback to registering the Presence of God within to the Sense of Sight is the restlessness of the mind. That is a very important thing. That is the worst thing, because just as in the camera you will get a blurred picture.
And I remember, Master said, one time, he wrote from India, and he said, “Look steadily in the center of the light.” “Look steadily in the center of the light.” He was referring to the Light of the Spiritual Eye, at this point [the Christ Center]. He said look steadily in the center of it. Let me see you do it with a restless mind. It’s impossible. And so, those are his words. I wrote them down: “Look steadily in the center of the light.
This gives the devotee the greatest concentration and he receives [electronic garble] most light.” You know; the center of a magnifying glass? The greatest concentration is right in the center. So, if you look steadily in the center of this Presence of God, as Light within you, you will receive the most Power from it. And it is that Power, which changes your Sense of Sight. Not, nothing you can do; nothing I can do, except still the waves of the mind. But the “doing” is done by the Presence of God in Him…in the Light. “Not by works of righteousness are you saved, but by the washing and regeneration of the Holy Ghost,2” (Sic) or the Holy Vibration, an Aspect of which is Light, which you see at this point [the Spiritual Eye].
So, this thing is absolutely scientific. It’s not just a crack-pot idea. Yoga is scientific, and, if you practice it, you’ll find it out. If you do not, you will not know. So understand, that focusing God’s Light not only lays the devotee open to the Divine Light within, but to every Aspect of God, because in that Light is God’s Consciousness – Intelligence. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, the Word was God.3” The “Word” is the Holy Vibration and the Aspect of which is Sight.
Now, if you can see above, in front, behind, beneath, all around, through this Sight, this Universal Power of Sight, certainly God’s Feeling is there also – and Sound is there. Everything is there, because God is the Unity of Consciousness, there’s no duality. And in that Unity of Consciousness is His All-Pervading- Knowing, and His All-Pervading-Loving of His devotees. That’s the greatest thing, because the world is hard; the world is difficult. The only way that I have found, to be at all contented, is to take God with you as best you can in everything you do. Surely, He will not let His children down, no more than we let our children down. So is with God.
And so, let us remember, that when we focus the Presence of God as Light, we not only receive the Astral Light, we not only receive it, we also get the corresponding senses that go with it, or Astral Senses, or Heavenly Senses, whatever you want to call it. Because in that Light, is the Great Omniscience of God. As science has shown, all things come from light; all things resolve into light; and from light all this universe has been produced. Why? Because the Intelligence and Love of God is in the Light. So, when you see Light, don’t pass it aside – merge in it. Get hold of it, somehow. Think and feel the Calmness of God and you’ll know these words are true.
Now, one other point, or two, which I’d like to give you here; when you’ve focused the Light of God, the ordinary, conventional limitations are not there. But we can supersede those limitations, which we are used to, and focus the Astral Light of God. And, by so doing, what happens? Just like you grow – when you go to school when you’re young you grow – some grow faster than others, but, at least, we grow. So, your perception of God as Light grows. It increases, until finally, that Light is always with you.
Now, ordinarily, once in a while you see it, and you feel wonderful. But, if you persist, it’ll grow, because the Wholeness of God is in you, and in me, and in everyone. And when it grows, then, when you reach the point that His Light is always with you, no matter wherever you are, whenever you look, this great satisfaction comes, because you know that you are progressing. You know you are not standing still. And with that coming of the Light to be with you always, is His Great Love. That’s one of the greatest things.
For when you can see that Light, as you close your eyes, or as you look and see it, there’s a wonderful satisfaction. It’s a great thing, to know that God is there. You will know as you merge in it, more and more, because merging in the Light brings the Presence of God dynamic to your consciousness. So that’s the last thing to remember in this talk tonight, is that, after a time, His Great Light is Ever-visible. And you have a great confidence, as you realize there is something to yoga, and you know, finally, within your Soul, that someday, you’ll stand face-to-face in the Eternal Light of God’s Presence, which is everywhere.
So, in these few words, we have a great lesson, if you make God the Polestar of your life. And by that I mean, if you’ll always, in your moments, “The Golden Moments” I call them, during the day, and during the week, just make the contact with God; even though, perhaps, at first, you will not see the Light, get your consciousness there; and finally, it will come. And then when it, when you do make Him the Polestar, it will, without question of a doubt, always be with you, just like it guided the children of Israel – a cloud by day, the pillar of fire by night4. And so, we can sensitize the Sense of Sight within us. The greatest thing is that in sensitizing the Sight, we sensitize the Presence of God. That’s how we bring the Presence of God and make it dynamic to our consciousness.
have you read PartI (Important.)
think for tonight, that we have given ourselves, something to think about. I have a few references, which I think will interest you. First, from the Bible; to substantiate these truths, theoretically, so to speak, all through the power of feeling within you, but you will not substantiate them, empirically, until you get down to business and do yoga, practice yoga. Then, you will know through experience.
So first, from Exodus, Exodus the 13th Chapter, Exodus the 13th Chapter the 21st and 22nd Verse, we read as follows. This refers to what we were just talking about, the fact that the Presence of God is real, and will be real, if you make it so. It will, it will lead you, just like it leads all true devotees of God, and the children of Israel, when they had received the Spiritual Light through the intercession of Moses, then the same Light led them that leads every true devotee.
“And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night;” No time was left out with the Lord. And when you see the cloud of the Light in the daytime, you’ll know He’s with you, because His Intelligence is in you. And, also, the same with the light when the way is dark or the solar light has passed away. The Light of God never sets. That’s one great thing.
Then it says that: “He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.” And so, if you work a little bit, practice yoga, feeling the Love of God within you, wanting Him and Him Alone, nothing else; I know that He will give you that Light. It will be with you every place you go. You’re never alone. You have to recognize, on seeing the Light, that the Presence of God is there. If you can do that, you’re never alone. And so, if you have any difficulties, or any problems, look there [at the Christ Center] – Light or no Light – look there! Give them to God to lead you the right way. You cannot fail.
now, we have another one, another reference, in Psalms, Psalms, the 27th Psalm, 1st Verse…27th Psalm, 1st Verse. This gives us great strength. But you must, through meditation, realize these things. Otherwise, you will not feel the impact of His Power with you. “The Lord is my light and my salvation…” That proves what I have said. In that Light which you see is the Presence of God. How could all things come from the Light, if His Presence were not there? Now when realized that, when you see the Light, then you’ll know what the Psalmist meant.
So, “The Lord is my light and my salvation…” Salvation from what? From this duality of uncertainty where you cannot depend upon a thing. Every time you lift you eyes to the Presence of God you can depend, fully, on Him. That’s the difference. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” “I will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed in me…5” (Sic) Or we might add, “I will keep him in perfect peace who can see my Light; who knows that in that Light is My Presence.”
and finally, the last, the last reference from the Bible, is Isaiah, Isaiah the 58th Verse, the 8th, the 58th Verse, the 8th …the 58th Chapter the 8th Verse. This is, this is most wonderful. And it is so, and all who meditate in this room will tell you the same thing. It says: “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy health shall spring forth speedily…” Even though you have a diseased body, makes no difference. You’re in God’s Presence, now. Because in is His Great Presence even ill health must go. “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall be before thee; and the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.” Could we ask for anything more than to know consciously the Presence of God? It’s a wonderful lesson – Isaiah the 58th Chapter the 8th Verse.
And now, a reference from the Bhagavad Gita6 to show you that these truths are Universal. No matter who practices yoga, they will find the same truth. And so, in the Bhagavad Gita the 15th Discourse the 6th Line, speaking about the Sense of Sight, which has been stimulated and aroused, so to speak, by contacting the Light of God, it says: “Nor doth the sun lighten there, nor the moon, nor fire; having gone thither they return not; that is My supreme abode.” Of course, this refers to the, the overall Light. But the Light of the Sense of Sight is an Aspect of that Light. That shows the Presence of God is in it. “…that is My supreme abode.” Sun of Righteousness, in the kingdom of which Jesus spoke.
Finally, from Master’s Autobiography of a Yogi7 in which we speak about the Hindu philosophies; those of you who would like to read it, you can refer to page 280 and 281. This speaks about being in the Presence of Light, the Eternal Light of God. God is Light. In Him there is no darkness. The Sun never sets in the Presence of God. And that is literally, not a figure of speech. The Light of God never sets, if he once gives that to you.
Master says: “A dazzling play of light filled the whole horizon. A soft rumbling vibration formed itself into words…“ The “rumbling vibration” is the Om Sound, the Holy Vibration in which all vibration is found. “…A soft rumbling vibration formed itself into words: ‘What has life or death to do with light? In the image of My light I have made you…’” and that’s each one of us. Receiving the Light of God you’ll know there is no death there. “’The relativities of life and death belong to the cosmic dream. Behold your dreamless being! Awake, My child, awake!’”
So yoga is worth practicing. Yoga is wonderful. Those who do it will find out the truth of this ancient science of yoga.
Yoga Explained 10 – Sensitizing the Sight within Us – Part 2
Dr. M.W. Lewis Encinitas, 1959
The start of part 2
…what will be is just a little bit, though so many come from quite a distance, and as we meditate during the healing service, I think we can do it then. There’s a little time in the beginning. And I’d like to have you, here, comments on the little change, I’d be happy to receive them; try to please you all.
So, going on with our subject “Yoga Explained,” which we took up last time, especially on the subject of, through yoga Spiritualizing and Sensitizing this bodily vehicle that we can express Divinity. We know, in worldly living, that we do not express Divinity; that is all the time. We also note, from the testimony of the great saints, that those who meditate and tune their consciousness with the Presence of God within, will gradually vibrate with the same rate of Consciousness, or speed, if you want to call it that, which the great ones, which the saints, and which the Presence of God in us does vibrate. These are facts and we should not forget them.
So, purifying this bodily vehicle so that it expresses Divinity means, by some method, and, of course, through yoga, to sensitize this body, so that the Presence of God can manifest through us – fully and completely.
Now, the bodily vehicle is made up of different organs, as you know – and muscles, different tissues, internal organs, the systems – well, behind that is One Consciousness, which has made the body, and which directs it. And that is the Consciousness of the Presence of God within us. That Consciousness can express, of course, Divinity, because it is Divinity, and we being made in the Image of God can express Divinity, without question of a doubt, “if we tune our radio,” as the Master used to say, “to the Presence of God within us.”
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1 Malachi 4:2, “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”
2 Titus 3:5, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
3 St. John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
4 Exodus 13:22, “And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:”
5 Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee.”
6 The Bhagavad Gita or The Lord’s Song, Translated by Dr. Annie Besant, 1939