Protocol For Friendly and Unfriendly Co-Workers

Do not discuss anything personal with your co-workers, especially about your income, home life and personal beliefs (religion, politics, etc.) It is okay to discuss general things, such as current events. You will see that when disputes arise your co-workers are not your friends. When you are working with your co-workers be aloof and cautious; ..
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Karma and Your Money

Here are never revealed secrets for success. Many people think all they need to make money is to be smart, wrong. While the majority of wealthy people are smart, a combination of other factors comes into play. If you take several thousand money-oriented men, one unswervingly pursues wealth! Out of these unwavering pursuers, only a ..
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Are You A Spiritual Orphan and Don’t Know It?

Some are destined to live in times of social upheaval, unemployment, terrorism or war, are victims of a painful destiny unable to find peace in the past or comfort in the current time. These are the spiritual orphans of the world. There are those who know there is more to the meaning of life than ..
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What Kind of Yoga Leads You To Self Realization?

There are different phases and types of Yoga. For those of you in `Rio Linda` by definition yoga means Union, there is Jnana Yoga the Yoga of Knowledge or Wisdom. This is the most difficult path, requiring strength of will and intellect, Hathayoga the bodily activity for perfection of the body. In the practice of ..
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For Meditators Only How To Advance Spiritually

Those who meditate regularly without striving to calm the restless breath or control the life force or vital essence often find insurmountable difficulties on the spiritual path. There are some misconceptions on the subject of pranayama. The science of pranayama has been miss-translated countless times as holding the breath. Prana means energy and yama means ..
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LISTEN 20 Talks From Turiyananda Himself

A guide to motivate you in becoming the architect of your future in preparing for your destiny. The various principles revealed here will completely modify your subconscious influences in playing the proper script of your life on the stage of time and space…..Talks, Meditation & Satsanga Talks-Karma.

At Death’s Door The Monk Says

         We’re lying on our bed in our home, surrounded by our loved ones.  It’s our last hour in this incarnation.  We are aware of our breath slowing down, our heartbeat slowing down, down, down.  Little by little we feel our life force withdrawing into the spine disconnecting the senses–an extremely pleasant ..
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How To Measure Your Own Self-realization

Most people measure their intellectual progress by the degree one obtains when finishing their school or college career. When a person grows fat or skinny they can tell how much by weighing themselves. In growing stronger or weaker physically, you can test your muscles by lifting weights; however it is not that easy to measure ..
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Are You Over Sensitive and Touchy from Criticism & Barbs

What is the psychology of touchiness? Touchiness itself is a thought of being insulted that runs through our minds, from which our nervous system rebels in opposition against it. There is an art to not being touchy and over-sensitive. Mastering it is an important development for your spiritual progress. Those who are spiritually sensitive are ..
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A Warning From Turiyananda For Those On The Path

For those on the spiritual path do not think you have amnesty because you are in this world and seeking God is a vocation for monks and nuns and you don’t have to abide by the laws which the monks and nuns have to live by. Guess again. The masters have come here to tell ..
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Your Last Day On Earth Are You Prepared For Your Next Incarnation?

If this worries you it means that you did not finish your earthly schooling and failed in all the grades of mental, physical, and spiritual unfoldment. Then what is the cause of your failure? Just so you know reincarnation is non-compulsory unless you make it so. When you realize the trouble that goes along with ..
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For Advanced Thinkers Have Your Senses Deceived You?

The bee loves the fragrance of the lotus flower and forgetting sits in his grave while the petals close in on him to its death. The male elephant is lured by his love for sense of touch right into the trap of the tamed she-elephant. How the fish love the water and its taste and ..
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Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden…Found By Dr. M.W. Lewis 4-19-53. Who hasn’t thought about Nirvana? Garden of Eden Rediscovered Is Now Revealed Paramahansa Yogananda has passed down the location to his disciples exactly where the Garden of Eden is. Some call it Shangri-La, Heavenly Abode, Liberation, Utopia, Enlightenment, Paradise, Salvation, Nirvana, Ecstasy, and those in Rio Linda ..
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Getting Over Stage Fright 8 Reasons Why Not

It is so ridiculous to let stage fright or first night jitters overcome or get the better of you. When you are speaking or performing hide every sign of stage fright as it never existed and try your utmost. Remember mixing with weak minded people causes inferiority complexes. Try to avoid these type of people. ..
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Red Alert-Updated-Are you Prepared?

Are You Prepared for a RED ALERT? Important Executive Summary: Read from 1 To 7 before you decide. 1.PREPARE FOR COMMS DOWN/LIGHTS OUT… Within the short term, we face a very high possibility of an intentional “comms down” scenario where all communications in the US – No cell service, no internet, no land lines. A ..
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Do You Know What American Exceptionalism Is?

It’s not because we are better people, for those of you in Rio Linda that’s not what American exceptionalism is. The United States is exceptional because the Constitution of this country limits what government can do and it is the first nation in the history of mankind which constructed itself around the premise that the ..
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February Updates…….If You Are Reluctant To Get The Covid-19 Vaccine/Booster There Is A New Cure…..NOW…. UPDATED….. Important Or If You Have Been Vaxed

If you are reluctant to get the Covid vaccine, (yes) there is a new cure for Covid and all the Variants that is now being issued by the front line doctors get Ivermectin with D-3 and zinc. Ivermectin is a simple inexpensive pill that is available at all pharmacies. You can use it as a ..
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SECRETS OF YOGA from Detroit’s Mr. Black and India’s Yogananda ~

Paramahansa Yogananda and J. Oliver Black, Los Angeles, 1946 This article appeared on July 10,1966, in “Detroit,” weekly magazine published by “Detroit Free Press,” Michigan (excerpts) There is a new kind of man in the sphere of the . . . mystics in loincloths. He is J. Oliver Black, a great American yogi. He conducts ..
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Is Your Kundalini Awakening Classify Yourself Now

There is no salvation possible without the kundalini awakening. What does that mean? For those of you in Rio Linda it is the reversing or lifting up of the spiral current and in this case, the coiled life-force in the spine. The lesson students have been warned to do things in moderation given the greatest ..
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Meditators Only… Is Your Vibration High Enough To Enter The Higher Regions Of the Astral Heavens?

The sum total of everything you have done, has made you vibrate in a certain way, and you will be drawn magnetically in various degrees of divine light that you can stand and absorb. How much spiritual light can you absorb in you body? Therefore, your passport will be your vibration at the end of ..
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Karma and Your Physical Appearance

Are you happy with the way you look? Do you think for one minute that your physical looks and body was designed by God alone? No my friend, you have contributed much work on it. With wrong thoughts and actions you will see faces that reflect much cruelty and bad actions. You see your appearance ..
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The Awful Fate Of Those With Wicked Karma

  Have you convinced yourself that you utterly refuse to be treated the same way a human animal is and you will not be bound by the sluggish progress of natural evolution. If you don’t you are gambling that destiny will guide your life and you will never become a master of yourself in life ..
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The Bangle… Get One If You Can

The Master gave Rajasi a bangle on Christmas of 1937 as a physical, mental, and spiritual protection. The bangle came off easily and he was afraid it would drop into the ocean and get lost. Therefore, he took it off, not knowing the danger it subjected him to. I told Master of this, and he ..
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Paramhansa Yogananda’s Techniques On How To Heal From Him 1925 Another Method of Healing

Paramhansa Yogananda’s Techniques: What You Don’t Know About Healing. When doing the Recharging Exercises, invoke a reverential feeling. God Himself has given these exercises to Guru. You are to be embraced by God as Christ Energy. Sit erect. Gently tense and relax the whole body. Calm yourself. Touch the medulla once, in order to make ..
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Outwitting Satan

Subject this morning is “Outwitting Satan.”  Dr. M.W. Lewis San Diego, 7-3-55 Master: “A time will come when it will seem, that Satan will take over, but God can’t be mocked. He will have the last word!!!.” We should get in a defiant mood now!   Satan, without question, is an organized force – great force ..
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A Life Saving Message For Those Approaching Middle Age

There is a message to all of you who are middle age and to those of you younger to heed this message as a clear forewarning. Going into the second part of your life is the most important part of your life. Because you shall be reborn in your next incarnation with the state of ..
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There’s a lot of circumstances in Webster’s life that support linking him to Guruji.  In one of the published talks, Guruji says he incarnated and was a lawyer before he incarnated as Yogananda.  Picking through the noble minded lawyers in the past few hundred years comes down to a very few.  William Penn and of ..
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Penetrating The Spiritual Eye 1,000 Kriyas Dr. Lewis and New Bio of Dr. Lewis

Just Released Bio of Dr. Lewis Paramahansa Yogananda and Dr. Lewis at Lookout Point Dr. Lewis – Accomplished Yogi, Devoted Disciple and Householder Dr. Lewis was a very close disciple and friend to the great guru Paramahansa Yogananda. From the day Doctor met Master in Boston on Christmas Eve, 1920 (when he became the first ..
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Mainstream Media Exposed Exposed as The Evil Spirit

Dear Saints and Leaders, On the night of May 30th, while praying and pacing over the United States in my home around 2 am, a demonic entity appeared right before me in an open vision. This type of encounter has only ever happened one other time while I was ministering in a foreign country in ..
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New..Dr. M. W. Lewis Talks

Minister of SRF for many years and Vice President from 1946 until his passing in 1060. These talks courtesy of Brenda Lewis Rosser. Daughter and worked for Master at Mother Center and she was called Brendoo when she was little. Master lived with them for 3 yrs at which time she was 2, 3, 4 ..
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This Is Bhaktananda Live In Hollywood Temple

BHAKTANANDA Listen: Who Made God, Why Saints Come, How To Deepen Your Medition, Power of Thought, Karma, Meditation Perception of God, Reinincarnation and more. He entered the ashrams of Paramahansa Yogananda in 1939; for sixty-six years he was known for his exemplary life of simplicity and his devotion and dedicated service to Guru and God. ..
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A Forerunner of The New Race By Tara Mata

A Forerunner of The New Race By Tara Mata- (An actual experience in her life) and 1933 Predictions THOSE who have read Doctor Bucke’s Cosmic Consciousness and Edward Carpenter’s Towards Democracy know that these authors believe that Cosmic Consciousness is a natural faculty of man, and that a future race of men on this earth ..
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Do You See The Light At The Point Between The Eyebrows?

When the two currents come together at the point between the eyebrows they become one. When you meditate do you see any light? Most of us see only darkness, complete darkness, that’s the Kali Yuga state. What does that mean? We all have cosmic light ever present at the point between the eyebrows. Each time ..
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When Marriage Must Be Avoided The Hidden Cause of Divorce

The low information spiritually illiterate may find this depressing. You may classify yourself. Couples under the hallucinogenic influence of emotion and passion make the impossible promises of eternal love. When they leave their bodies the sun shines over their bones in their graves along with the eternal promises they made to each other. Human love ..
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What Every Woman Should Know The Karmic Consequences of Abortion Or Conception

There are four stages of life that begins at conception. The first stage is the very second the spermatozoon of the father fuses with the ovum of the mother. The second is a large flash of light in the astral plane. The third stage is where the soul enters into that vehicle of light and ..
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A Karmic Warning For Astrologers, Psychics, Palm and Tarot Readers

Astrologers take notice. There are several ways of divining the future with variable dependability. You may foretell a person’s future by astrology, by observing his character, the tarot, palm readings or by retracing his past lives. Individuals with ordinary insight may only partly foretell the actions of a person by using the inferential and observational ..
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Turiyananda Says Will Your Passport At Death Have A Visa To The Astral World Or The Death Sleep?

This is the message from Turiyananda. There are various states of consciousness acquired during your life on earth which will be your passport to where you will be going to be located in the astral world; that is the sum total of everything you have done, has made you vibrate in a certain way, and ..
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Are You Being Prejudged At Work By Your Appearance?

An attractive woman is sitting alone having a cup of coffee. A man with a kind face walks by and in noticing her thinks to himself, “She is probably waiting for her son or daughter.” The sociable type of person walks by and thinks, “She is probably waiting for her friend.” As the sensual man ..
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Just As The Physically Deceased Are Dead The Spiritually Dead Are Just As Dead and Don’t Know It

When one is really alive one is conscious of his true self, he is really living. Otherwise the body is a tomb that encases the soul and buried as if dead awaiting resurrection. The great masters and yogis are souls walking with a body (aware of their divine nature) and we are bodies walking with ..
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Turiyananda Tells Us The Karmic Consequences For Recreational Marijuana Use

You have no idea, even when you see a doctor and he tells you that even occasional use may not affect you; that is simply not true because behind it there is a lot of power which you are not aware of. Anything you take that dulls the senses or anesthetizes the brain opens the ..
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Dr. Lewis’s Private Lectures To The Monks 1950’s Part II Updated

Your Place in Life Dr. M.W. Lewis San Diego, 7-13-58 Our subject this morning:  “Your Place in Life,” “Your Place in Life.” Your part in life played as God wants you to play it, that you express Divinity, is your mission in life.  In that one sentence you can find your answer to this subject, ..
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Dr. Lewis’s Lectures Given To The Monks 1950’s….How To Stay Young…. World’s End When?…..The Art of Healing….Can the Saints Help Us?

These lectures are the ones given only to the monks as Dr. Lewis was in charge of them while VP of SRF.  His young audience included Brother’s:  Dharmananda, Bhaktananda, Anandamoy, etc……  Finally after many requests Dr. gave and recorded these precious advanced lectures to a few lay-disciples at the Hermitage in Encinitas.  Thus we have ..
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Are You Disappointed Because You Don’t Feel the Presence Of God How Do You Know If You Have Found God?

Don’t think because you are feeling a dry state that one hasn’t enough devotion. Why should you bother yourself because He is not showing Himself to you?  When you feel this way think how long you have ignored Him! Remember God chooses those who choose Him. You must meditate more and go much deeper. In ..
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Karmic Consequences For Suicide

Committing suicide is an extremely grave and fateful spiritual crime. Dim minded people who foolishly hope by ending their life to get away from the miserable burdens of their bad karma have another thing coming; suicide multiplies their karmic burdens by fueling it instead of removing it. Those individuals who have left their bodies in ..
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Prying Into Past Lives

How would you like to find out who have you been and who you have turned out to be now and what your current karmic conditions are? Some of you have been told you were royalty in past lives and run to psychics, clairvoyants, fortune-tellers and astrologers to gather information on your past-lives and some ..
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At What Age Do Parents Introduce The Path Of Spirituality Religion Or Yoga To Their Children?

When a baby grows up the time comes when it has to exercise reason to protect himself. If he misuses his reason an evil outcome is precipitated and if guided rightly by good judgment the growing individual becomes happy. Be careful, when your children gain knowledge only through the so-called information superhighway of intellectual smartness, ..
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The Falling Angels

What are falling angels? They are evil beings who dwell in gloomed drenched regions of the lower astral cosmos working out their evil karma in the nether regions of dark astral worlds in base natures in vile conditions that are primarily dominated by manifestations of evil and they appear from time to time on our ..
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Yogananda’s Hidden Parables A Message To Enlightenment

Jesus wasn’t the only Master who spoke in parables I will explain. Why do you think Jesus spoke in parables?  His disciples asked him why and he said, “You are advanced in spiritual thought and receptive and the enlarged cup of your comprehension can grasp the oceanic expositions of truth from my own realizations. But ..
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Has The Karmic Seeds In Your Subconscious Mind Predestined You To Failure

For the mass consciousness of people everything is already pre-programmed and pre-written. There are millions of people on this earth who keep bringing unconsciously upon themselves all kinds of unpleasant incidents, and invite disaster or failure by the power of their own thoughts and set feelings, and they ignorantly blame some imaginary external factor, such ..
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Earthbound Astral Beings Trying To..

They are astral beings who are earthbound because of their attachments and strong material urges desirous to return to a physical form and roam around in the ether to satisfy their need for sense pleasures. The spiritual master says there are some tramp souls who take possession of someone’s mind and body but only of ..
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Saturday, March 27, 1937 Encinitas Hermitage The Master Says…

Those present were, Margaret Lancaster, Laurie Pratt, Virginia Wright, Margaret Wood and Faye Wright.  To this group Swamiji speaks of the incarnation following our next  existence which, according to Virginia Wright and Florina Darling (Durga) to whom it was told, will be on the planet were Swamiji’s Master, Sri Yukteswarji now exists. According to Swamiji, ..
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Are You Clairvoyant Have You Seen Glimpses of The Fourth Dimension?

All of the happenings on earth including previous and future events as well as human earthy affairs leave vibratory images in the ether. Those who posses a slight amount of psychic ability or power who have a sensitivity may tune in and see visual images or mental visions and is called clairvoyance. This is only ..
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The Universe Is Acting Very Suspicious.

The Universe Is Acting Very Suspicious. Past, present and future are being enacted in one entire colossal finite screen. Long before anyone in the western world could understand the concept Albert Einstein said our entire universe is finite and floating in the absolute. The very foundation of the universe and everything in it rests upon ..
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How To Immediately Overcomes The Stress Of A Loss…. For Meditators Only……

Do you have the yo-yo syndrome with your emotions when you have a loss? What about with a big win? Emotions are like a moving pendulum with most people. Why? Because pleasure comes with a fulfilled desire and sorrow comes with a unfulfilled desire that is not satisfied. How many times do you have to ..
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Not All Prayers Are Answered Why? What’s Next?

When in trouble, some automatically pray to an unknown God and expect relief. If he is freed from this trouble, even incidentally, he thinks his prayers were answered and heard and responded to by God. However should his prayer request remain ungranted, he becomes confused and begins to lose faith in God. A vagrant panhandler ..
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The After Death Experience

When one finds himself at death’s gate, he will be reviewing in a blaze all habits and desires of his whole life. So quickly he will be overwhelmed by one desire or feeling that will be in accordance with his life’s character. He might have feelings predominantly happy for doing good deeds or guilty for ..
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Playing With Karmic Fire

  Anything you take that dulls the senses or anesthetizes the brain will alter your genetic code. Your astral blueprints will then be tainted before your next birth. There is mathematical exactitude in all the genetic code people are reborn with. You may be reborn into a family where a specific chromosome is reactivated to ..
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Why Miracles Are Only In The Eyes Of The Beholder For Advanced Thinkers

  Our senses deceive us because they tell just the most superficial properties of matter. The senses do not tell the truth and if they did you would see this planet as glaciers and rivers of electrons moving as a mass of light and these atoms can be manipulated by mind stuff. Why did Albert ..
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Why Mediocre Teachers Of Yoga Meditation Are Necessary

  Your specific development will draw you to a specific teacher. The worst teachers of yoga-meditation whom we criticize today have their role. Everything sub serves a divine purpose from the lowest to the highest teacher, however hopeful aspirants’ and un-awakend souls cannot expect to have their appointed master, sage or guru guiding light to ..
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How To Enter Into A High State Of Consciousnes For Meditators Only

There is a tremendous intensity of dedication requested to those who are taking this path. This path is for stark souls who have had enough of dragging their feet and are willing and dedicated to gradually give more and more to transform themselves. There are some misconceptions on the subject of pranayama and strategy. As ..
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Break The Endless Cycle Of Reincarnation With A Guru

And save your soul from thousands of future incarnations.The guru knows the secret thoughts of men and is able to manipulate certain mechanical features of the laws of karma which can be skillfully adjusted by his fingers of wisdom and a true guru is the only one that is able to do this. There are ..
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Spiritual Eye

Which aspect of God are you looking for? First we have the aspect of God in creation that is cosmic intelligence which created the world and the entire universe without form with His infinite intelligence. He permeated every atom of creation with this intelligence. But that intelligence which is in our brain and mind pertains ..
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Eastern VS Western Karma Whose Right

There is also the Western and Eastern approach to development. The Western way is pumping the volumes of books and ideas into the mind. The Eastern way is by  increasing the intuitive ability to perceive truth and knowledge. There are two ways to study karma, the Eastern and the Western way. In the West your ..
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Can Bad Karma Be Erased, Forgiven Or Expunged?

When criminals break the laws of the land, they are condemned and sentenced accordingly to what is required by the provisions of the laws that were broken. But the president of the country or the governor of the state is empowered in mitigating circumstances to let the lawbreaker off with a lighter sentence or to ..
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The Elements of Pain And Suffering?

There are those who have been painfully dragging their bodies around all day long and want freedom from pain in their consciousness. Realization comes with a price; it is giving the time necessary to their development. These words I am bringing to you come from the teachings of a great master, a yogi from India ..
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The Big Joke About Evolution It’s Not What You Think

Evolution Is Only A Suggestion From God The master tells us everything in the big screen past, present and future all exists simultaneously for evolution is only a suggestion from God. The soul does not evolve through evolution, it is gradually reawakened through a process of first coming down from cosmic consciousness into mineral, vegetable ..
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